Several Awesome Ideas

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by MatthewJames, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Razor How Do You Tag People
  2. Honus

    Honus Powder Monkey

    RRG stands for Railroad Gangs. I'm grateful for Plunder Pirates cuz now I never have to play rrg ever again. :)
  3. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Thx Honus
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Re: Weather events. What if these 'random' weather events were severe i.e.: Tornado's, Storms, etc, and were allowed to cross over onto the island and caused havoc to your base, walls and defences are useless; again if damage was severe enough - gaining a shield out of it and loosing plundered resources.

    Just a thought...
  5. the Hornet

    the Hornet Powder Monkey

    How about a notification when a server upgrade is complete? I have had times where i am about to upgrade a building and have to wait for the upgrade to be completed. Then i find i've been attacked and all my gold has gone.
  6. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Or how about granting us an automatic shield that lasts 6-8 hours after server upgrade is complete to prevent this? I'm about to go to bed so I'm sure the upgrade will complete whilst I'm asleep zzzz

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