Win a battle but in defense log i loose the battle

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by abyss, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. @Remedy @c00ni -- this is pretty accurate. The log details come straight from the attacker's device and are the real description of what went down and what was destroyed/looted. The Defense Replay is a reconstruction of what went down, using your device's hardware which can cause minor discrepancies that sometimes "snowball" into very inaccurate replays.
    The wizards at Midoki are hard at work on redoing the math behind replays so that it will no longer cause issues even once the (alleged) Android [dramatic music] version comes out, it should support a gazillion (give or take a few) new processors.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  2. Remedy

    Remedy Powder Monkey

    If that's true, then the log should always be right (as you have said before). But why is it then that the log said I lost 8 pirate rank due to giving up 2 stars, yet I actually went up 5 pirate rank which makes sense since the replay only showed my attacker getting 0 stars?
  3. My educated guess would be that someone attacked you before and lost, giving you +13 -- a few minutes later someone else attacked you for 2 stars and you lost -8 (totaling +5) and you got a shield. Make sense?
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Powder Monkey

    Makes sense, but the log doesn't show more than the 1 attack
  5. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Arrrrgh! Sometimes the logs be lost at sea, flushed to the muddy deep!
  6. You guys have log events disappearing? This is normal when updating versions, but should not happen otherwise!
  7. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    My log shows my oldest attack as one day ago.
    I do attack a lot, but what you just said implies it should have complete history since update?
  8. Jim Weaver

    Jim Weaver Powder Monkey

    I think there is still some problem with this, and it's more serious than these posts reflect.

    I have this defense discrepancy from tonight. The log shows I was attacked and had a two-star defeat, 87% destroyed, 591,954 gold taken, 330,114 grog taken (max plunder available to him/her basically). It lists the attackers in the log details as 21 gunners, 1 santa, 4 brutes, 9 jugs. I replay the battle. I see him/her drop exactly those forces as listed in the log, I see the timer tick all the way down, at the 1 second mark his last troop is killed, none of them ever get inside the walls on the central area to any resource storages, 35% destruction, almost no gold or grog taken (549,912 / 321,525 of my available resources are shown as left, so during the replay he got about 50k gold and 10k grog).

    Now if the bug is that some battle happened, and the log is correct, but the replay is whacked, then how can the replay show the exact forces the log says were dropped, show them all getting killed, and take up the full three minutes of the battle? It seems more likely to me that the person that attacked me got a failed attack with no stars, 50k gold and 10k grog, which matches the replay, but I got debited for a two-star defeat 591k gold and 300k grog.

    Can post pics.
  9. Jim Weaver

    Jim Weaver Powder Monkey

    Hmmm, sorry I see in some other threads where basically the replays are not what happened when you were attacked at all, they are effectively a new battle played on your local device, but with the drop points and times of enemy forces same and times of special abilities triggered the same. So since attackers should follow same AI each time, theoretically the "new" battle should play out same way as real one, but due to some bugs does not always.

    That's a bit of a bummer if it is what is happening, since you cannot tell how to evaluate your defenses/layout in such cases.
  10. That's the correct answer, you are going to the next round where you will be able to win a microwave!
    Jim Weaver likes this.
  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    After every 2-3 maintenance cycles, my logs are cleared out also. I thought that was intended?
  12. Captain MetaTauta

    Captain MetaTauta First Mate

    Hackers are the culprit
  13. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    So when will it be fixed?

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