New ARABIC Legendary pirate

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by kingharry2010, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Well it does make sense that Midoki favours Chinese custoners as they spend alot of money on it to support the game.
  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    thts what i meant...good for chinese and midoki, not for others thow!
  3. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    How isn't it good for the others? If the Chinese didn't spend insane amounts of money Midoki won't be where they are today. Where would Plunder Pirates be without the supporting Chinese...
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  4. Kawika

    Kawika Crew

    Um, thanks for speeding up the update for us there "Mr. Liu" :D
    Danny Liu likes this.
  5. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Hehehe I don't spend money on gems. But i'll be sure to pass this to my superiors.
    And what Im really wondering about is what Sak said; How do the Chinese PLayers effect us negatively
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  6. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    They don't. As long as they haven't hacked the game and are playing within game mechanics then all that they have done is play smarter, be more united, and exposed weaknesses and exploits in the game. Furthermore, Chinese New Year is a great thing to celebrate. Where were the complaints for Christmas? That's what I thought. It'd be better for people to accept how a global economy works and to not jump into insinuating fingers against the Chinese.
    donkeykilla likes this.
  7. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    i will be waiting for that arabic pirate in coming ramadan in the middle of this year
  8. TBird

    TBird Captain

    June 17-July 17
    SaK likes this.
  9. Vince

    Vince First Mate

    I would like a french legendary pirate as well

    The power of the baguette :D
    SaK likes this.
  10. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    midoki wont make any pirate wiithout any in which festivals of french u would like to see that pirate?like that Chinese girl in CNY.
  11. Vince

    Vince First Mate

    lol …
    SaK likes this.
  12. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    Oruç Reis was a famous pirate in the 15th century. He's Turkish so maybe more Persian than Arab but I think would fit an "arabic" style pirate.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015

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