Update coming soon with SkyRaider pirate ? Good or bad?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by .Lord M€G/\T|2ON., Nov 19, 2014.


Really need in game or just overkill on offense?

  1. Really need

  2. Overkill

  3. Not liking them ☠

  4. Liking them☠

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  1. They do have that angry birds backing piggy island in the house :)
  2. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea he seems to only fire while his falling in, then on the ground he'll behave like a Bucc, they mention wind in the description so they must be adding this, so when you deploy them they'll be pulled in a certain direction while firing. I'd say the Gun Towers will target them anyway, maybe Bunkers too.
  3. TBird

    TBird Captain

    If you have a flag pole on your base, you can see wind direction....
    now I wish I didn't buy a flag pole.
    Time to move it to the very far corner away from everything
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Also walls will still be needed, they aren't a waste, this is only one troop that can bypass them (at least while they're falling) in the game, Clash has a load of troops that bypass walls.
  5. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    They'll have to add a way of telling wind direction if they're adding the feature, if not the troops will be pointless. There's also a flag on top of the Guild so having a flag makes no difference.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  6. And attack in the air and land plus by pass walls seems overkill to what defense opt. They have now
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  7. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Shoot... and there's a flag on the PH... And the guild hall...
    And smoke from the blacksmith, and the tavern
    All giving away wind direction
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  8. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Maybe SantaBrute is dropping them from his sleigh?
    roguecylon likes this.
  9. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  10. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I doubt any of those will even change with the wind, I can see them just adding a little directional arrow at the top of the screen when you're attacking.
  11. Cap'n Lachi

    Cap'n Lachi Powder Monkey

    Agreed. All the flags fly in the same direction every day.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  12. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Would be my guess.

    I think gun towers should be able to hit airborne troops.

    I hope they dont add another structure that would counter this unit, we have enough crap in the base as is. Give bunkers, and gun towers the ability.

    Like Bear said they are only air born for so long, paratrooper type thing.

    I think this new unit could really spice up the offensive attacks.
  13. pwrovryou

    pwrovryou Crew

    More than anything, I think this will be a severe learning curve both offensively and defensively. I'm sure the mods have thought this airborne buccaneer through, and will include defensive updates with this new offense.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Ugh. Even if they add a defense for it (and wind), I'm not a fan of aerial units, especially anachronistic ones. When you have 8 troops types, half with triggerable skills, it gets a bit difficult to follow....Unless you're 13, and high on energy drinks.

    Plus, once a Buc loses a parachute, it's still just a Buc.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  15. See what stats are on this unit if same as buc once on ground or if its a skill you get from schooling a buc who knows yet ,still flying pirates eeeehh :confused:
  16. pwrovryou

    pwrovryou Crew

    Maybe they're buccaneer cannon balls, being shot from a ship, catching some air, and landing in/around the base being attacked? o_O
  17. poo

    poo Crew

    a big ASS(butt) machine that farts n blows them away. they get lost n become enrage n attack what Evers in infront of them due to the stench. it's call the big blows
  18. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    I think they are an interesting addition that changes base layouts and attacking strategies without interfering with the game balance too much. Maybe they can drop behind enemy lines relatively easy, but then get picked up by defensive fire soon and in the meantime the thieves sneak in to get some l00t! awww yisssss!
    Bear likes this.
  19. We will see you know how pirates get ;) Game is already offensively orientated more so then defense so we shall see.... But land and sea be my pirate way, air is for the birds.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    pwrovryou likes this.
  20. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Think if you have to launch them over the water? Everyone will be spreading their base again. Thats a long way to fly! :p
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.

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