[Sky Raider]-Sky Raider's skill, "Rain of Fire", the strongest skill in PP

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Roserio, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    The Sky raider's special skill called "Rain of Rire".

    In the first glance the airborne attack seem to be tooooo short,
    but when you watch this video, you will find how strong it is though it is a short flight.

    Try to see how much damage are made by only 4 sky raiders! and it is quite amazing to see them tearing down the defense systems!

    If you use this unit well, it will be very useful in tactics,
    way much better than the gunners!

    Hope Midoki can make these kind of distinctive/nice features for each units which is useful while it needs some accuracy or some control.

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    Jim Weaver likes this.
  2. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Rain of Fire is great, but Sky Raiders are far too limited for the skill to be more then a novelty.
  3. LadyoftheSea

    LadyoftheSea Powder Monkey

    Captain Hakjka likes this.
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I disagree. Maxed Raiders dropped in just the right spot (i.e. on a mortar, ground pounder) can completely change the outcome of the battle. They do need to be maxed, and there is a learning curve, but I've seen them turn the tide, so...I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss their effectiveness. :)
    kelevra-The Flood likes this.
  5. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    wasn't this video about telling the effectivness of this unit?
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Of course It was! :) I was disagreeing with the people who replied above saying it was a useless unit :)
  7. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    I stand by my assertion. The unit drops too easily/too quickly. There are scenarios where it CAN be useful, but I'm not going to waste for slots for four of these units.
  8. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    The video showed for raiders attacking a mortar and a gold store and a mortar and a tower. In both cases, the mortar was left standing. Now if it floated awhile and took out two towers, that would be a game changer. They don't float long, they don't take out enough defenses reliably IMO
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Fair enough. :) I was referring to actual battle replays I've seen. They took out both mortars that otherwise would have splattered the other troops. They can be dropped precisely, but it takes a lot of practice. Personal preference, I guess. I haven't even used them yet, but those replays did make them look pretty useful.
  10. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    All of what you say would be great, except raiders drop on the first thing they fly over and then attack the closest thing. If you need to take out something directly on the inside of the defending wall sure raiders are great. Reaching a mortar or ground pounder would take an act of God with this unit.

    Not sure why a max of 8 per raid has been placed as they die incredibly fast even fully maxed.
  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I wish I still had the replays, I'd post a video of. It'd explain much better than I can. When I saw them, it looked like each Raider's Rain of Fire damaged several structures, not just the ones (cannons, in this case) that were being overflown. I'm not saying it's a go-to unit for attacking every town, but if you have the placement skills and can find a rich base with a Raider-friendly layout, they can make a difference. That's all.
  12. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    But seriously once you reach a certain lvl this troop is not worth squat as are anything but juggs, brutes, the doctor, gunners and bombers. The rest are pretty much useless and before you mount your high horse I did preface this completely outrageous and unfounded statement but yeah, I'm sticking to it, all accept the mentioned are a waste of time and resource. Be great if it wasn't so...
  13. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    ^^^Exactly my point. Players shouldn't have to go out of their way selecting a certain base to attack because they chose to bring a maximum of 8 sky raiders out of a 65 supply army with them and they want them to be effective in that attack.

    Give me a break....

    The unit should act and perform equally no matter what base design, layout, or ranking is chosen. The fact that isn't the case with this unit is an issue that needs to be fixed.
  14. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate


    I thought Theives were in the game to take out storages?? Oh wait.......no one uses them either.
  15. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    No one uses them because they're too weak and fragile and I'm not sure exactly how the "cloaking" is meant to make a difference cause it just doesn't do a whole lot of anything useful. I know I'm bringing the conversation to a downer but there's nothing I can point to in anything I've seen in my defense replays that suggests anyone uses these other troops. I'd really like to be able to use all the troops i so lovingly fostered with time and resource to bring to fruition but they're nothing more than resource sucking shiny baubles with no use...
  16. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Oh I understand what your saying. I was being sarcastic in the above post in regards to Theives. I don't think your being negative, but rather telling it as is. If it looks, sounds, and acts like a duck it's probably a duck. Why hide the fact.

    Thiefs cloaking works great from dropping them on the beach till they B-line to the nearest storage, attack it and get obliterated by surrounding mortars and cannons because they become visible as soon as they attack.

    The sky raider seems to have this same type of symptom / problem / function as the thief when using him as soon as they get inside the defending base they die. There isn't much you can do about it but what Kelani suggests, which is look for / skip bases until you find one designed that won't kill that particular unit immediately.
  17. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    quack quack. I got your sarcasm. Just piling on. I've watched all of the honey vids covering the troops. Wish I had done it before I busted ass on troop upgrades. Oh well, live n learn.

    Come on midoki pull finger (not the one that makes a fart come out)...
  18. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    Thanx for watching all of my honey vids dude :), i appreciate it,

    yeah Midoki must do something like blizzard did in starcraft...
    they've been keep patching the balance, to make all units useful, which made the game perfect in the end to play.

    Midoki have to do something with, in following sequence,

    Priestess, Thief, Heavy Gunner...Bomber's Kabooooom skill,
  19. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I've found sky raiders extremely useful. I carry 8 every attack and use them immediately, during raid, or for cleanup depending on the base and wind. Taking out, or even severely weakening a GP or mortar right away makes a huge difference.
    Kawika and Roserio like this.
  20. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    GPs have almost no defense. They should be easy prey.

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