Who is Your Pirate Hero?

Discussion in 'Off topic' started by Stupid Fish, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    I scanned through the pages, there's a post which caught my attention. He said he wants a Pirate Hero feature, that would be nice isn't it? If there's a feature to be implemented hopefully in the future, what would be your Pirate Hero's name, skills and special attribute? Leave a comment, let's see who's hero would stand out as the best one. Good Luck!;)
  2. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    [​IMG] Capt Davy Jones is my Tramp Card. His special skill would be summoning the KRAKEN.. HAHAHA:D
    Gristle likes this.
  3. Jenifer

    Jenifer Crew


    If your going to ask me i rather choose this woman. Her name is Calypso. Without her your tramp card would be nothing. Hahaha :p
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  4. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I got a feeling they will add a Blackbeard hero:)
  5. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    you mean, for real?:D
  6. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I have no idea, but its just a feeling I have:D Blackbeard is one of the most rememberable pirates after all:)
    Gristle likes this.
  7. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    :).LOL.. though my davy jones is a myth, it will be nice if they will integrate the capt of the flying dutchmen in the plot, if not a hero, a quest BOSS will do:D
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  9. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

  10. Jenifer

    Jenifer Crew

  11. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  12. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Once per fight she raises an army of undead pirates to fight alongside her
    Gristle likes this.
  13. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    arrrhh.. [​IMG]
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  14. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    But I think, that should be Davy Jones' special skill, because he's the guy who collect souls,ain't that right?:rolleyes:
  15. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Sir Henry Morgan (Yep, Captain Morgan), special ability - Every once in a while your troops get so drunk they wander around aimlessly, sometimes attacking each other, or barfing and not attacking...and Alestorm plays in the background...
  16. Captain Didwell

    Captain Didwell First Mate

    I'll go with Jack Sparrow. . . hehehe:D
  17. Captain Didwell

    Captain Didwell First Mate

    He is notorious .Respect. hats off. . . Adding him will be great!
  18. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    [​IMG]this sounds kinky..LOL... but i think it would be better if they will have 40% miss chance rate for 8 secs instead of wrecking each other. this will give your tower enough time to wipe them out.LOL
  19. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    @Stupid Fish Sounds about right and it plays into the already existing mystic mines...just with barf
  20. Stupid Fish

    Stupid Fish First Mate

    [​IMG] his special skill is morale boost adding yoru troops 20% movement speed 30% attack speed and 50% additional damage for 5 secs but they are 15% more vulnerable.ahah;)

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