Time to join RED FLAG FLEET, you know you want to...

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by TBird, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. TBird

    TBird Captain


    Anddddddd push done!!!
    Hign score of 8,039
    See if any guild here can beat that score.

    Time to farm and upgrade for Red Flag Fleet, join us in time for the next push April 1-5

    Always looking for new recruits to help us go higher next push.
    Strong PH8 for Red Flag Fleet
    Strong PH 7 for Red Flag Fleet 2
    Join Red Flag Fleet 2 to get in line for any spots that open in the Red Flag Fleet main guild.
    You know you want to :)
  2. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Amazing job everyone :D
    Darke Shadow and Captain Didwell like this.
  3. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    the snow is pretty, but the cold that comes with it sux :/.
    i luv the seclusion of living on top of a mountain :) lol

    this is how Mojo spends his time on cold days XD

    "come to the dark side, muahahaha!!"
  4. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    how about this as a new signature? :D lol
  5. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    This literally had me laugh out loud :) LOL
    Captain Didwell likes this.
  6. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Oh and we all posed for this photograph too :D
    Floki likes this.
  7. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Great pics. Very pretty. I spent 6 years living on top of a mountain in the Poconos of PA. No thanks :) Love the demonic dog :)
  8. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Mojo was converted to the dark side by an evil cat after a fierce battle when he was just a pup

    Then they became one[​IMG]
    Christy and Captain Didwell like this.
  9. Captain Didwell

    Captain Didwell First Mate

    I really want the snow.. :(, to make snowman, snowball, snow house, show castle,:rolleyes: snow etc.:D.. but I'm sure if I can get there, I will get sick..:confused:

    btw, I like the dog blue eyes..:cool::cool::cool: its really cool,,
    Floki and Christy like this.
  10. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Oh i missed the spoilers well got it in the end.
    Darke Shadow likes this.
  11. Floki

    Floki Captain

    had to have a quick go...
    Daddy P and Christy like this.
  12. Oh my!
    Christy likes this.
  13. iDiPSkoal

    iDiPSkoal Crew

    Proud to join today! Very friendly team here and great teammates!
    Darke Shadow and Christy like this.
  14. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Thank you @iDiPSkoal :D happy to have you
    iDiPSkoal likes this.
  15. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Congratulations on a job well done! World Number One! Red Flag is not only a powerhouse, but a class act all around. I hereby dub thee Honorary Piggies, the highest honor that can be bestowed on anyone (besides actually being Piggies, that is)! Huzzah!
    Daddy P, Tex, Darke Shadow and 4 others like this.
  16. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Thank you @Ashraman :D
  17. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

    I guess that's what @iDiPSkoal is doing with my base now lol, and I thought it was a joke!
  18. It was :O Although I never got a chance to revenge you : (
  19. Just joined the guild, happy:) to be part of a great team, ready to plunder captain!
    Where do we get the cool banners from?
  20. iDiPSkoal

    iDiPSkoal Crew

    Bro it's a base layout really? Lol do I need to sign paperwork before I see a base that was decently tough so I coppied it. Have some class.

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