Symmetrical Bases = not good

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Liquix, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Mine works, pretty symmetrical. You can have my collectors anyhow. Storage is a different story though.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm not saying symmetry can't work well, just that making your base orderly, pretty, and easy to monitor provides the same benefit to anyone who attacks you. Also, it makes it easier to deduce the range of your defenses, and what you're covering the most. and adjust their strategy to compensate.

    @Pirate Fear I didn't think to get one, and have since removed lots of natural obstacles that were a key part of it. Next time I get a shield, I'll put it back as close as I can and get a pic. But basically, imagine a walled off jumble of buildings with these features:

    - Decorations used to maximize real estate outside town
    - Unimportant buildings ring the town, outside the walls. Highest HP buildings in front of weakest areas.
    - Collectors and outhouses line the inside of the wall. They alternate gold/grog so an attack on one side doesn't wipe out an entire resource.
    - Low-level storage/mines from PH4-5 hidden behind rocks in each map corner.
    - Cannons/mortars hidden behind taller buildings. If any remain visible, use the strongest ones.
    - Cannons/towers/mortars rotated towards the most likely attack direction (saves a few seconds rotating to attack)
    - Collectors/Storage rotated to hide clues about their level and capacity (stores facing backwards, collectors vary based on level)
    - Traps beside the most important defenses, and leftover wall segments placed in any gaps to distract and stall troop movements
    - Use natural obstacles to stall/divert troops away from something, and towards another.
    - All defenses overlap each other as much as possible.
    Kit likes this.
  3. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Mine is like that works pretty well too! I just like order :)
  4. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Another tip I posted in another forum...Turn your grog storage toward a taller building effectively hiding the contents. Doesn't work so well with chests, but at least it will be more difficult to tell if the plunder is in your collectors or storage.
  5. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    I have thought of that too!

    Great minds think alike:)
  6. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore


    Why not both? Asymmetry and symmetry!
  8. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

  9. Pirate Bee

    Pirate Bee First Mate

  10. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Stopppp mocking my base!
    Looks cool! :)
  11. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    I have a very (pseudo)symmetrical Island. It looks orderly which pleases my mind but I'm not sure how well it works. The placement of all my buildings, defenses and decorations is thought out do maximize the areas defended, the exposure of the attackes to my weapons before reaching the walls and the delay at the walls to continue pounding them. I've placed the important structures away from the walls as much as possible to protect them from range attackers and created weapon protection networks where any weapon is covered by at least one other, mostly two or more. I think I'm just feeding an OCD mind!
    The major problem is that it's unpredictable what will happen in an attack. Once the walls are breached and a couple of weapons breached the whole thing can come down like a house of cards.
    I keep telling myself that a couple more upgrades will solve the problem, but I can help but feel my beautiful structure is actually an attackers delight because it has no chaos.
  12. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Always remember that even in chaos there exists order. Sometimes that simple phrase is all that's needed to quiet my OCD mind, but then I see a floor tile off center by a small bit and I lose it
    Keelhauler Jake likes this.
  13. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    In chaos there is order?
    What order? I think, you either have order or chaos. They can not be the same.
  14. Keelhauler Jake

    Keelhauler Jake First Mate

    If we want to get all technical, have our eyeball spin around and turn our brains to soup - chaos theory in mathematics/physics does exactly take. It identifies the inherent higher level order in a chaotic system and allows the system to be understood and predicted without attempting to impose order on the low level chaos which Is impossible.
    Wow! I sounded all smart there for a few moments. Time to go burn the toast or walk into a wall or something...
  15. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    That's exactly what I was referring to :) I just prefer the simplified version instead of frying my brain each time I think about it
  16. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Very nice symmetrical bases, guys. I'm impressed! I admit I also love order in most things, which is evidenced by the 500+ symmetrically-placed hardware bins hanging from a wall in my workshop. I've even temporarily made my base symmetrical when monitoring lots of low-level builds. It really does help keep track of things.

    But in war, IMO, order becomes a liability, while confusion becomes a weapon. :) btw, I got this way from studying way too much Sun Tzu, military history/theory, Psyops and 15 years playing competitive chess. :)
  17. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Ok, my island looks pretty bad atm, but I prefer a good looking base to a asymmetrical one. Would be nice if we could have 2 base designs :D 1 base for show (the one that you actually see when you play), and 1 base for defense (This one is displayed when others are attacking you)

    This way you can have a good defense, but at the same time your base looks good since it uses another layout.
  18. Walker D. Plank

    Walker D. Plank Powder Monkey

    I used the asymmetrical strategy early when I played another similar game and it worked well. A lot of attackers were confused and skipped over me. It does take time to analyze a confusing base and with only 15 seconds in this game, a good analysis is probably not gonna happen. It is easier to read an organized base. As you climb up higher in the game, symmetry vs non symmetry becomes less important as your defense becomes stronger and you can pad out your base to buy more time and redirect attacks with outlying buildings.

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