Rumbles Just Ain't Fun Like This

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Super-Nor, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain


    Plunder Pirate Game Designers / Midoki,

    These is my personal opinion and these thoughts may not be shared by all of the members in my guild.

    Here is what has ruined your current guild competition, which you call "rumbles". Definition: A Plunder Pirate rumble is where one guy spends a lot of real money and the guild in which he is in wins the mock contest.

    Do you not understand that while making this one guild content you have made four absolutely despise rumbles.
    • "Winning guild": 49 people happy with free "rewards" for little effort, one guy spends a lot for some reason so I am not sure if he is happy or unhappy, Maybe it is the charitable act that makes him happy.
    • "Other Guilds": 50 x 4 = 200 people that have done some efforts, that do not like this, some who have probably spent some gems also for relaxed game play, but are far less likely to bother next time.

    Are there any plans on modifying rumbles or adding a new guild competition that others would actually enjoy playing?

    When I see any of these specific individual players in our future rumbles I will immediately inform our players that spending gems to play is not advisable. This is all we can do in protest until you decide this is no longer how you want to do business. It is a small statement of protest, I know. I think if the other guilds stop gemming then so will the mock winner, since it will not be necessary to do so to win. Only time will tell.

    The silly pirate game we love can be better. I am doing my best to make the game fun for my guild members and help educate them how to play better and have more fun. I am a big proponent of the game so the above is truly in hope of an improvement.
    Kitty1174, Hawkbeard, Tenrou and 5 others like this.
  2. ScoopyWP

    ScoopyWP Crew

    Completely agree with Super's comments.
  3. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    The month CC won the leaderboard we matched his guild in a rumble. He personally scored over 300k and barely went off line. It was discouraging for our guild since we had no chance. We saved our gems and watched the show.
  4. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    Personally, I would like to see a team event. Tournament style. Points of all members are combined and prizes won at certain milestones. Could just be a 24 hr weekend tournament. Thunderstruck and Sir Henry Boggs are great but they are still individual events. We need something that motivates and engages the guild as a whole.
    Liquidjade likes this.
  5. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    Rumbles & Gemming will not go away but the acquiring of gems is the issue. The playing of the whole game needs to generate a higher number of gems as a reward to playing. Win a rumble, voyages, errands, chests, events, milestones, etc. We all get just a little. It's like the diamond industry itself. Supply and demand. Control the flow , control pricing. If game Gods dialed down the greed and looked at the big picture we would have more new & return players. We all know it's not show friends , this is show BUSINESS. Just let us reap more from what we sew. On with the show. PS no more dolls or watching of useless videos that kill the game on so many levels & don't work most of the time.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2016
  6. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Couldn't agree more. That's why we've arranged some 10-attack rumbles, to combat this insane gem spending and ruination of contest. Something is desperately needed here. We all like fighting, let's make it fun! I'm hesitant to say bring on Guild Wars, because I have lost hope that they're coming at all, and even if they do I'm not sure the format is going to be one that we are going to like, and that will not be dependent on gems spent. But please, being on SOMETHING!
    Capt. Sharky and flyingdoucheman like this.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Midoki has a history of listening to their player base while trying to appease their investors. Remember, they are a business first and foremost. With that being said, I believe Midoki has plans to make changes or additions that will improve the playing experience for everyone. Remember, designing and coding takes time. This is not a big operation like CoC or other games, this is a small team working hard on many different aspects of the game. I applaud this most recent update, it was not a surprise, but it was a needed update that added many improvements relatively bug free. Everyone seems happy with the most recent update, and with the latest addition of Events. I anticipate new features that will have a greater appeal and improve the game overall for most. Many of us have been playing this game since the start, and for us the pace of new features seem slow. But if we step back and look at all that has been added in the past two years, the small team at Midoki have been rather busy cranking out new stuff. Granted, not all the stuff appeals to all the players, but it does fill a need and builds a foundation for the game as a whole to improve upon. I anticipate even more to come in the next year or two. We got a major guild battle added like rumbles, I would not be surprised to see another guild vs guild type of feature added that fills the void many of us have requested. They have added two events, I can envision 2-3 more different type of events being added to the two we already have. Now that we are nearing the end of island upgrades and LP's introduction and upgrades (I still expect more LP's to fill the vacant cells), I can see them having a lot more additional time to devote to coding new features that will improve the gaming experience and add variety for the players. Now, if we could only get Rovio to advertise Plunder Pirates like it does Angry Birds, we'd be all set.

    As I have said many times before, don't ask for or expect changes to rumbles, I doubt they will make any substantial changes to that feature. Work on upgrades, enjoy the company of your online friends, use the game as an diversion from real life without taking it too seriously. Work on strategy offensively and defensively, and just chill until more stuff comes along. We've had a couple of people actually return from semi-retirement for the new update. If the game no longer appeals to you, take a break for a few months and revisit the game at a later time. I understand people in this thread are not complaining as much as just requesting new guild vs guild feature that will be less gem dependent. I agree with what has been said, a new guild vs guild type of battle format is desperately needed in this game. But I am also saying based on past history with Midoki, they are listening and will introduce something to fill the void. This certainly turned into a long-winded reply which really added nothing new to the conversation. But after all this typing, I really don't want to hit the delete key. So my rambling babble shall live on. :confused:
  8. Keena-CBD

    Keena-CBD First Mate

    Wow Spongee. You must need a nap after all that. :rolleyes:
    WePillageYou likes this.
  9. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    @Spongee I am a lover of the game. I am a team leader that want it recognized when there may be an undesired end result to the contests.

    Let's watch to see what will happen, but when i see the same player again, I will tell my team to not bother. It is all I can do in my role.
    Mobotts likes this.
  10. Mobotts

    Mobotts Captain

    @Super-Nor we use to come across these players I did the same thing. It's best to let your team enjoy their rumble as much as they can without wasting their money against players like them.
    Super-Nor likes this.
  11. Tenrou

    Tenrou Crew

    The solution is the following, though neither Midoki, nor anyone is gonna like it:
    - No gem option for recruiting army when rumbling.
  12. McQ

    McQ Captain

    You could cap the total number of attacks without prohibiting gemming. For example the 10 attack rumble that Midnight organised lots of people gemmed their recruitment to do their attacks at once - but then stopped once they got to 10.

    For some people it's not feasible to log in once every 35-45 mins if you wait out each recruitment and it's easier to do however many (or few) attacks in one session.

    Also the problem with capping (and why lots of people cut out early of the midnight rumble) is once you hit your 10 you then can't do anything. If you wanted to farm etc it's not an option as takes you over the fixed number of attacks.
    Mobotts likes this.
  13. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    This is the best solution for the PLAYERS, and I assume not for revenue generation for Midoki.

    I and others have suggested this since the beginning of rumbles.
    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  14. Fil

    Fil Captain

    So, everyone is basically saying they want me to reopen Dead Reckoning? ;)
  15. Tenrou

    Tenrou Crew

    Or they could just limit the gem recruiting option when rumbling to let's say 10 times. Otherwise, I'm sorry to say it but it's just Pay to Win and not a Rumble.
  16. BBBD3000

    BBBD3000 Powder Monkey

    Seems we are always matched against at least one high gemming guild. We scout and adjust our performance as necessary. Sucks to play for third right out of the gate when given a bad match.
  17. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Once they're max'd, they need to spend their gems on something. Can't have those gems just sitting there collecting dust, it takes forever keeping them shiny. :rolleyes:
    Fil likes this.
  18. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Those who have gemmed, and by that I mean truly gemmed a rumble will tell you there is a lot more to it than just opening your gem wallet. One person scoring 100k+ takes both skill and endurance not to mention determination. No different really than the player who used to spend all day at an arcade machine because nobody could beat them
  19. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    So that's where I saw you @Fil all those years ago :rolleyes:
    Fil likes this.
  20. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    You could cap the number of attacks that count rather than total attacks. Just take each players best 10 scores.

    I still wonder what happened to guild wars..... I also still think that is the best way forward, if limited attacks against a specific opponent then it also needs teamwork to decide who attacks who which keeps people interested (and hence maybe spending money). I don't necessarily think duplicating CoC clan wars but it is not a bad template to start with. Games where people really have to properly interact will always have a longer shelf life than something which is essentially single player with a few collaboration benefits.
    awbo likes this.

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