What do you want for Christmas besides your Two Front Teeth?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiger Lilly, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Cheers my fellow pirates,
    I got to thinking again, scary I know! :rolleyes: I was just wandering want everyone wanted for their island this year for Christmas? Some of my wants are obvious, still waiting to fill up the upgraded Legendary Fort with a couple of new legends, they are in desperate need for some new company. Perhaps someone who can rival Sadie's jumping or Black Bart's head butting skills.:p Of course a new exploration map with more forts, ships and monsters to battle would be nice. I know how about some parrots perching on the pirate hall, tavern or flying swiftly across the island. But want I what the most is more rewards in the pirate chests earned while exploring the map or streaking. Gold and grog amounts need to be more substantial, say in the millions, and a some gems in every chest won!!!!:);) Is that asking for too much? Get your thinking caps on!:D
    Happy Holidays!!
    Tiger Lilly;)
  2. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    I want the giant turtle in corner near my base to come alive and eat any pirates dropped too close in the water to Him. Oh & I hope the game Gods shoot out a healthy baby and come back to work. Amen.
  3. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. How about Gunners and HG's fire snow balls and Bombers detonate ice bombs, and a giant Yeti for a Christmas LP!!!
  4. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    Cornelius turns into a bad ass Santa and crazy elves shoot out of his pack instead of monkeys!
  5. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    I believe that's where the idea for Cornelius came from, Sant BruteKlaus had a giant candy cane, and he was virtually unstoppable for the most part
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

  7. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    And I want Strongholds available on both maps
    850arrr, Tessa Rose, Ian and 2 others like this.
  8. Seawitch

    Seawitch First Mate

    I want the good amount of gems to return to the chests. Remember the 6-700 we used to get. I want the strongholds to return as well. I want new lp's, I want everything everyone else has said. And I want sharks in the water to eat unsuspecting pirates swimming in my water
  9. Seawitch

    Seawitch First Mate

    Hmmmm am I asking for too much?
  10. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Seawitch...nope not asking for too much!:);) The sky is the limit!:D
  11. Dog Breath

    Dog Breath First Mate

    I want a new map with lots of strongholds and Vikings ... and a pet Kraken chained to my PH :rolleyes:
  12. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I would really like a icy new map, regenerating strongholds, snow, new lp costumes (and lp's) and lastly a perk that reduces recruitment costs
  13. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    I'll like a new PH level and more outfits... new events anyone?
  14. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I agree with @Sea Patriot:
    I'd also love to see a sleigh/blimp/gliding troop (kinda like the initial stage of sky raider) but that never lands... just randomly drifts around the screen shooting at stuff! :D
  15. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Hello my fellow pirate friends...these are great! Now only if we can slip the Christmas wish list to the Midoki Santa workshop...ho,ho,ho;)
    Tessa Rose and Sea Patriot like this.
  16. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    Or perhaps someone can slip some rum or whiskey into Chris's eggnog!:D After a few too many and seeming very jolly, then pass him the Christmas wish list!;)
  17. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Maybe that's how some of those previous in-game 'bugs' came about.. too much Christmas cheer while programming :rolleyes:
  18. Odog-ethan

    Odog-ethan Crew

    I would like midoki to do something about these top ranked PR global ranked players who uses apps or other hacks to have it show them online 24hrs a day 7 days a week so nobody can ever revenge attack them. It's obvious who is and isn't using them. Hopefully this new platform will elemnate the use of such cheats.
  19. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    As Events go: I would like to see a 'Super Port/Stronghold'; one that requires multiple members attacking consistently in order to succeed; requiring strategy and leadership to complete within the 24 hours.
    For the 3rd Explore Map: I would like an Island instead of another sea (Pirates like to explore islands too). Exploring the Island for loot and treasure; battling forts, strongholds and native villages we encounter along the way; speed and progress could be determined by terrain; and rewards would be plentiful.
  20. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Ian...wow I really like the idea of a dry land map!:) I know pirates like being out on the open waters of the sea but exploring hidden unknown treasures on land sounds exciting to me. I like the idea of native villages and forts to plunder, perhaps some dark caves/caverns to explore with lots of loot!!!;) Maybe even sword fights to the death with the native islanders:p
    Dog Breath, Ian and peg-brain bob like this.

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