What do you think of the update?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bjays92, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I'm going to start off by saying while the update was feature light, there is something about it that feels good and complete to me (it's also worth noting it's our second update with new content this year and we are only in march. This is a huge improvement over last year)

    So even though there aren't many upgrades I'm still very happy. The new ship level turns the ship into a valuable defence (I'm excited to see the new base designs)

    New lighthouse (really just a excuse to waste ep)

    New silo is a big win for me! Tons of space for items. It will now make it really easy for me to upgrade all my lp's

    Daily Log In: is a huge win for me! The rewards are VERY GOOD and definitely encourage you to play the game daily. I'm really happy they added this, I think it is fantastic and not only do you get a really good chest on day 7 (that will surely yield gems some day) you get a nice sum of grog to assist with upgrades

    Guild Events: I'm also really excited to see how these work, I think it will be the best feature of the whole update. Hopefully they are events that require entire guild collaboration, I think this is a really good step for more guild related competitions

    Personal Break: I've changed my mind on what the best feature is, cuz this is definitely it! Basically just forces you offline if you've been on too long (hopefully it will help stop cheaters)

    So those are my thoughts on everything. Personally I think this update is laying the framework for something much bigger in the future (fingers crossed that's a new map and lp's) I just want everyone to remember that it's only march and there's still a ton of time for awesome new updates to the game.

    With that being said, what do you think about the update? I'm very curious to know
  2. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I am interested in the guild events.

    The silo was too late in the LP upgrade game for me.

    The lighthouse and ship may be good, but of course I wish there was a new map or additional targets added to the east for more materials.

    I did not read about the "personal break" but if it helps stop cheaters I am all for it. Anything identified as a cheat should be dealt with quickly and harshly for the cheater.
  3. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    If anyone notices missing troops when auto recruiting, please post here. I just went on a huge 5 streak and gemmed my troops every time (full attack mode troops) priestess ended up missing on one of my attacks when I went to deploy :(
  4. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Perhaps it's too soon give my complete opinion on the new update. With that being said, I do like the daily log on for rewards, this is a great incentive for players to check their islands daily...well done Midoki!!:) To be honest I'm not sure what the personal break is about exactly? The upgrades to the silo, lighthouse and ship were going to happen at some point. I'm a little disappointed that a new exploration map didn't accompany the ship upgrade. Of course without an upgrade to the lighthouse there is no upgrade to the ship, a bit like without an added outhouse there is no upgrade to the tavern. Oh well, I suppose a necessary part of the progression process of the game.:rolleyes: Hopefully the guild events are something new and different with some tweaking of the rewards. One of the wants from my Midoki bucket list is two have two dapper closets, perhaps this would better the odds of not receiving duplicate buffed outfits! Another want from my list involves the items received in the higher level chests. Please Midoki no more bp, xp and especially no more gold or grog!!! I think these chests should be reserved for rare and epic materials only!!!;) Useful chests are great, no tweaking is necessary! Finally the silo upgrade was very much needed, however players that have lower pirate hall levels won't reap this benefit.:eek: Another want from my list involves the silo upgrades. Once a player upgrades to ph 9 there is no option to upgrade the silo again until ph 10. I'm a bit confused as to why there is now 3 additional levels of silo upgrades at ph 10 and 11. I really think those at ph 8 and 9 should be offered at least 1 maybe even 2 additional silo upgrades. Additional silo space is very much needed at these levels, quite difficult to manage resources without throwing out hard earned materials by sailing, participating in the events and streaking. I do like the new upgrades and added rewards, perhaps with some tweaking here and there all would be near perfection in the pirate world.:);)
    Seawitch and Intimidator like this.
  5. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I think the personal break feature is to prevent people from using programs to keep their islands online 24/7. It's a cheat so people can maintain high rank and not lose any points because no one can ever attack them :(
    Tiger Lilly likes this.
  6. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Intimidator thank you for the insight, I agree this is a much needed feature for the game!:)
  7. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    Funny story..someone in our guilds Slack chat mentioned looting for their PH upgrade. It was before I could get home from work and access the game on my tablet. I was all set to delete the game when the person that posted said auto-correct made LH (lighthouse) a PH in her post. I really was like wth? no mention of a ph in this update:mad: so needless to say, I'm fine with this small update for now. Just don't make us wait months for a map. Shiny new ship and no where new to take it for a spin :(
  8. Mlt

    Mlt Powder Monkey

    As far as I am concerned it is a big fat yawn - where is the new game play, something interesting to retain long term players who have been leaving in droves. A new lighthouse and ship and an upgraded silo is yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn - the guild event is the only thing that might keep me interested enough to keep playing. Midoki need to deliver something new............ and soon
    lady blackbeard likes this.
  9. Taipanfan

    Taipanfan First Mate

    I've been at work all day and haven't seen anything about the personal break. I think it's a great idea, but where do I find the details on it?
  10. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    So far it has been pretty vague. What I do know is that if you've been online for too long, it will force you offline for 10 minutes
  11. Armands

    Armands Powder Monkey

    Has somebody else notice, that there is no more battle replay videos in logs? Or that only me? How can i update my base, if i can't see the flaws in defence?
  12. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    The replays (from before an update) always disappear after the update - just wait for some more attacks & the replays for those will be available. ;)
    Scarlet Fever, Ian and Armands like this.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    Personal Break?

    So we have gone the way of CoC? A nanny state? You've played too long, take a break. And I wasn't aware that you couldn't be attacked while you were online, when did that happen? Oh, and nice way to kill streaking....for anyone not willing to pay gems to do it.......

    Just another reason for Midoki to not regain my $$$.
  14. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    You have NEVER been able to be attacked whilst online... unfortunately more and more people have started using "strategies" to permanently keep themselves online - hence Midoki has had to implement a way of defeating this practice.

    In what way does this inhibit legitimate streaking? (I'm genuinely puzzled) :oops:
  15. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I would have to agree with @peg-brain bob on this one, I don't think the intent was to prevent those who actually play from playing. It's to prevent those with "unique and slightly unethical" strategys from staying online 24/7 and ruining the fun of things. Guess everything's a lose lose nowadays tho
  16. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I'm not sure what to think about the new ship. It doesn't go any faster (need another OB level) and the range is the same as the pink ship. Damage is increased by 20 and hp by 4,000. Interested to see if it makes an impact as far as offense/defense. I don't recall the ship never getting a range increase when upgraded. Thought it was a bit odd when I noticed the stats on it. Seems like 150k ep for a non pink ship to me. Not that I'm real worried about the ep, just saying....
  17. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    I thought it would have a range increase to go along with hopefully a new map soon :( No motivation to rush it.
    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  18. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    flyingdoucheman likes this.
  19. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

  20. Jackal

    Jackal Crew

    I wish the boat came with a map and cannons

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