What is your Experience with the Loot Scaling?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daddy P, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    Great tip. So much to learn to catch up to y'all. What an awesome forum, great community. Thanks.
  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Im a PP 6, rank under 150 with academy lvl4, meaning decent low level troops...hitting less loot for sure than usual, but i try to attack for atleast in between 300-400 loot in total. Fortunately getting randomly also...but after reading you guys, i am not going to rush my academy for sure....ill rather build my mystic mortars, with those BP...☺
  3. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Thats great for you. My troops cost more because they have more training

    My WD is 50k each, bombers 3k each - that alone is 95k.

    So anotherwords this loot nerf is hitting harder on players that have advanced troop training further than others. PH lvl has nothing to do with it, as I could be PH 7 and have cheap units due to no training.

    Now we need to nerf the tavern down because the new tactic is to Zerg players with 65 units that have 0 training for optimum resources.
  4. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Win bonus would fix this pretty easily. Give 150/150K for a win above 600 PR. Easy fix and it helps alleviate the loot issues up there. Not sure there is a legitimate reason to not do something like this.
    Daddy P likes this.
  5. poo

    poo Crew

    I'm looking for well rounded ph7 with lotsa booty. no pickn on the weak for me. but each time ph7 don't have much booty. come look for my base. Iv lotsa booty n i hav a ph7.
  6. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I'm looking for a 10 with a well rounded booty. Wait, your talking about something else...never mind.

    P.s. If my wife asks you didn't hear that :p
  7. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    A LOT less loot. 400-500k is very rare now around 150-300. Before it find it pretty easily. But I guess it is more fair this way
  8. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    See I'm PH7 and still finding good loot in the 200 rank range. My experience is loot gets harder to find the higher you get in rank. I'm having no problem with the 300-500k base finds. One right after the other. Taking a few more nexts than before but they are still there. Before the change, when I got up to 300 rank and above loot was more scarce. I dropped under 200 and the loot world changed completely. I suppose the increase in nexts is simply that I have to hit more PH6s whereas before I could hit PH5s for same loot.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  9. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    i think 300k is the new 500k, and if you find 500k, those are ph7 or very hard bases. But I gotta say that this way is more fair, and honestly, before I was only attacking noobs lol, stealing all their loot, and his/her defenses didn't have a chance when the black flag attacked the shores :D Now I will steal a little less, but it's more fair. So my point is, I will still be attacking the noobs! mwuhahah
    PlunderPirate likes this.
  10. No shields from them leave them open one star them;)
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  11. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I don't agree that it's unfair for a ph5 holding enough loot to lose 500k to get hit by anybody. Ph5 upgrades are so cheap and if you need a little extra to get you over the hump use the strongholds. Isn't that what they're there for? The whole thing is nonsense. It comes down to whiners wiinning. The real question is when they are ph7 and cant get enough loot to pay for upgrades will the whining about that start. More than likely.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  12. Some stay at ph5 maxed out walls and guns etc etc big storages ,hide at ph5 and low ranks forever ,no parley for them !
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Apparently, the big problem with Kabooom is that is stuns your troops, but even though the animation shows a big blast radius, the radius where buildings are actually damaged is very small, so the blast damages nothing whatsoever. @Roserio did a video on this, which shows bombers using Kabooom exploding right next to buildings, and them taking zero damage.

    So it's basically a 2.2M skill you can use to stun your own troops. This needs to be fixed.
  14. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    You guys are depressing me. :confused:
  15. Well I got good news.... I just saved a ton of money switching to GEICO:D
    Clash pirate, swiftpirate and Daddy P like this.
  16. Potato Pirate

    Potato Pirate Powder Monkey

    I'm ph 7 and plays around 200-300 rank and have no problem at all in plundering. I'm okay with 300k loot, and it's not really that hard to find one. Maybe a little harder since loot scaling implemented, but honestly i don't really feel the diffrence. I use level 22 gunner and lv 19 brute and still easy for me to 2-3 stars ph6 and ph7 bases. My total units just cost me around 50k. Come on guys, who use 200k unit to farm.
    Daddy P likes this.
  17. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Ya think!? Were talking about pushing. You can farm with half an army.
    Kizmatti likes this.
  18. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Well hello boat. Dadgummit, you're floating away. I freakin' missed you.
    donkeykilla likes this.
  19. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

  20. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Id love to see you farm a well laid out PH7 base with only gunners / Brutes @ 50k cost.

    Fact come attack my base with your horde of gunners, it'd be over in under 30 seconds and you wouldn't even get inside my base, let alone any storage loot. Dude just attacked me with 10 jugs, 16 guns, 1 WD, and 3 Brutes, and Frank. He got 1,024 gold & 1022 grog from a mine / distillery.

    I'm sorry dude but I'm calling shenanigans. You live in a mansion and your cool with working for peanuts. You didn't get to PH7 in 2 months running 300k loot raids.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.

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