Observatory isn't worth it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rocky, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Rocky

    Rocky Powder Monkey

    Hi Midoki,

    Hopefully you will reconsider the Observatory perk. Currently, it's just plain not worth contributing to.
    Given that it takes much more time it takes to earn BP and at 50BP per 5% it's not worth using. I can hazard a guess that most guilds don't have that perk funded.

    Why is it that it requires BP to fund vs EP? It's to reduce exploration time...

    Secondly, -10% isn't a whole lot.
  2. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    I think the Observatory is really there just for the final 10-15% of exploration. Then it likely matters as the voyage would take you over 12 hours. By that time you should have gobs of BP.
  3. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Agreed, once EP is useless you might as well toss it somewhere...but saving 20 minutes on a 12 hour voyage is sorta, "Meh"
  4. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I absolutely agree. I proposed in a different thread to give +5 secs to pre-battle time when you can look at an island. BP is also silly as a resource for it. Dec. exploration by at least 20%. Considering you're only sending the ship out once or twice a day anyway at higher levels, an hour doesn't make a big difference.

    Other guild perks ideas:
    - decrease tavern training time
    - collection boost +50%

    - rearm mines (maybe a 8hr cycle instead of 24hr cycle for this? ie. automatically rearms for that time period)
  5. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    You got that right. I was initially hoping to see voyages halved. But5 to 10% is a bit of a joke.
  6. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Funding resource for Obervatory should be EP, not BP! Until that happens, or at least BP isn't required to activate the perk, it won't be funded in our guild.
  7. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    Whats the point of EP? I have a ton of it and nothing requires it as a resource.
  8. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    EP is used in the game, typically the lighthouse needs quite a bit. My last lighthouse upgrade required 20K alone. It's for that reason that I think they have decided to use BP. You can be sure they have folks that purely look at balancing this game.
  9. Pirate Bee

    Pirate Bee First Mate

    The BP to EP ratio is way off. I do my fair share of attacks and almost always have a ship out exploring the waters and fighting ships and sea monsters. I currently have 3k BP of which I need 1k more to start upgrading my last mystic mortar, and 95k EP which I have absolutely no use for. Map is 99% explored.
  10. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Developers are asleep at the wheel regarding resource balancing--EP vs BP, and gold vs grog.
  11. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    This is a fledgling game still. They're not so much asleep at the wheel as playing catchup to an evolving game.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Imagine spilling a bag of candy in a kindergarten class. Then trying to pick it all up with chopsticks. And all the kids eat it all and then beg for more candy and different kinds of candy. And candy 2.0.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  13. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    Yes we do, and we also rely heavily on the feedback of all of you guys to make the game more balanced. You can be sure we frequently discuss and rethink the existing balance and reevaluate if there is something odd. So please feel free to write down anything you think that seems to be off the limits and I'll send your feedback into the right hands :)
  14. Hajkja

    Hajkja Crew

    Feedback from my guild buddies is observatory is just too expensive for the rewards. We are already paying for smithy and mason so know the pain to get the gain for the advantages we get in battle.

    I would like to see the observatory used as a reward for loyalty to the guild. My suggestion change is as follows.
    Minimum 10 guild members must purchase observatory and pay BP. Once activated that's it. no need to refill each 24 hours, it is a permanent perk.
    I would also like it to be a permanent perk for all guild members irrespective of having bought the observatory or not. It will then give another reason for joining a guild ( ooh they have the a active observatory I want to join x guild)

    For completeness If one of the 10 guild members leave or get kicked then BP must be paid again.

    What do you think?
  15. Ifan

    Ifan Powder Monkey

    My observatory is just sitting there, looking around rather mournfully. Funding it would be a waste of time, as it would involve a lot of effort to attack people in order to take just 10% off exploration time, wich usually goes on in the background without me noticing anyway. Perhaps 50% less exploration time, and 5 BP to fund it, would mean that it would be used.

    It looks good, however!
  16. 912mig

    912mig Powder Monkey

    I didnt even build it. I prefer to see my gold be plundered by another player than waste in the "uselessvatory".
  17. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    I build one to use as a door stop. At least it will take them a few minutes to destroy it...
  18. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I see no reason to build one my average voyage is 17 odd hours now who cares if it's slightly shorter...
  19. In hopes of Staff noticing, I chime in:
    My map is 78% explored, my lighthouse is maxed and I have 30,000 useless EP.

    I have 4,000 BP and I need 4,000 + 4,000 BP to upgrade my Mystic Mortars.
    And I need FIFTEEN THOUSAND BP to upgrade my academy?!

    With all due respect - and I truly love this game - and I have purchased many gems -
    At this point in the game, it seems to me, BP and EP were swapped - and overlooked - during development?

    I know there are many factors involved and I love the game enough to be patient.
    But I wanted to say, I sure hope a solution comes, one day.

    *edit - I should mention - it only seems logical at this point, EP should fund the Obsevatory. Not BP.
  20. Just want to say, I am sure your 10s of thousands of EP will be useful in the future as the game gets updates and new features and PH levels are added. Just relax and enjoy the ride, people.
    小绿(Green) likes this.

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