What is the end point of this game?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThunderStorm, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Just wondering. When there are many people who have completed all the upgrades possible, what factors will determine the leaderboard rankings?

    The things that will determine ranking in that case will be the layout of their island (pirate hall and other buildings) and amount of time they spend on plundering.

    People can easily copy the layout/design of the top players or they can keep on fine tuning/refining their designs. So, eventually, it will boil down to who is online most of the times.

    Is my thinking correct? Does anyone have any comments/insights/opinions on this? Just trying to predict the end point of this game and whether leaderboards will reach any 'steady state'.

    Your inputs are welcome on this 'thought experiment'.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  2. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Indeed, being on the leaderboard will boil down to playtime. However, having the highest pirate rating won't b all there is to the game. I have no doubt that they will add tons more features in the future, like something along the lines of tournaments or clan wars.
  3. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Yep, which is why they need to change it so you can attack a player while they are online.

    Sooner or later someone will make an anti idle script to keep them game online 24/7 afk. Meaning they will be unattackable, yet can attack whom ever and be untouchable on the leader boards.
  4. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Not sure how you could attack someone online if they are editing their base.
  5. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    They probably will make a "break time", so you can't be on 24/7.
  6. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Create an edit mode. Have pending upgrades and edits restricted to edit mode and a game map save upon implementation.

    This keeps the game map base attackable at last known save point. Ie always attackable.

    Maybe it's more complicated than that. But it's broken as hell currently .
  7. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    I don't think this issue is important at all. If people on the leaderboard spend way more time working on their pirate rating than anyone else then they deserve to b on the leaderboard. That's how it works for almost every single game ever created.
  8. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Putting in work to raid others and build PR is one thing. But only half of the work required to maintain leader board status. The other half being defending your base from losing PR.. Hence the whole idea of building defences for your base.

    That second half is completely abusable . Staying online and hiding un-attackable under the "can't be attacked while online" shroud simply by tapping the screen once every 5 minutes while doing what ever, is busted.

    That's not earning a top spot. That abusing a game weakness. Cheating.
  9. Except for Deathmatch games like Quake3, UT, CS where a player's skills (such as reflex/reaction time, presence of mind, familiarity with the map & weapons, ability to outsmart & outthink the opponent) are put to test.
  10. We have a life outside the games as well :)
  11. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    Speak for yourself, buddy! :D
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  12. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Being on all the time to tap the screen is still putting in time on the game. If people r that dedicated to being on top then like I said, they deserve it. With the exception being cheating in some way, like using a bot.
  13. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Even with most of those types of games they rank total number of kills and whatnot, which takes a lot of gameplay time in order to have more than everyone else.
  14. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    In nearly every game the leaderboard status requires a combination of skill and play time. With very few exceptions (actually I can't even think of any exceptions off hand).
  15. True. But in gaming competitions where prize money is at stake, only skill matters. Play time doesn't. These games have competitions and the prizes are fairly decent. Upto 25000 dollars or so. These pro gamers earn a lot just by playing all day and winning these tournaments. I am guessing, we have a few such players on this forum as well.
  16. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Skill on attack is pretty minimal in that you cannot control what your crew attacks. You can call it skill on the type of mix you have, and the intervals and numbers that you release. But without better control of the crews attack, this is kinda low level no skill required pirate fun.
  17. Bad Boy

    Bad Boy Powder Monkey

    Unfortunately in games like this there is no actual skill required. The combat and game play are based off time spent and mathematics. With the mathematics being determined by time spent.

    So without skill, only time spent remains.


    Keeping yourself online in an effort to remain and hide under this invulnerable and un-attackable shroud, while still being able to progress higher in ranks by attacking others.. To remain on a top spot is NOT deserved. It's an extreme abuse of a game weakness for not just an advantage over others, but a complete invulnerability from others.

    Simply being able to attack some while they are online would eliminate this invulnerable abuse and give everyone who spent the time to level up a fair shot and chance to compete.
  18. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Agreed on all points. It would be nice to have it so attacks are possible while you are online and not under a shield. And that by recruiting crew and leaving them in the tavern, they can lend a hand and fight off the intruders.
  19. Chaos5715

    Chaos5715 First Mate

    Being able to attack people that r online would screw over the majority of average players, instead of just hindering the top few. They r on their island rearranging things and about to build something and then, bam, their resources magically disappear and now they can't build anything. They will need to attack someone to get enough resources again, and by the time they get ready to build again their resources vanish again.
  20. Nice stats. :) Killing streak of 49 is interesting.

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