The Uninhibited Pirates Guide to Streaking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ll DarkZero ll, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Depends how long you streak. The more chests you obtain, the greater chance you have to pull something better. You won't find 100 gems or more in a Battered Chest, or whatever they call it now. It's gonna take something better than that. Ya know, some people even pull 1000+ gems. It's crazy. And it makes me jealous, quite frankly.
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    Then I guess I need to hold on to my streaks a little longer then...... gems are so useful and while I do not mind making regular contributions to Midoki for this awesome game, free is good!
  3. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    I would like to thank everyone for their contributions in letting players streak. Thank you so much DarkZero, and everyone else. I have hit 322 wins on Streaks, and I must say, it was quite fun! Great for the guild score as well. I feel so proud to be part of the PP community, as this couldn't have happened without your help. And I am very thankful to all those 450+ that left their PH out for me to snipe. It couldn't have happened without you. Check your defence log, and see if I gave you a visit! Quite frankly, this game would never be nearly as much fun, if it was not for the community. Of course, I spent 1 gem per battle, and only pulled out 10 gems in a chest. That's it! 322 gems spent, and 10 earned. Its really crap. Oh well, it was still fun, but I think you really killed rewards. On a happier note, I had gems to blow, and am not that mad about it. Quite joyed to see my name up at the top.
    Thank you all for making it happen for me.
    Genji Shiba likes this.
  4. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    I haven't forgotten about this thread and it seems like I need to do some testing for this last update. I just figured I had to change some Chest names around but it seems like there's a lot more than went into it than that.
    Skillzone10 likes this.
  5. Yeah, there has been a bit of midoki fiddling, but your guide is still amazing whatever happens. I thank you!
  6. excellent post! Thank you :)

    Momo.. it seems your a little confused here so allow me to try n help...
    For starters this isn't even close to a 'cheat guide'. It has a few extra tipz within the guide to help yes, but it's all stuff most seasoned pirates know just applied to streaking.
    Secondly, this strategy doesn't hinder or in any way slow down ur progress as a regular player. The best streaking is done by sniping the PH for a quick 1 star win, NOT by stealing all your loot and using a whole army.
    Therefore..if a max PH9, for example, drops low enough to loot PH7s etc and stomps them 3 star style to steal all available candy from a baby..then I could see your point. However, in streaking that's not what we do.
    We look for easy PH snipes as mentioned to win quickly and bail asap..typically leaving all the loot alone WHICH results in you getting a free easy shield to continue protecting the upgrade loot you've fought hard to build up.

    The more people that put their PH outside defense range for an easy snipe is not only better for us Streakers but also helps you save your loot. So really it's a win win :) hope that helps aleaviate your stress and concern. Cheerz!
  7. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    You are very correct! This thread only helps. I honestly didn't use it for when I actually streaked, but consider it a resource now.
  8. I also popped onto the forum to say I'm very disappointed with the chest swap midoki has done with streaking. As this guide illustrates we used to be able to work upto the good chests i.e. Quarter Masters etc. the type you can buy in the store while streaking.

    But now they've swapped out those with new ones, kewl names like bandits chest etc and I was somewhat excited to try these out just from the names. However I was greatly disappointed. I streaked to about 30 wins, grabbed a few diff ones and set off to open them.
    I was so let down at what I found in them, all that work, time and gem investment to get only 2-3 LP items if that and they weren't even ones I needed. (That's my problem ofc but still I got so few items to begin with it made it worse)
    They were mostly the useless filler type chests u get exploring, like the battered chests, that only give u gold/ grog (at useless small amounts) and ep/bp.

    When I streaked on the old reward system with the better chests I would get a decent ratio of LP items vs the filler resource chests which made using a few gems worth it's been a big enough difference in reward now that has turned me off streaking.

    I really wish/hope they tweak the ratio of items vs resource only in exploration chests and now in streaking becuz I explore non stop and have noticed a drastic reduction in items. If I see one more chest filled only with 20k grog etc and ep I'm gonna cry lol
    Dragonn Mistress likes this.
  9. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    Can anyone confirm this:

    60 Corsairs Rare
    70 Marauders Epic
    80 Corsairs Rare
    90 Marauders Epic
    100 Marauders Epic

    125 Corsairs Rare

    The back to back Marauders Chests goes against the pattern. legendary Chests have been taken out but I've only been able to get to 50 streaks lately with the holidays.
  10. I could confirm but since I'm just backing my own info I don't suppose that means that much to you. I've run the 100 streak 4x so far though.

    I assume their intention is to weigh down the top end rather than maintain a consistent pattern. Replacing the legendary (admirals) chests with epics (captains/marauders) was a poor trade though.

    100 remains the highest, best stopping point since chests become scarce afterwards. Better off just restarting the streak from zero than continue on.
  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I'm pretty sure Marauders are supposed to be Legendary even though they only appear as Epic, Corsairs are Epic even though they only appear as Rare, etc. The colors are one tier down from how they should actually be displayed.
  12. Admirals have 7.5 slots, Captains have 6.5 slots, Marauders have 6 slots. Bandits line up with Battered at 3.

    Bandit - 3
    Freebooter - 4
    Corsair - 5
    Marauder - 6

    Battered - 3
    Davy Jones - 3.5
    Merchant - 4.5
    Quartermaster - 5.5
    Captain - 6.5
    Admiral - 7.5
  13. Nick Yeo

    Nick Yeo Powder Monkey

    I think there might be a change in rewards. I got a Freebooter's Chest on level 15.
  14. Nick Yeo

    Nick Yeo Powder Monkey

  15. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    The number of slots is less, but the chance of materials is higher, and should be more on par with the higher tier chest.
  16. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    Not that I didn't believe you, I just thought you might have mistyped the name of the Chest since nowhere else in the pattern is the same Chest offered back to back. It just caught me off guard is all. Great work though :D

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