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Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Resarf, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. We've made requests for guild ship quite fun. "Any unruly pirates sullying your tavern? Send 'em my way!" "Party pack for the party barge please?" "Fly boys, gratzi!" "Go-go power raiders"...we have a very, VERY creative group. I think most guild ship users have caught on to check if specific requests, be kind & gracious helps too ;)

    As to chat, having a secondary chat option can help ease the social aspect (a la Line or Groupme). Change can be a little difficult, adaptation can be good! Plunder on!

    Now if only I could get canons mounted on my party barge...:p
  2. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Hi Darke enjoyed my visit last night hope you are well...:p
  3. @ Floki: You dropped a shield on your visit. Hope you don't mind I went ahead & used it ;)

    Doing well, thanks! :)
    Raptelan likes this.
  4. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    On second thought, I think the request messages should disappear from the chat log as soon as they are filled. It doesn't matter so much while watching the chat actively, but it does reduce the already exceedingly linited buffer of 32. And they have no value once filled. Interestingly though, old requests DO disappear if the same person makes a second request while their first is still in the log.
    Darke Shadow likes this.
  5. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Oh good always nice to leave something behind that is useful ...many of your guild mates will drop shields for me in the next week or so....They do so love

    Glad to hear its all going well.
  6. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I think A lot of guilds never had the fun filled chats like we do in our guild @Floki :) So can't miss what you never had. So troop requests are sadly considered fun chat :eek:
    Floki likes this.
  7. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Eh, they can be a part of fun chat with surrounding conversation, not fun chat on their own. People usually request troops in context of conversation, not just out of the blue. I feel that is why they help encourage chat, though there is no value in filled requests lingering in the log.
    Christy likes this.
  8. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Agreed. Even if they just disappeared after they were filled would be fine. Having only 32 chat lines, the fun conversation or the shared replays get buried even faster now :-/
    Raptelan likes this.
  9. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    That's exactly what I would like! And a chat buffer of at least 100 messages. And the ability to send a custom notification text with a nudge... Ahh want this, want that, I'm so needy!
    Christy likes this.

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