PIRATES UNITED break the 8,000 PR barrier!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Capt. Sharky, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Booty Slappa

    Booty Slappa First Mate

    Honest Apes

    Well said captain
    Capt. Sharky and The Baconator like this.
  2. The Baconator

    The Baconator Powder Monkey

    It sureeee was a lot of fun Ape man. Since we're stating the obvious, Congrats to LS for having the highest Guild PR. Ever. Of course, I would look like a total butthole if I didnt kiss PU's metaphorical ring and say Congrats to PU as well..:oops: You kids did well.. and even though your overall guild pr score is slightly inflated from some of our 900 members coming to visit for a spell, It was still quite an accomplishment to hold us off for as long as you did. I'm sure that I speak for many, many others that when I say that I really enjoyed kicking you guys around during this push. Hit 954 without account sharing either! Some of your higher PR members should try it sometime! :) Congrats on second place though, well deserved! :rolleyes:. See you on the high seas gents! ;)
    Intimidator likes this.
  3. Oak Doak

    Oak Doak Crew

    Look where you are now! It's alright pushing and using all your resources and gems over the course of a week. But look who's top now and very rarely moved from it. So yes Congratulations Laughing Stones name changed cause you dropped from rumble board and now PR board like Stones. Congratulations on staying on top for about a day and proving that PU can't be matched while pushing and rumbling. That truly makes PU great. So yes Congratulations LS. Hahaha.
  4. John56

    John56 First Mate

    This reminds me of the joke about the 2 fishermen relieving themselves off the side of a bridge...
    "Boy, that water's cold..."
    "Deep too..."
  5. Laughing stones? The only funny thing is that your the only one laughing. Sorry bud. If I were you, I'd quickly try to remove that post to avoid realizing how stupid it sounds. (Might hurt your self esteem if you read it out loud)
    cmooneey likes this.
  6. And to be honest we at ls appreciate the other top teams who break barriers and set goals so high that push us to want to improve and exceed. Like any good rivalry there will be some smack talk but without a challenge what makes anyone great.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

  8. holashorty

    holashorty Crew

    Why can't we all just agree that both LS and PU excel in the various challenges of this game? Both teams deserve credit for challenging each other to break records.

    Now can we build a bridge and get over it? Because honestly, it's just a game...
  9. Booty Slappa

    Booty Slappa First Mate

    No now surrender the booty
  10. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    SMH... Women!! Why do they always have to be the voice of reason. :p

    Can't you let us pretend pirate boys have our pretend wars with our pretend adversaries in our pretend game :)
  11. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I don't think Hola rolls that way :confused:
  12. The Baconator

    The Baconator Powder Monkey

    Haha you're joking. Pushing for PR is a fun challenge. Holding it is a joke. My guild mate MON hit 900 twice in a matter of days. I got to my rank of 954 in basically 3 days of fighting. I held above 900 10 days and 950 for 2. Gaining rank can be a grind, but after its obtained there are so many ways to game the system to keep rank without being attacked, that plunder pirates loses the meaning of the game. As for where I am now, Whether I am pr 1 or 1000, I will still 3 star sack your base and laugh while you sit in tears watching the replay, As will the rest of my guild. If you want to claim top dog cuz your top players accounts get passed around more than a blunt in Jamaica, you have every right to make that claim. Here at LS we have every right to make the same claim based on our accolades, and our head to heads against other guilds that claim they're the best, but call in sick when our ships roll by. You have a strong guild, we have a strong guild, strong allies, and a strong commitment to kicking butt, and regardless what anyone says, that's fact. While your scheming ways to keep others from taking your precious PR, the Laughing Skulls will be winning rumbles, battles, and style points.;) See you on the open seas:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    cmooneey and Intimidator like this.
  13. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Happy holidays Apes, to which ever one of you is behind the account right now! :)

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