So long and thanks for all the fish

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by roguecylon, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. I couldn't help me self when I saw this on @AngryBeard's LinkedIn:
    I couldn't agree more ;)
    Sorry for the breaching of your privacy @AngryBeard ;)
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  2. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Which racist ranting was that @Ashraman ? My callout of a Chinese guild? I would like to know for sure what you are referring to.
    For reference my wife is a very beautiful American Asian, and I am English. I would certainly like to know if you are referring to me being racist. :cool:
    donkeykilla and Kelani like this.
  3. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Sure it would be a smackdown (as I guess was intended), if it was completely factual. I had complained to him previously about the frequency of closed threads, and in this case the thread was resurrected because he had closed another thread, not allowing the OP his voice.

    No doubt my complaint was whitewashed by the maturity level of others, and I was wrong to expect such maturity on a gaming forum.
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    It wasn't anything you said, it was the last page of the thread that got it locked, you're last comment was on the first page I think, or top of page 2.
  5. So admittedly I usually just skim so I may be missing some overtly racist comment that was made but I do want to just point out that we need to be careful to not have a knee-jerk, mainstream media-esq, rush to call something "racist" just because it involves the mention of race.

    I feel sad that that very important term has been so stretched, beaten and misused over the years (particularly the recent ones) that it begins to loose a lot of its impact.
    Kelani likes this.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    You are correct, it has been misused quite a bit. FWIW, I read this entire thread, and there were racist comments, by which I mean, relatively mild posts which stereotyped a country's residents. Nothing major, but that's how the really bad threads always start. :)
    whitney likes this.
  7. Captain Monkey

    Captain Monkey First Mate

    Everytime, i leave you guys alone for a day, you all start arguing. Sheesh.
  8. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Posts demanding all Chinese be exiled to their own server or banned from playing altogether due to their supposed predisposition to cheat as a national / ethnic group are overtly racist. There was a reason my initial post in that thread was quoted twice by Midoki. Read the thread again carefully and you should understand why.

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