*Update with New Pirate Catcher

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by .Lord M€G/\T|2ON., Nov 21, 2014.

  1. I see you to keep up with game dev. Teams as well, more money in app games now at days.
    Bill gates jr likes this.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Well, I am from angrybirdsnest.com so tracking Rovio news is part of the job, but this one's personal. I own (and still play) all the AB games that are available on PC. I also own them on iOS, and now I'm apparently going to have to buy them for Android and use an emulator so I don't lose those big screen + mouse benefits.

    I totally understand why they're doing it. PC accounted for under 4% of players, and well under 1% of revenue (no ads or IAP's on PC). It was just a matter of time.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  3. mana

    mana Crew

    'they can be lured out with the promise of free grog'

    Probably grog. :p
  4. I hear you made money off app games faster then pc games , dev team at bigpoint ( huge online game Dev. Team)want to get into app games because of huge revenue they missing out on from tablet/ipad and cell users.
    Bill gates jr likes this.
  5. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    My PC is out in the garage beside my Beta VCR and my Walkman.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I don't need a space heater, because I have a pile of linux servers to keep my feet warm.
    Salty Snack and Bear like this.

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