Making 100% is harder.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ebow, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. awbo

    awbo Captain

  2. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Ya, and on that replay how does he go straight into the path of the GP and not get totally destroyed??? I've never, I mean never been able to take a base by going hog wild into the path of the GP, my troops all end up toast
    Ebow likes this.
  3. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Getting 100% should be hard.
    Nothing has changed other than the layouts people use.
    There isn't one that is impenetrable now - 1 is almost guaranteed even if you just spray and pray.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  4. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate


    My last 2 days...
    Imagine if it were even easier?
    These are bases right at the top, all of them maxed or near maxed. The troops I use are maxed.

    Meanwhile, my defence is atrocious.
    Pink Taco likes this.
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Well, he's sending in high/max level Juggernauts, Ghastly Gunners, Skellywags and Heavy Gunners, all of whom are tough troops (the Ghastly Gunners have the lowest toughness, which is reflected by them dying first), alongside two high-level/max Witch Doctors who will mitigate a lot of the damage.

    High level Juggs are immune to splash damage, so can bimble into the path of Ground Pounders and Mortars with wild abandon, but still have to be wary of the Cannons, Bunkers and Gun Towers. The Ghastly Gunners will prioritise defences over other nearby objects though, so they're handy for taking those down whilst the Juggs soak the splash damage weapons. The Heavy Gunners have huge range, so can stay well back out of the line of fire, and, with Ching Shih and the Skellywags*, will also focus on the defences.

    He's also got a couple of high-level/max priestesses in there, who he uses for shutting down the defences, giving the damage dealers some breathing space and time to take down the rest of the defences. I imagine that he'll also have active max level guild perks, including Blacksmith (increases DPS of the crew) and Training Ground (increases Toughness of the crew).

    We can deny it, because literally nothing has changed over the last few weeks! I repeat, nothing has changed over the last few weeks!

    The Toughness, Skills and Abilities of most of the regular pirates and Legendary Pirates haven't changed recently - the only recent change is that bombers had their Wallbreaker skill buffed (so it's easier for them to break through walls) in the last big update in February, and the remainder of the PH 10 upgrades were added. That change, and any other changes that have been made in the past have been listed in the release notes, which can be read both in the AppStore/Play Store notes and on the forum. 'Big' changes, such as the Heavy Gunner and Priestess getting buffed last year, get their own news posts. We've never nerfed a unit.

    The power and toughness of the defences hasn't changed recently.

    Neither pirate nor defence AI has changed in many, many months (last one was the Witch Doctor being reverted back to its original pre-1.9 AI).

    There's a lot of stuff to bear in mind when attacking a base, other than the level and layout of an island:
    • What Guild Perks do they have active, and what level are they? If they've got a max level Stonemason active, that will add considerably to the difficulty in breaking through the walls. You can tell if it's active if it's animating, picking up the rocks with its claw.
    • What Legendary Pirate is defending, and what level are they? Is the Fort placed appropriately to best apply those defensive buffs? A Legendary Pirates such as Sadie and Romeo have the wall buffing skill, so that will make breaking through harder - especially the higher level they are. Others buff various defences, which will take down your troops faster if you're not careful.
    • What Guild Perks do you have active, and what level are they? Fighting with the Training Ground or Blacksmith down will lead to different results from fighting with them active - your troops will take stuff down faster, and last longer.
    * Ching Shih and the Skellywags would be a great name for a band.
    850arrr and Skye like this.
  6. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Thanks for the breakdown! I guess I need to max out my Juggs who are currently lacking a little being only at max academy 8 levels at the moment while most of my other troops are close to max academy 9.
  7. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    In other words, "Tuesday." (Love ya deary...)
  8. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    So I found that my fully maxed (academy 9) gunner, bomber, heavy gunner, witch doctor and almost maxed jugg with all guild perks plus LP can barely get one star on a max ph10 base in the 500-600's. They just get chewed to bits by the defenses and the wild bomber AI on max walls is plain stupid, sheesh. That's fine I guess, so I have dropped my rank to the 300-400's and have found it much easier to plunder for rumbles and also farm the collectors as well.
  9. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Do you find that others 3 star you?
    Ask your guild mates for replays on 3 star attacks or failed defences.
    Change your layout to a base you find impossible to beat and watch how others 3 star you.
    850arrr and Skye like this.
  10. Pink Taco

    Pink Taco Captain

    I had literally just changed my layout and you 3 starred me!! Lol...made me have to change it again!! Thanks for sharing!! Lol :p
    850arrr and Skye like this.
  11. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    No, it's rare that I get three starred even when I am in the 700's and my base isn't the typical angle type BS either. I get attacked a lot (basically mins after shield is off) because the layout looks easy but having max defenses I guess is what makes it work.

    My guild mates share the same problem as me during attacks. We've sworn off max ph10 bases, they just don't warrant three stars. Funny thing is, couple weeks ago i was killing it up in the 600's and 700's but not this week, not even remotely close. I've given up on them because I loose so terribly, it's very frustrating to say the least. Christy mentioned one of her crew leaving the game because of this and I won't lie, that same thought crossed my mind after the n'th loss trying to figure what the hell was going on. But dropping rank has made it easier so for now it's all I can do.

    Thanks for the tips, with the newly coming base layout save feature, I can try some different designs like you suggested. Though if people can't three star my current lame layout, I don't know how I would either.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  12. Dutchie

    Dutchie First Mate

    I love a good conspiracy theory I do and I do have the odd day where I raid like a donkey and couldn't hit a cow's backside with a banjo but today was something else... Coincidence or is it just an electronic form of mass hysteria... o_O
    850arrr likes this.
  13. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    It's funny that I just seen this thread, last 2 days I've seen people say they're struggling in battles they would usually win. I though so too, the only thing I noticed was I thought my crew were doing less damage, they seemed to be taking longer dropping buildings, probably my imagination.

    What everyone is noticing is probably due to Fort boosts being larger now, everyone will be getting their LP's up at high levels & giving bigger boosts.
  14. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Except that its the first building I take down, eliminating said Boost.
    HornyQuokka and Cocobean like this.
  15. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    I am happy to report that getting 100% is just as easy in 2.6.0 as it was before.
    John56, awbo, SitFlyer_ and 1 other person like this.
  16. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    850arrr and HornyQuokka like this.

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