Thank you for the Adverts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Captain Hakjka, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Dear Midoki

    The lastest update for Apple users today is amazing!!! thank you so much.

    Here I have been watching people get frustrated with the game on forums and In game for too long to be honest. I've been keeping there spirits up, making up games like rank rumbles where your rank reflects how well you did in the last rumble. I've been keeping my guild closed for a long time to stop players from other guild recruiting my crew from under me.


    Adverts showing other games my crew can play. I probably would never have commented on this topic if it was included in the update a couple of weeks ago, except there was a separate update for it!! like a BIG ADVERT - In fact a BIG TREASURE CHEST - with a BIG SIGN - come look at all the other games Midoki don't make.

    I for one being a pirate will always be opening a treasure chest, so I expect it to be very effective.

    @Midoki +1 vote to walk the plank for the guy whose idea this was, advertise your own game, your shop, your gems, other games you make, other companies you have a financial interest in, but dont advertise to send people away from your future financial stream. It is a short sighted revenue strategy that will give your sales people there bonuses but in the mid term the developers will lose there jobs.

    On a related topic the advert I just watched for Clash of Kings that looks interesting -
    @forum, is it better than Plunder Pirates shall I move my guild there when they max PH9?
    @forum, what other games that are advertised take your interest?
    @forum It's a great community here perhaps we should all move together?
    Fang likes this.
  2. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Lol, I'm happy to have the ads. I have them on other games, it take 10 seconds and I don't even watch them, and the rewards are decent. That said, the speed with which the ad bug was fixed and updated compared to all the other game bugs that have gone unfixed for months is hugely disappointing
  3. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    OMG - and it is always there, the icon never dissapears!! I justed watch an advert for a game called Beach Boardwalk so assume this isn't targeted advertising. Lol
  4. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Mine has disappeared fwiw...which I gather is not much, lol
  5. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    My thoughts were that this was ironic and a bit concerning as well.
    Salty Snack likes this.
  6. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    @yeti I also see the benefit of advertising to both parties but I just don't see the benefit of advertising outside of your future revenue stream.
    Agreed about how quick the bug fix was make very fustrating.
  7. yeti

    yeti Captain

    It's obviously a big revenue stream in its own right. I couldn't even tell you what was advertised though. I play the ads, but I never watch them...
  8. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    I clicked no thanks, ( saw I needed to fund a perk frist) and treasure chest has disappeared - I wonder for how long?

    Agreed )
  9. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Yep, I just hope the developers get to see some of it and not just the top management and sales teams which is normally the way.
  10. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Amen to that!
  11. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    The bug fix wasn't that quick - adverts were supposed to be switched on in 1.9.1, but we discovered an issue after 1.9.1 had been submitted which required a client side tweak, so 1.9.1 went out with adverts switched off (they were turned on in error temporarily a week or so ago). The 1.9.3 fix was done and submitted a couple of weeks ago.
  12. yeti

    yeti Captain

    I guess the point I'm making is that in comparison to things like replays, HG shooting way over his range and also next to holes in walls, Sky raiders disappearing when deployed near ship, flawed rumble matchmaking etc, it seems lightening fast.

    Understand that it may well have been a much more straightforward fix than these issues, but so would be adding a warning when you hit the $@&%# pirate icon on your ship and lose all your troops, yet that, and other small but game changing requests remain unactioned :(
    Raptelan, Bear and Becker Redbeard like this.
  13. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Replays: This is a deeply complex issue as there are numerous things that can cause de-syncs - problems with particular pirate types and nav mesh combos, memory leaks elsewhere in the game, and most nefariously (and fortunately rarely), people hacking the game client. We've been been working on fixing things that we know can cause issues (the Skyraider, cross-platform attacks), as well as beefing up security and cheat detection, but it's still a work in progress.

    Heavy Gunners: We're looking into this

    Sky Raiders: This has been fixed and will be in the next update

    Rumble Matchmaking: This was changed a month ago on the dev servers and has been going through testing, both with external QA and simulations (to replicate large guild Rumbles), and will be in the next update. It should lead to far more accurate match-ups, taking into account distribution of PH levels across the guild rather than just taking the average (so a guild using minis will generally be matched against another guild using minis), but it may take longer to get matched as a result.

    Warning icon: This seems like a relatively straightforward fix (and heavens know that I've accidentally jettisoned my troops enough to totally understand where you're coming from, hence the future plan of having a separate crew just for exploration!), but even 'straightforward' fixes can take time and require several people to work on (or stuff that seems straightforward on paper is actually some sort of Lovecraftian nightmare). And anything that requires new text takes a good chunk of time to implement due to localisation and localisation testing.

    Ultimately it's always going to be a balancing act between new features, bug fixes and improvements to existing stuff.
  14. Ads make the game feel cheap
    Ian and Salty Snack like this.
  15. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Thanks for the reply @Lynsey [Midoki] much appreciated. Fwiw, I think there is much more value (in terms of both playing experience and player sentiment) in fixing and improving existing features than there is in new content, but I appreciate there are vastly differing opinions on this and probably competing interests... :confused:
    Becker Redbeard and Tikigirl like this.
  16. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I've gotten 20 bp several times. It's my most common reward... Dumb. I agree.
    Alphafox likes this.
  17. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    This is a horrible change. Please get rid of it or at a minimum add a setting to disable it. I would have never started playing this game with this spam being forced on me. We already had one great member quit the game this morning out of frustration of Midoki spending their energies on this crap rather than FIXING THE BUGS AFFECTING GAMEPLAY. We have lost many good members over the last many months of "replays are almost all fixed now, will be all better in the next update!" not getting done already, and other bugs taking ages to get addressed if they have been at all. The mortar fix should have been easy to get into a bugfix release, as would a reversion of the WD and HG AI that is pissing many off (albeit not myself) to the previous behavior, and at least an easy server-side query fix that would make guild suggestions useful for new players.

    I was really happy with the last update overall since it included some much-needed bug fixes, but there are still too many bugs remaining, and new ones added as well. I am personally pretty good at rolling with the punches but it is depressing seeing good and fun players quitting the game over this, and it cannot be good for your revenue stream. Advertisements are not going to make up for the heavy losses of frustrated players leaving.
  18. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Nope, dumbed down throwing shit at the wall aka 90's style advertising.
    Raptelan likes this.
  19. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Already had the claim reward bug out on me causing me to have to close the game. Typical programming experienced here.
    Alphafox likes this.
  20. Pirate!

    Pirate! Crew

    After watching two videos my treasure chest appears to be stuck in the voodoo hut even if I move it around. I guess that's one way to get around it <shrug> (iOS)
    Alphafox likes this.

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