
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oak Island, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I’m not miserable at all. It’s just annoying to see a once great game go to crap because a bunch of old farts are still playing on their flip phones. Good luck with your new game. Hope I’m still alive to see it drop. When’s the release date? I feel like it’s been at least a couple years when you started talking about it :)
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    New game has been soft launched on Android in a few territories already (such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Sweden and Denmark), and we're working on an iOS and global release soon!
    Unique Rebel and 850arrr like this.
  3. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I’m not miserable either, but I am not too happy with how things have gone south
    850arrr and MorganFlint like this.
  4. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Good afternoon @Lynsey [Midoki] - glad to hear about a new event! Are there any additional details you can give us on this? Will it be a guild event, individual, or both? Any idea about when it might drop? Any details on what the event will be and how it works? Anything at all would be sweet!


    850arrr likes this.
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    As with the other events, it will be available in both individual and guild flavours. I don't think it'll be ready in the next update, but hopefully the one after that*. As it's still in development, I'm not going to go into too much detail at this point in case it wildly changes. ;)

    * Usual disclaimer, all things are subject to change.
    850arrr and Oak Island like this.
  6. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    So it won’t be ready for the next update, that’s pretty much what I expected. That being said, what CAN we expect for the next update, then? Bug fixes I’m sure? Anything else? New LP perhaps? Anything new or different at all?


    850arrr likes this.
  7. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Quite a large number of bug fixes and future proofing (which is always sadly a bit underwhelming from a player point of view, despite being a lot of work), and something else. We're still working on the Rumble matchmaking and the new Event, which will hopefully be ready for the update after the upcoming one (in the case of the Rumble matchmaking, hopefully a little sooner).
  8. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    Seems really quiet here, as for Oh Canada virtually all of our original players are gone including the founder. I’m sorry but it’s gotten so repetitive. The last few of us are waiting for the long promised renewal? Update? To pop up. It’s almost time to jump ship. I think they need to lop off those old devices, CoC did an was able to stimulate and envigorate their player base.

    Will wait a bit longer....

    Oh the reallly only change I’ve seen is the constant begging for money... ie all this special platinum out fits and all those very limited. Ie you can get them every time you log in get sales... speaks of desperation in my opinion
  9. Arrr

    Arrr Powder Monkey

    I'm on an old device and can play clash of clans perfectly fine.
  10. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    Yeah Arr, two years back I think they had to drop a few of the older devices when they did a big upgrade. I think it depended on what device you had at the time.
  11. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    The adverts for the platinum outfits are absurd, $10.00 for an outfit :eek:. I wish there was a way to choose which adverts were displayed because I'm never in a million years buying an outfit for $10.00.
    Oak Island and Black-ish Beard like this.
  12. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Hey @Lynsey [Midoki] - we are a month older since your last post about the next update, where you mentioned bug fixes, future proofing, and Something else. Just wondering how all that’s coming along and if we can get a little update on when this “something else” might drop :D. Any info at all would be great! Thanks!


    850arrr likes this.
  13. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Very soon (usual disclaimers apply!).
  14. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    Well another month has past, and still no update in the game I don’t count the money grab update or the bug fixes. I get those in my other games without announcements. Is it me or has this game run its course?
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  15. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I had stopped by Oh Canada a couple years back, great crew you had there!
  16. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    I think there is still quite a bit of potential for this game to be honest, and actually, it could be much further along if midoki would utilize the capabilities of the updated technology available. At this point, until midoki decides that the older phones/devices are holding the game back too much, we likely won’t see anything too new and amazing. However, you gotta figure that at some point, midoki will realize the older phone/device issue is creating a negative effect on the overall capacity and ability for growth, not only in gameplay but in monetary value as well. I would think the older phones/devices aren’t spending nearly the amount of real money that the new phones/devices are because I’d bet that the older devices are simply occasional players. I understand that there is the potential of losing a lot of players on older devices but I gotta figure that the potential of losing loyal, money spending, newer device players is just as high if not higher. There’s always a new game coming out trying to take advantage of and develop top of the line content, which I’m sure most people playing PP are actually looking for and trying out. It’s a fine line but I would think new content would create more buzz and ultimately more money for midoki. I am willing to bet over the long run, midoki has actually lost quite a bit of money by not continually creating and developing as much as possible utilizing the tech available. Just my opinion I guess. Enough rambling about old devices, again..

    Cheers mateys!

    850arrr likes this.
  17. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Hey @Lynsey [Midoki] - how is the new event development coming along? Any news you can give us on that? Perhaps even a guess at launch dates? This summer? Perhaps later? Anything would be great!



    850arrr likes this.
  18. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I think the sooner everyone wakes up and smells the coffee the better. Midoki has had AMPLE opportunity to bring stuff to the game. Sadly they chose not too. Quit buying their ridiculous outfits and feeding the gem monster. It’s only gonna keep them dangling the carrot a bit longer. They don’t give any info for a reason. There is nothing to share. They only want your money for as long as they can. No content is gonna be given back. Just a smidge to make you think there is something on the horizon..... maybe
    Sea Patriot likes this.
  19. Arrr

    Arrr Powder Monkey

    Why not just quit? I think they're working on another game.
  20. Arrr

    Arrr Powder Monkey

    I play on an old device and I'm pretty new so I play a lot but honestly having to wait 4-5 days just to upgrade a defense or building isn't all that fun especially since there's only 4 builder's huts. The least they can do as of right now is to give the older players a new sea map with new legendary pirates so that it'll entice players to actually want to complete the new sea map, also the materials used to level these legendary pirates should only come from the new sea map again to entice players.

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