So is the current WD AI here to stay?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bl00dBaTh, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Plus skellys suck at attacking walls, they almost always go around.
  2. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    But there are some skellies that did in fact skirt along the ship into the breach next to the ship. So it was walkable. And there was a short path with no walls in the way.
  3. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Yes there's a small walkable path between the two, but troops don't always like to take it for some reason unless you can nudge them in there to get them started. If they're on the outside of it, it seems like they aren't likely to walk around it to take it, but if they're already on the inside side of it, they sometimes do. I'm not sure why.
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea it's very strange, you can see in the first pick that 5 of the Skellies did walk in through the back, the other 22 walked the whole way around, it's just strange that some will go in but others won't.
  5. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Ok so I'm bumping this old thread rather than start a new one.

    Every single battle I have now the WD stands with my 1 HG while my whole group of 27 Skellywags are left to die, how the hell is this happening? 1 HG has only slightly more hitpoints than 1 Skellywag, so why is it that he is doing this? I was led to believe that this AI is supposed to cover the highest health group, why the hell is he doing this in every battle?
    850arrr likes this.
  6. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Well he still follows my Jugg around like an idiot, I have yet to throw in a HG and Jugg to see what he does. God, I love this guessing game of an AI :eek:
  7. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea I don't really understand it either, Lynsey or one of them said the WD follows the highest hitpoints, but I understood this to be a group, but it seems he follows a single target who has the highest hitpoints left, so instead of following 27 full health Skellywags, he follows 1 HG, even though the group of Skellywags has way more health.
    I don't use Juggs anymore but I wonder does he behave the same with them? Will he follow 1 full health Jugg rather than 4 slightly below full?
  8. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Yes, he will follow 1 lone jug if he wanders off, leaving a group of gunners unprotected.

    Oops, just reread and saw you said jugg vs jugg.

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