***THE ULTIMATE FARMER’S GUIDE (HQ1 – HQ6 in 2 weeks)*** for Plunder Pirates [TUTORIAL] 11/28/2014

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pop, Nov 28, 2014.

  1. Pushing is when you decide to up your pirate rank, either to get the top spot within your guild, to get onto the player leaderboard. Or when you push as a guild to get onto the guild leaderboards.

    My PR is bigger than your PR. ;)
    Captain MetaTauta likes this.
  2. rj veldman

    rj veldman Powder Monkey

    if you are having trouble with the heavy gunner I would recomend if you have a level 6 tavern like me to use ten juggernots 1 santabrutenclaws and 3 heavy gunners plus 4 gunners
  3. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

  4. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Nice guide - was just about to start a thread on which troups to use to farm grog and gold (not BP as fishing best for that I've found) and i came across this thread.

    I've just dropped down from a push so really needed a injection of loot fast and today used buc / gunner combi for 1 mil grog plus 1 mil gold in a hour. Had enough to upgrade academy 3,4m in no time at all.

    Will try brute gunner combi soon too (i have used it before to great affect) but can't get past the fact you have more troups however with buc you can deploy more or less as you see fit whereas each extra brute you deploy costs you potentially more downtime. Was hitting bases today with bucs - gunner even up to ph6/7 if you picked your area well. I was using between 5-20 slots for each attack so downtime was very minimal.

    I won some BP on the way but as I've said it was not main aim.

    So I'm interested in everyone's views buc or brutes for the gunners tank when farming?

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