
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by whitney, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. LadyoftheSea

    LadyoftheSea Powder Monkey

    You are ? Shocked seems like conflict of interest . I don't know many mods that post the stuff you post but hey good for you, as it say on your profile graduate as your job put forum mod. Is it good pay? Or just a plunder pack you get? ;)
  2. And I don't know many people like you that are just on the forum to disgrace other people. And you find it offensive that my captain called someone a name? I find it offensive you post nothing on topic. Just post to try and make people look bad.
    I don't moderate here for anything, I didn't ask for a plunder pack. I was just simply trying to add something good to this community you are trying to ruin.
    Kijore57 likes this.
  3. LadyoftheSea

    LadyoftheSea Powder Monkey

    No your captain did fine job of that on his own. Seems your touchy about it too. Again 2 random forum user from netherlands on the same post minutes apart the odds on that lol. Plus most ideas or comments made have you saying bad idea or contradicting it .just search post by you ,its real funny . Thank you for your work here they should pay you for all the time you put in here instead of at a real job.xoxo
  4. yeti

    yeti Captain

  5. "What's a moderator? Why should we have one?"
    Ps. Feel free to end any discussion I have with anyone if you think it derails. Your good at it, and it saves me a lot of time :p
  6. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    Ladyofthesea, just stop. you sound like a idiot.
    Why would you post they are from the netherlands and post minutes apart like 6x? like, the exact same phrase. so weird. no one cares but you.
    Kijore57, One-Eyed Willy and Tikigirl like this.
  7. whitney

    whitney Crew

    So anyway as I was saying, Yay for reloadable mines, and being able to see (up to a point) who donated, and yay build screens!
  8. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    I agree with Yeti. Lady, you need to try and add productive thoughts to these threads. There is an old saying, perhaps you should learn... If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. @LadyoftheSea
    Kijore57 likes this.
  9. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Amen! This just goes to show that Midoki is listening, these are all things we have requested in the ideas and feature request page (where practical usage of this forum occurs)

    General Improvements - 1,4,12

    Pirate Catcher - Recruitment Office
  10. Jinglez

    Jinglez Powder Monkey

    Thanx Yeti. Taken on board. Will relay info to the crew. Thanx for the reply.
    Captain - Strykers14
  11. 爆头船长

    爆头船长 Powder Monkey

    me too even i have gave up finding them.
  12. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Yes! Yay to all of those things.

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