Oh my! MIdoki your such a tease....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Morgan Ford, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Why MIdoki, what a big ship you have. It looks all studded and gold. Now do it again! Tease us more! More! Oh More! Oh please it has been so long and it is so excting....
    peg-brain bob, McQ, Blueberry and 4 others like this.
  2. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Is there a big new map to lose that big new ship in?
    Tiger Lilly and Cap'n Flyht like this.
  3. With lots of room for mats??!!
    Becker Redbeard likes this.
  4. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    Maybe a new map with new materials for new legends???
    Blueberry likes this.
  5. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Yes, Midoki what a big ship you have created...all the better to see a new exploration map with (hint,hint) and plunder new resources for new legendaries (hint, hint)!;) My LP's are in desperate need of new companions!:rolleyes:
  6. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    How many EP will that big old ship take?
  7. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    Hate to shatter ppls dreams, but I don't really think anyone should be expecting a map this update
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  8. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Well then that is some silly ship!
  9. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    Indeed, it's all just to keep up with the astetic. The new map will hopefully come (eventually)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  10. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Ah hope.....its is like the wind.....it blows.
  11. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Well, that is a bit disappointing with a new fancy ship and all coming. :rolleyes: Hopefully the wait won't be too long, keeping finders crossed!:)
  12. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    There is just no way that new ship gets released without a new map.

    I would strongly reconsider this and hustle for the next 15 days to put out that map. It will crush people who have been waiting for this update.
  13. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I honestly don't think its ready. It has been rumoured for months that this update would not have a new map to come along with the new ship. There map is planned for later this year hopefully. Ppl will just have to be patient and happy that there's not more pink :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  14. Pinks not so bad you know, gives the enemies a fluffy impression, and we all know fluffy can hide all sorts of deadly things!
  15. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Regardless of whether there is a new map or not a bigger ship with an extended range will certainly be helpful in the Eastern Seas. Maybe we will now be easier to hit more than two or three long range targets.
  16. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    I would rather have the pink on the inside. You know the saying.....
  17. I was unaware that the map was not coming with this update - then a new ship is kind of useless to me where i have finished the both maps already.
    the second map was approximately 17 mths after the soft launch ( June 2014) of the program so i was assuming that the new map would be part of the update - as it has been approximately 17 mths since the second map ( Halloween 2015). Not being a programer i would assume that once the map basics had been developed new maps would take less time to design. The delay between the first and the second is easy to understand - they had to see if the game developed a long term following, I can even accept that another 17 mth delay with the split from Rovio - but if a new map does not come soon - i will also fall to the wayside as farming for walls has become old actually farming for any upgrade has become old. I want a new map to explore and have a reason to log in to the game on a daily basis. It really doesnot matter what is in this upgrade if it does not have a new map - it is a bust for me. I will continue to log in often enough to keep my island active-but that is about it. And as much as i have enjoyed the game for close to 2 yrs i am looking for something new to occupy my time- that at least feels new. Here's hoping that BJays92 is wrong and the new map shows up with this update or very very shortly thereafter.
  18. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    New wall level(s)? I wouldn't want to read the forum after that release.
  19. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I never said that it wouldn't be coming shortly thereafter. It's just not gonna be in this update. As far as it goes for programming the new map, unless I'm mistaken it should indeed be easier. What could be holding the, back potentially would be new ships and new ship spawn rates. They could also be waiting to release the new map until new lp's are ready.
  20. everyone has a different idea of what shortly or soon thereafter means
    so i will be specific my definition is with in a month so the end of US income tax season or April 18
    The excitment i had at a update in a couple of weeks vanished the moment it was recommunicated that it would not include a map. I personally do not recall seeing any place prior that said that the map release would not be part of this release but i am not on slack so it is possible that it was announced and i was just unaware. I hope the new map becomes reality - maybe i will still be active and maybe I won't but the exploration map is what got me playing in the first place, and is the only reason i will keep playing . New LP's, new defenses, additional levels,ect.. will not keep me active. I hope for those who are still pasionate about the game and enjoying the game and their friendships with in the PP community are happy with the new update and continue to enjoy the game.

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