Observatory isn't worth it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rocky, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. People are acting like what's in the game now is it. Endgame. But it's just been 2 months.
  2. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I'm sure there is a greater plan...
  3. I for one am not swinging my EP around to see who has the biggest one.
    Obviously EP can be used in the future and obviously, i am enjoying the game.
    I'm saying:
    If I have 30,000 EP and 1/4 of my map to explore - obviously EP should be used to fund the observatory.

    Not to mention, I'll have to play for six years to get enough BP to upgrade my academy.
    Obviously, BP and EP are flip-flopped. Perhaps this is an easy fix. Perhaps not.
    Just attempting to draw the developer's attention to it. Not trying to rub my amount of EP in anyone's face.
    If it disturbs you that I am attempting to draw the attention of the developers, perhaps you should just relax and enjoy the game. And maybe take it down a notch on your ambition to get people to just relax and enjoy the game. See where I am going with this? Not to be too snarky or full of myself but... may e you should just relax... and enjoy the game.
  4. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Would love a perk to decrease training time!

    On topic, BP is completely out of whack with progress in the rest of the game, imo. I like the idea of needing it to progress, just needs to be dialled down
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's been discussed adding new maps to explore that you have to buy with ep.

  6. He says with snark and bravado.
  7. Gonna nitpick, don't hate :)

    10% of 60 mins is 6 minutes.

    6 x 12 = 72 mins or 1 hr 12 mins.

    So your 12 hour voyage will take 10 hours and 48 mins.

    Anyway, that said. It does seem odd, that while Battle Points are used for things used in battle (Mystic Mortars and Academy upgrades). Exploration Points are not used for exploring (although they are used for the lighthouse which supports exploring).

    It's just logically wrong, and I suspect it was never intended this way.

    Right, back to relaxing and enjoying the game. ;)
  8. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Even after nitpicking, still ain't worth it.
  9. Would it be worth it if EP were used instead of BP?
    Gangrene Beard and Salty Snack like this.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    oh yea. easily
    Salty Snack likes this.
  11. I still don't think it'd really be worth it. But, that's just me.
  12. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    We have discovered that hunting Level 3 and 4 Big Fish and Bigger Fish is by far and away the best way to farm BP. One level 4 fish may be worth up to at least 2k, and level 3 which are everywhere up to at 500.

    Keeping this discovery in mind, our guild's observatory is always funded, but we are a top 10 guild whenever we want to be (we were last push).
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  13. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Yes, it would be, because as it stands now, Ill still be sending out my ship for the next month or so exploring the map and have nothing to use ep on.

    edit: Just wanted to add, that I haven't even build it yet because I don't want to waste the build hours. My builders rarely get any time off working. As their captain, they may only get a few minutes off before I crack that whip. Whereas, my ship on the other hand is a little less important to me because I have pretty much reach the max of its capabilities. Still waiting to upgrade it.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  14. BOB FOLY

    BOB FOLY Crew

    I don't think the excess of EP is really a problem I agree updates will require EP for upgrades, but BP is hard to come by and seems to be far more needed.

    Considering the Observatory is an exploration perk it just makes sense the EP is the cost for using it
  15. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    I think the problem also lies with the 10% boost. If you're an active player and at the stage where your journey takes 10-12 hours then you are making 2 trips a day most likely.

    A 10% increase sounds cool but you will still only be making 2 trips a day...gaining an hour on a 12 hour journey is not much use.
    Same if your journey takes a day....having it complete in 22 hours will still limit you to one trip a day.
  16. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Let's just wait and see what the update does this week.
  17. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    And since it's been confirmed that trips already in progress when the Obsv is funded aren't given the benefit, it's even more useless.

    ANyway, what @Bear said, it's definitely changing his week, so let's see how sexy the new one is.
    # Johnny Doe # and Bear like this.
  18. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'm holding back on all minor requests until after the update
  19. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yup . Same here.
  20. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Mwahahaha my guild perk idea has truly taken shape :) :D:D:D

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