When will the "Holiday" theme end?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by # Marknado #, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. # Marknado #

    # Marknado # Powder Monkey

    I don't know who's idea it was to make everything covered in snow -- it was nice for a week -- but looking at stark white for months is hella annoying, and it's the middle of JANUARY. There are no holidays anymore! And there is nothing "cool" or "special" about everything covered in white. It takes away from the awesome colors and graphics that got me hooked to begin with.

    Someone please answer this, I couldn't possibly be the only one who feels this way.
  2. Well in Alaska there is snow too.. But anyway to get to the point, we will soon get the new update. And it will bring back the normal theme.
    We where promised two updates in January.. So can't be long now..
  3. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Hahaha I'm going to guess you live somewhere without snow. As if January was a limiting factor wahhahaka

    I like the snow graphics, it hides things better. Mines are too obvious at times :(
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  4. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    I like all the white snow.
    It reminds me of my eating disorder that allows me to only eat white food.
    Yeah, it makes me happy and...


    Edward Kenway, Gangrene Beard and Jun like this.
  5. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I like it as well, but I have have to say that I miss the green and the sand:D
  6. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    We'll here in Finland we are stuck with another 3 months... so.... :)
    The Fish Eyed Pirate and Jun like this.
  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    What is this snow you speak of? Is it like Jon Snow?
    Rachael likes this.
  8. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Actually, I'm going to bet you are Californian.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Since we're not getting any snow here, I'm pretending the game snow is real. So, I've learned to deal with it, and like it.

    Now attacking with that snow/lights in night mode... Never got used to it. Not a fan.
  10. # Marknado #

    # Marknado # Powder Monkey

    Hahaha I do live in LA, but the January remark was referring to the holidays -- meaning, Christmas and New Years are over.
  11. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Didn't LA get snow again this year?
  12. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Haha, your "hella" gave it away. + the anti-snow sentiment.
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  13. # Marknado #

    # Marknado # Powder Monkey

    There was snow on the sidewalk outside of the Jimmy a Kimmel show one day, but I'm pretty sure it was staged for something he did on his show haha.
  14. Captain Monkey

    Captain Monkey First Mate

    All I can say is - GO CANADA. (Even though today it's mild out)
  15. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I hate snow :( I need to move south to some tropical island :D:cool:
  16. # Marknado #

    # Marknado # Powder Monkey

    ORR just leave the east coast like I did and get 365 perfect weather in LA!
    Although the Pats just won and I'm from Boston ;-)
    Christy likes this.
  17. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Oh I wish!!! I love Cali. But the earthquakes, fires and mudslides scare the crap out of me. At least if a hurricane is coming you know ahead of time and can run for your life :D
  18. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Meh, Earthquakes aren't that bad, fires are only a danger if you live in near brush, and mudslides if you live near PCH. The rest of the time it's sunshine and smog
    Black-ish Beard and Christy like this.
  19. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Florida is just SUNSHINE! (and rain and humidity and old people...and Canadians)
    Captain Monkey, Rachael and Christy like this.
  20. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Very tempted to go to Florida. I do have my Dad and brother there. And quite a few friends from spending my summers there every year with the kids. So that would be my number one choice
    Black-ish Beard likes this.

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