Tavern Capacity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BlizZaRd MoDz, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Havel

    Havel Powder Monkey

    It really just comes down to how trained your troops are. At Ph4 with Acadamy 2, If you can get brutes to lvl3? Where they then have 750hp?. And your gunners up to lvl 7 or 8 where they have 30+dmg. Instead of just 35 bucks doing 8 dmg to a 500def wall, you should find battles you lvl range a lot easier. And on the flip side a Ph6 base with non upgraded troops will struggle and lose when atking even the most basic ph4 box base.

    You have a much better chance at wins by selecting a base that's easy, obviously, but one where the PH is is exposed to a shore or close by. Send the brutes in to a spot that will easily distract the guns and mortar, then after they've been targeted, send your gunners in from the other side, or as close to the pirate hall as possible if you want basically a guaranteed 1 star min win, or from a flank position of the guns, to take them out while busy on the brutes. (Should note that sometimes the brutes go full retard and wander the opposite direction just to club away at something stupid, meaning failure right away.)

    The island study time isn't very long before the battle, and can be hard to be 100% sure you can take the base, but after a while you can pick up vulnerable basses and and weak spots/weak guns pretty quick. Early on tho, if you look at a base and your gut say "I don't think we can do it" just hit next, there's always a really badly build base your lvl just waiting for you to tripstar.

    I find the only problem with the battles especially early on is the battle clock. On a well spread out base the clock would always seem to run out while I was destroying the last or second to last building.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  2. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    great reply Havel thanks. gives me some insight and something to work with/on. academy 2 is on my hit list for upgrades. I've pretty much maxed everything accept the thief for lvl 1. I can hit and 3star smaller lower lvl bases but I was looking to attack something at my lvl which generally has much better loot on offer.
  3. zag

    zag Crew

    At the lower PH levels, I found a single or two buffed up brutes that could get to the mortar quickly will make a huge difference. With those the toughness boosts are significant. I'd follow with Bucs in a cluster (since the mortar is distracted) to get to a Gun Tower or cannon and then deploy gunners sporadically around the edges.

    I'm still using that same basic premise, just with 35 troops now. I'm still in a situation where 2 bunker guns eat the weenies and a leveled up, protected mortar will ruin my day. So choosing the right bases is a big step.
  4. zag

    zag Crew

  5. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    thanks to everyone who replied with lots of useful info on troops and strategies. I'm currently hitting basses in the 200-250 range (about where I am) with much better results. loot range varies but if I get around 40-60k of each I'm wining with an occasional 100k plus bonanza if I hunt long enough which seems to be the key. carefull base selection which I still find difficult on the phone but not so much on the old dog iPad 2nd gen. keep on plundering shipmates!
  6. This has been an useful read.

    Cheers guys
  7. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    At PH4 and academy 3 you start to really notice a huge boost. The brute toughness to 1200 is especially nice.
  8. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    academy 3 eh? there's something to work towards. thanks for the heads up...
  9. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Here's Another Tip
    • If You're Max Troops Capacity 5-20 Stay At 50 Pirate Rank
    • 21-30 100 pirate rank
    • 31-45 200 pirate rank
    • 50- IDK 200 And Up Pirate Rank
  10. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    good reference guide SirVin.
  11. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

  12. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I thought that too but the problem is that you are attacking to difficult bases. You will get to 35 units a bit later, pretty quickly actually, which will help you out a lot. So attack the weaker bases and as you get more troops you can step up your game.
  13. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Thieves Are Actually Useful If U Unlock They're Ability
  14. ChrisB_UK

    ChrisB_UK Powder Monkey

    So I'm pretty stuck with this.
    Need 200 battle points to upgrade the academy but I can't win any more battles with only 20 troops.
    They are all fully upgraded as well but they just can't seem to overcome anything now ;(
  15. m4thw1z

    m4thw1z Crew

    When you only have 20 troops you should stay pretty low and go for 20k gold/20k grog per battle.... yes, it is a grind.
    At 35 you can start getting 80k/80k per raid.

    Others may be doing better, but that is what I was able to accomplish.

    Also, in these early stages dont try to get three stars. Heck, I dont even try to get 1 star most of the time.

    I just finished all of my academy upgrades at PH 4 so I am rushing my townhall to 5 so I can get more tavern space. Without a loot penalty I see no reason to stay at a low PH and struggle to get loot. If I can get to 50 troops then I should be getting enough to fill my storages in a few raids.
  16. m4thw1z

    m4thw1z Crew

    Drop down in Rank. 20 troops is more than enough to 3 star a brand new base at rank 1.
  17. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    yep can't agree more with the "don't over reach" comments. I found I was being over ambitious for my troop numbers and level but dialling it back worked a treat. now I'm in a better position to hit higher bases and shoot for bigger loot targets. for me the single most important aspect is choosing the right target to hit which in 15 seconds is often difficult to do especially on the phone. so much visual clutter. I've read a lot about troops and their special ability which is further along the upgrade tree/path there's a ways to go to that. Much upgrading to be done. I'd really love to see the current upgrade status of the attacking troops in the replay so I can see how powerful they are and at what level they are in the grand scheme of things. a feature request perhaps?

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