Recruiting.... Bah!

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Dragonn Mistress, Feb 4, 2016.

  2. Awwww, thanks, Kelani! Playing this game gives my arthritic hands a bit of pain (yuck yuck!), but I'm addicted and I'm ok with that too!
    Kelani likes this.
  4. Thanks, Tiger. Joined rumbles yesterday, now need to go to rebels so I don't bring down my team.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Definitely know the feeling :) If it makes ya feel better, our oldest member (that we know of) was 73. Seems like this game has something for all ages.
  6. awbo

    awbo Captain

    I have my mom in our guild and she's 78! And she sometimes beats my rumble scores :D
    Actually my son is in our alliance too, so 3 generations playing!
  7. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Thats really cool. Demonstrates that plunder pirates can be family fun and for all ages.
    awbo likes this.
  8. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    It also makes for interesting talk around the family dinner table :rolleyes:
    Dragonn Mistress and awbo like this.
  10. That's really awesome! My last alliance was with my daughter and her friends. Life happened for everybody and one by one they started dropping out. Came down to just me playing, so I figured why not be captain of my own ship and just played by myself. Started costing me and got pretty lonely, then John56 reached out to me and pulled my butt from the ashes and helped to get me stated in the Midnight Alliance. Moved from Rumbles to Rampage so they could teach me a bit. Still haven't time to get to know many people, but, hopefully soon. I'm happy!
    peg-brain bob, Ian, John56 and 2 others like this.
  11. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Glad to have you @Ldoherty am sure you will get to know everyone in that alliance as you find your feet. Welcome Aboard!!
  13. Hi Ian. Thanks. I think everyone must be hours behind or ahead of me. Try to stop in before or after my work is done, but everyone is offline. Hope to get to know some people and be able to chat a bit. Met Diane and she helped me greatly with my island. Well, time for me to get to work.

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