I wonder if Midoki know the meaning of “soon”?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Taipanfan, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. Broadside

    Broadside Crew

    Oddly I would have assumed you're always working towards updates and that the announcement of ph12 says it's very imminent (is being tested). Coming Soon (in the urban dictionary sense) isn't very reassuring. And if work only started when it was announced, that's virtually reason for us to panic: it's either a very long wait or a rushed release. Either way I'm nearly out of gems and need to make the hard call soon. Spend some real cash so I can keep the fishies tipsy on excess grog, or... Hmmmm...
    MorganFlint and Taipanfan like this.
  2. Taipanfan

    Taipanfan First Mate

    Hooray, PH12 coming SOON......... AGAIN!
    Why re-announce the the March announcement with the same news in May? Why not just release the update?
    I guess the log reads better as the March announcement no longer exists.

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