Tavern Capacity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BlizZaRd MoDz, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. BlizZaRd MoDz

    BlizZaRd MoDz Powder Monkey

    The Tavern Capacity needs to be upgraded you can't attack with only 20 pirates especially with all the strong bases that players have. You need to improve the capacity and the cost of the Tavern upgrade. :confused:
  2. Ayrton Ali

    Ayrton Ali Powder Monkey

    I agree. This is one of THE most important upgrades in the game.

    With my limited experience, I would recommend upgrades in the following order:

    1 - offence (tavern & academy troop upgrades)
    2 - resources (storages where necessary and resource growers)
    3 - defences
  3. zag

    zag Crew

    I think with this game it's the troop upgrades that matter. The 20 troops are much more effective with Academy bumps on them.
  4. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    agree. simply not enough troops to engage bigger basses. second tavern would do the trick or a 25% increase to the existing slots. also the time given to evaluate a base before deciding to attack is woefully short. basses are visually complex and finding everything to make the right choice to attack or move on in such a short time is difficult especially on a phone (5s here). iPad might be less difficult to work with but not all of us have the luxury of 2 devices and i do most of my play on the run. 40 seconds please...
  5. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    regards the academy upgrades it still doesn't make up for sheer numbers. I've been testing every combo I can devise and still find pvp difficult. and before you go there I've done clash & siege to high lvls. it just doesn't seem like the balance is right here yet... IMHO of course.
  6. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    Should you be fighting bigger bases? I've found that by the time I'm ready to go to the next pirate hall I can beat anyone of the same pirate hall as me. That seems like it works like it should. Are you wanting to be able to kill someone with pirate hall 5 while you're pirate hall 4?
  7. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    I'm staying in my lvl but getting a win is difficult let alone 2 or 3 star.
  8. Razor

    Razor Crew

    I usually 3 star with 20 gunners if I can find the right base to attack
  9. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    what's you PH lvl? 1-3was pretty straight forward. It changes significantly at 4.
  10. Razor

    Razor Crew

    I just got PH 4 a couple days ago
  11. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    I've really struggled with 35 slots at PH4. maybe there's something I'm just not "getting" but I think I've played enough games to be able to get as handle on the troops and load out. guess not although there's enough people mumbling similar comments on the forum.
  12. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    How are your upgrades coming? From what I've seen you won't be able to beat same level bases until you get your troops upgraded for that level. For pirate hall 4 that's level 10 buccs, 13 gunners, 10 brutes. When you first get to a new pirate hall you have to keep killing the lower bases until your troops are up to speed. You can hit higher bases for loot but you'll usually lose rank.
  13. BlizZaRd MoDz

    BlizZaRd MoDz Powder Monkey

    Im currenlty PH3 but its still hard to 3 star other PH3 Bases because the defences are too good for them. Clash of Clans for example allows you 60 troops early on but they managed to balance it out. If the increase the tavern capacity and decrease the troop's stats it would be fine as long as they allow more troops to be made
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  14. zag

    zag Crew

    At least in my experience so far; 3 stars on bases early (PH1&2) can actually hurt you since it pushes you up into a range of bases you simply can't attack without wiping on the edge.

    I lost probably half of my attacks at PH2 and PH3 but I made a profit on the resources. As my troops maxed out I steadily improved the % of devastation until I was basically 3 starring everything my level.

    I just bumped up to 35 capacity in the tavern which does allow me to bum rush a base but I still need to be precise in where I place the troops otherwise a wipe is still likely.

    I actually like the balance right now but I'm only a PH4 and somewhere around 150 points.
  15. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    20 troops is more than enough to 3 star an enemy island.

    At ph5 I could 3 star full upgraded ph6's over 100 points up on me with only 19 upgraded troops.

    I think what you guys are getting frustrated with is your lack of strategy education. Where as those before you that have put in the time and patience to learn efficient tactics are where they are today, and rightfully so.

    Just L2P. It's easy.

    Sadly this type of "want it all now and easy" crowd is one of the blow backs of a game becoming mainstream. It happens on every game. And usually ruins the game for core gamers and fans.
  16. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    so educate us then blow hard
  17. GetRekked

    GetRekked Crew

    It is pretty difficult with 20 troops, but I like a challenge. :)
  18. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Well, for starters. You could try not being such an impulsive little b*tch who spam cries on the forums every time they reach a mild impasse.

    But hey, maybe it's not that the game is unfair or too hard.

    Maybe it's: Z1ggur4t, Yesterday at 5:15am. "Trouble is I'm really s**t at pvp battles"

    In which case, QQ u bad. L2p. cry is free.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  19. BlizZaRd MoDz

    BlizZaRd MoDz Powder Monkey

    The defences are a bit op
  20. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    yep I'm not that great at pvp battles. first to admit it in fact I did. been busting it out trying to learn. looking to the forums to share ideas and see what others are doing. looking for community assistance so I can get better. if that's being a cry baby then sure I'll wear that tag. keep trolling. it's all you've got to offer.

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