What defense to build first with ph8?

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Red Hand of Doom, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. What is the right order for building/upgrading the defences with PH8 while getting the most bang for our bullions? This is my take on it.
    1) Build the fifth tower then go though the upgrades for it
    2) Build the second ground pounder, then upgrade both to level 2 (20% increase in damage!), island redesign very likely
    3) Build the fourth bunker, upgrade to level 2 ASAP
    4) Upgrade the rest of the defences

    Any better order?
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    1) Ground Pounder
    2) Ground Pounder
    3) Ground Pounder
    4) Ground Pounder
    # Johnny Doe # and Floki like this.
  3. Floki

    Floki Captain

    ^^Think so they are the bane of a badly thought out attack
  4. Right with you on that one! And don't forget the 20% increase in damage with the level 2, it's going to be fun redesigning our island funnelling all the critters towards both ground pounder, fresh meat mium!
  5. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Yes with new more defensive weapons it will maybe open up better design options more walls will be a must and that hard grind to upgrade them.
    you will also be able to defend each GP with the other so a can think of a few things to do there.
  6. Pantani

    Pantani Powder Monkey

    Quite a few PH8s out there already - GPs next to each other seem to be the most common. Desperately trying to avoid gemming the completion - have set 1,700 gems as my max before I consider it - already maxed gold again, pirate chatcher and flame gate on the way) - such a tease. Even upgrading walls would make me happy...
  7. Now with an even number of bunkers and ground pounder, maybe we will see more symmetrical design instead of all those rectangles.
    Mr. Brown likes this.
  8. Zeuticus

    Zeuticus Crew

    25 walls first, obviously. They make a bigger difference for the time (none) and gold (minimal for level 4 or 5) cost it takes to get them into play.
    After that, the gun tower is the next quickest and cheapest to get in play and build up a few levels.
    Second Ground Pounder and fifth Bunker then. Which one depends on how much gold you have available and when you want your builder to finish.
    The Ground Pounder will be the most important new defensive weapon, but timing and finances can make the others better first upgrades.
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  9. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Ground Pounder
    Walls (to lvl 5ish)
    Floki Gates

    Once those are done, 3 builders on upgrades, 4th builder free to upgrade walls as you get gold
    Floki and Red Hand of Doom like this.
  10. Are you going to spend the money upgrading the mines? I find them becoming more and more useless as the jugs sniff them out and disarm them right away being the first troop coming in. Even worse if you put them inside the walls and the jugs get in without having to break them.
  11. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    I say Pirate Catcher.. its 45% boost at lvl 3. I can loot more than I could defend. Which equates to faster wall building and academy training.

    Pirate Catcher 2
    Guild Hall lvl 4
    Pirate Catcher 3

    Ground Pounder, towers and bunkers in between.
  12. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I don't think you will be able to do much with the GP defending GP thing. They increased its HP from 400 to 600, but it's still an incredibly easy to kill piece of hardware. I'd think the other GP would get at most 1 shot off before those pirates have moved on. When upgraded to L2, it only has 800HP, so maybe 2 shots.
    I'm thinking criss-crossed and offset GPs, with all bunkers protecting the other directions :)
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  13. Bryno

    Bryno Crew

    What about using GP's to defend opens (opposites say east/west) one another. One at the ship and the other PH. Triple walls and bunkers North/south.

    Anyways Acad/GP/Voodoo/Guild/Start Walls/Floki Gates
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  14. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Had my first attacks on my base repelled by 2 GP'ers very effective also attacks seem to be easier has anyone else found this?
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  15. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    they key is how to get your enemies to go through the gp damage area.
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  16. Floki

    Floki Captain

    These pirates are a little lazy and seem to follow the path of least resistance you can use that to your advantage.
    Red Hand of Doom likes this.
  17. I was thinking the same thing, GP opposite each other with the bunker taking care of the other side behind thick walls. Should be fun to watch the new base design people will come up with.:cool:
  18. I think this is key and should be used as part of any base design.

    I got a gap between walls on my base just out of the range of 5 for gunners, they walk all the way around, using up time, to the opening where the GP and the bunker are, boom to pirate heaven! I love them for that!
  19. I have noticed that too, I think the rebalancing helped a lot, I started using my heavy gunner again and it's almost worth 3 gunners now, as it should be.
  20. Pantani

    Pantani Powder Monkey

    New walls are lvl 7, tower is at 6, bunker lvl 2 on the way, PC and GP about to finish - so what's the advice, GPs side by side or (kind of) opposite?

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