OUTLANDERS - Friendly Guild - Perks Up At All Times - Pirate Donations in a Flash

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Wepwaet, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    Hooray for growth! We are up to 47 members. As a result, we have implemented a new policy. If you haven't logged in for over a month you are subject to being kicked from the group. If you are one of these folks, you are always welcome back if we have room or just let us know before you head out. We are ranked at #128 on the guild rankings now and climbing.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Great job getting filled up so quickly. Nice to see another strong female captain in the game.
    Wepwaet likes this.
  3. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    Fortunately, this is a very female friendly community. I have ran a few guilds in other games that weren't nearly as inviting. We've come a long way. ;)
  4. JohnLeMagnifiqué

    JohnLeMagnifiqué Powder Monkey

    Your Guild sounds like a great place for a sea-weary pirate to lay his grog soaked hat. Me and my good friend are just in a guild by ourselves. I see you only have one slot open though and I couldnt join without him. :c Im 400~415 as of late and he is hovering around the 500 mark.
    Wepwaet likes this.
  5. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    You are both welcome and we'd love to have you. There are three spots. I cleared the inactives just now. :D
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  6. Siren1873

    Siren1873 Powder Monkey

    Great job, Wepwaet, on the recruiting. We have an awesome guild. I have been part of the crew for a while now. So, come join if you are looking. You won't be disappointed! :D
    Wepwaet likes this.
  7. 10Atious

    10Atious Crew

    Hi Wep, great job recruiting we now have a great active crew. Here's my question. What about those few peeps at the very bottom of our crew who never seem to plunder to improve their rank and whom I have never witnessed contributing to funding. ( not saying they haven't, but...). What is their goal with this game and their intent in contributing to our expressed goals? Do they speak English? Anyway, just wanted your thoughts on this without creating bad vibes with our fantastic crew.
  8. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    Well currently, we have always had folks who hadn't played in a significant amount of time to remove for inactivity. We currently have one single spot available. At this point, if we want to continue our push towards the top 100 (Since we are currently at 112, so really close) we may need to discuss upping the guild minimum. I have upped the recruitment level to 300, due to the fact that anything below really doesn't help us at this point. What I'll do to start is take a screenshot each week for a few weeks so I know the specifics and we can discuss talking with these folks to see if they are actively contributing to the group. Also, we have several people that don't speak English that are of high level and do contribute to perks, so I think a case by case basis is appropriate. Also, I am open to what the group deems appropriate. ;) We'll definitely open up discussion about it. Just give me a little bit to see what we are dealing with. Fair?
  9. 10Atious

    10Atious Crew

    Fair. I'm referring to the members at the bottom almost always less than 100 but regularly log in.
  10. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    Got it. :)
  11. SoaringChef

    SoaringChef Powder Monkey

    Yarrrr, guess who I am~~~
    Siren1873, 10Atious and Wepwaet like this.
  12. 10Atious

    10Atious Crew

    Hey Wep, 10A again.....maybe we should consider demoting any peeps below say pr150. Not very motivating for active members who plunder and help fund to be same rank as those 3-4 peeps who just sit under 100 forever
  13. With Wep's blessing I created a Guild Forum for us Outlanders. It is located at the link below. Hopefully, this will make chat and in game guild discussions easier than relying on the in-game chat. Please join!
    Once our forum is registered in the ProForums directory, it will also be accessible on Tapatalk, a message board app for iOS and Android. I am waiting for approval as I had to resubmit the request.

    850arrr and Wepwaet like this.
  14. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    It looks great. Thanks for hooking us up. :rolleyes:
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Crew

    We have 3 slots open, anyone with 300PR looking for active friendly guild, join up!

    Our guild perks's always funded and now that we have guild ship we race each others in donation as well!
  16. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Good luck...... :)
    Maverick likes this.
  17. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    Mav beat me to the post. Yup, we have a few slots open for active players. We have a 15 day login policy but will save your spot if you let us know you are gonna be on vacation or something. If you have dropped rank for resource purposes and would like to join, just send me a pm and I am glad to discuss guild membership. We have a really great crew.
    Siren1873 likes this.
  18. Wepwaet

    Wepwaet Crew

    We will be participating in a rank push April 7-12. The last time we did one we topped out at #74 of the top 100 guilds. I think we can beat that this time.
  19. Yo ho ho. We are looking for two more members to join our guild! Must be rank 300 or higher. In a push right now against some of the strongest guilds in the game!
  20. Siren1873

    Siren1873 Powder Monkey

    Yeah, last look we were at 51 on the leaderboard! Woohoo!:D

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