So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Resarf, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    It wasn't meant to be a joke. With so many inactive players it was meant as a way for us that need the resources to easily gain them. I've always said if I quit I am putting it all out in the open with a giant arrow made out of my decorations. Why not? If I quit the game it's not like I'll be needing it. Sorry you took that as a joke. I think it's sad so many long time, good players are quitting. I have one in my guild the currently quit as well. It's not funny. It's a shame!! And I know many will be following and quitting soon too.
  2. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I second Christy's suggestion. Would be nice if departing players left resources outside and unguarded in support of their follow players. Maybe even leave decorations and other buildings in some type of comical configuration. A tombstone of sorts to serve as reminder here once stood a great player who has since moved on to hopefully greener pastures. ;)
    Becker Redbeard, Tex, Fil and 2 others like this.
  3. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Good idea!!
    Christy likes this.
  4. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Generally I think that anyone who started playing in 2015 (after PH8 update) are still progressing and are at PH6/7/8. They are happy. While the veterans, who had to deal with missing crabs/bugs etc are being neglected. Not that I'm complaining though:D

    Midoki's customer support is WAAAAAAY batter than Rovio's. Look at the crappy things that come up in AB2 support and you'll know what I mean. A once mighty developer has fallen. Midoki is still standing though.

    So, please stop this whining guys. i know it's crazy to have nothing to do (quit CoC due to that) but hey, this game is still better than CoC in many ways.

    However, @Lynsey [Midoki] and the team SHOULD work on something new. It's update time, after all :D
  5. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    I don't see any great thing except the graphics! Even the graphics now doesn't matter.

    Coc is free of bugs like PP.
    COC gave every other month an update and ofcourse without bug
    Coc tries to engage player always.
    To farm de for the heroes is always fun, whereas collecting LPs materials is a super boring process.
    War is way better than this gemming rumble.
    Troops are much balances in coc, each and every troop can be used different way and they are useful. Most of the PPs troops are :confused: useless...nobody uses them.

    I can give u list...don't talk nonsense when the game at this point really needs to be taken care of. Really has to fix many many many things...

    I admit pp is younger than coc, but after one year Midoki has gone down instead of improving in every where. Pp was in the top games in the store list, now it's nowhere...a game to be dead soon if not well taken care of.
    Itsanicknamewhocares likes this.
  6. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

  7. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    @SaK Why do you even play the game? Every single post of yours on here is negative in nature, saying how much and how many ways you hate this game. If coc is so much better, go play it and take your constant negativity with you. I can only imagine you live such a miserable life, that venting negatively on this forum provides some type of catharsis for you. Please stop projecting your hatred of life onto the rest of us. We are tired of it already.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
    Darth Yoda, Booty isle and John56 like this.
  8. John56

    John56 First Mate

    I have to agree with Shark Bait; if you think CoC is so much better, please head over there.

    However, the forums there are chock full of complaints about the not getting the next level of Town Hall and the lack of things for high level players to do. There are also bugs with every release, troop AI issues, etc, and regular complaints about the lack of responsiveness from the developer team. If you play regularly and participate in the forums I cannot believe any of this is news to you.

    All these games seem to have an issue where players reaching the top start to feel neglected. As a newer game, I fully expect Plunder Pirates to continue to grow and get better.
  9. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    This is awesome!! Thank you!!
  10. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Did I even permit u to comment on my life? I play or's solely depends on me, don't need any comment from u!
    I used to love this game when it was released, but now after I have spent my real money on this game I can't stand that this game is so buggy, boring and going to improve no sooner.
    So keep ur suggestions with u, its a democratic world...I have my right to express my views.

    If u don't like my comments don't read rather don't come here...better for u, u told ur already get some sleep.
  11. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    For ur info..I play coc more than u can even think! I used to play pp a lot no! Not worth it.
  12. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Adequate? A support request email chain goes something like this:

    You: Initial E-mail to support, in which you tell them that reinstalling the app and using a different fresh device does not help.
    <2-3 days pass>
    Support: Are you still having the problem?
    You (immediate reply): Yes
    <2-3 more days pass>
    Support: Try deleting and reinstalling the app and see if that fixes it.
    You (immediate reply): As I said before, I already tried that. But for your entertainment, I just went and tried it again. No, it did not fix it.
    <2-3 more days pass>
    Support: You need to restore your device to factory state and reinstall the game. Please try that and let us know if it helps.
    You (to yourself): *many curses* Are you #*&@ing kidding me???
    Your reply: Well, as I told you before, I already tried using a different iOS device, freshly restored, and it didn't work. However, just for your entertainment, I have deleted years worth of content and configuration from my device, nuked everything of importance to me, just to try what you told me to do, and no, it did not help. Good thing I made a backup, I will now spend more time restoring it.
    <2-3 more days pass>
    Support: We have let the developers know, and will get back to you as soon as we hear anything!
    <months pass....there is never any more response>

    If that is adequate customer support, please send me lots of money to purchase some items. Any items you want. Just pretend I have them. Then when you don't receive them, allow me to act in a similar fashion in my "support" of you.

    Meanwhile, sometimes *if* you know how and can get ahold of a Midoki developer, sometimes they get it fixed the same day. This of course is something 90%+ of players in the game won't be able to do. I have high regard for the Midoki developers I have had the good fortune of being able to interact with. But QA, advertising, and support - the things that Rovio provides - are all absolute rubbish, hate to say it. And those stupid advertisement chests that show up in and ruin the game, are also Rovio's doing.
    SaK likes this.
  13. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    lol, really a funny story! sad on the part of the player
  14. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Haaaaaaaa. This literally just made me spit out my coffee I laughed so hard. That's so awesome :) Thanks Resarf
    tayyser, Darke Shadow and Enuthral like this.
  15. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    We lost 2 big time players sadly. Come on Midoki help us out people are dropping.
  16. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Who's the other one?
  17. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

  18. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    People are just frustrated with Midoki. I'll leave it at that
  19. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Here's the thing. I've loved this game. Great design. I think us early adopters have a hard time cause newer content helps the early players not the long term ones and actually tends to be an annoyance to the long term players, like errands and LPs. While new levels are nice, introducing one at a time is insufficient cause that one level can be largely maxed without gemming in one month. What Midoki needs to do to keep long term players is 1) fix the rank up issues--incentivize ranking up and solve the pr gain disparity; and 2) give content that provides long-term activity to higher levels, like a true war system. Rumbles have been elevated far above what is due and their limitless battles design burns people out. And for goodness sake, Rovio get off your arse and market this game. You have a jewel here that is dying on the vine because of lack of publicity. This game would catch on like wildfire with good advertising. As it is, the game is almost impossible to see if you aren't looking for it.
  20. Floki

    Floki Captain

    C ya Fraser but I feel you will be back.... I understand about the boredom loss of interest monotony yatta yatta but it's the personalities that have kept me...the game is secondary in some ways.

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