What is your Experience with the Loot Scaling?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daddy P, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    I'm a bit stuck today. Low loot is making training progress a tad difficult. Bldg progress slower too, but no major issues there. Hmmmm....what to do what to do....try an pure farm with cheap troops I guess. Only small bummer there is having to choose strategy (farming or ranking) ahead of time, as that determines what troops I want. No more one troop layout fits all, I guess. Could have a hybrid team layout and just not use the more expensive pirates, but then that handicaps my cheaper units with lower total number, making farming a little more difficult. Maybe better skill and timing is the way to go here. Hmmmm, back the practicing.
  2. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Until they fix the bugs, rank pushing is not worth the effort. So I'm farming ph2-6 now. Pre-fix I only attacked wealthy PH6-7. Now I just ravage resources from lower ranks and as others have suggested; not allow them a shield. They whined, and now they pay.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  3. They made it worst on lil guys lol @Lt.gould
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  4. Potato Pirate

    Potato Pirate Powder Monkey

    Define your "well laid" bases. If you mean ph7 with maxed defense. I hardly find one in 200-300 rank. Even if I found it, I would not bother to attack. cause i know i can't get all the loot with only the brutes and gunners I trained.

    That dude attacked you must be suxx, can't even get in to your base with that troops.
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    You missed the point where potato pirate said farming. Of course No one farms a well laid out PH7.

  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    One thing I have noticed is I am getting attacked more frequently and by PH 7s. I rarely got attacked before and when I did it was usually a fail. But if PH 7s are now penalized for going against the lower PHs, the newbie PH 7s will have fun watching their defenses work.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  7. Getting reports of fat loot from ph7 800k+ both gold grog in low 100s lol guess they need the loot since handicap fighting more 5 and 6 ph, kind of funny loot scale has made smaller bases a bigger target hitting them more often quantity of quality now.
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    The loot scaling has been awful for me. I'm struggling to make any progress without gemming troops.
  9. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    On the offensive side skill comes from knowing who to attack, not how to attack, as in the end everyones troops are the same skills and power and there is 0 control once troops are placed.

    Defensive side skill comes from setting up your walls and structures in your base to fully protect itself. You have full control of this thru the entire game.This is what will make or break a player and determine their success. Lots of people dont understand this and place structures anywhere or what they think looks pretty. Those are the people you are farming with your 50k armies @ rank 200 and ph lvl is irrelevant. Generally a bad laid out ph5 player will have a bad laidout ph7 base too once he achieves that from over running noobs.

    Anyone can tap click offensive units down and hope for a win. Some stradegy is in this but more of it is just luck where the troops go in your favor or not as you have no control after their down.They never do the samething twice either even with same troop placement. The replay bug in the game proves that.

    My point was and still is that this loot nerf that was quietly put in last patch impacts the players that are actually trying to gain rank and upgrade thier troops the most over anyone else. Thats why you see and hear PH 7 players like yourself making weak 50k armies over what they really could be and attacking sub 300 rank, because thats what is profitable. Why rank up or increase ph lvl life just gets worse the more u upgrade. Isnt that the point of this game? So now we upgrade to lower our ranks to continue attacking new players.

    That is the new end game now. Its called Gemming, or continue to use weak troops for little profit, gained from players weaker than u are.

    I was just using you as an example of that fact, based off what you said in your 1st post in this thread.
    I could honestly careless how you play or what you like to do in game, thats your choice.

    What bothers me is you arent the exception your going to be the new norm.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  10. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate


    Players that actually are advancing and playing to thier true ph7 rank are getting the shaft with this new loot scale.

    Its now either open your wallet, or make 50k armies and hunt sub 200 rank players.
    Bear likes this.
  11. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Exactly. And well said I might add. All the loot nerf did was set the game back. One of the key aspects of the game that set it apart was that you could attack bases similar to your own, and it was profitable and fun at the same time. I know I'm not gonna sift through dozens of bases I cant attack because the loot is minuscule to find profitable bases. It's now move way down and attack noobs with tiny armies or quit. Its extremely deflating.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. and Kizmatti like this.
  12. I say before you stop playing less you take it out on all lil bases to they whine some more and beg for the old days of getting hit one time every 11 hrs lol, no shields for them 1 star get the loot leave open for next shark . ☠ no parley for them!*

    *I was was for making it a lil fair to weaker bases make a longer shield if beat by ph bigger than yours giving more time for grog and mines to stack up or a bully bonus for defending against bigger attacker? i don't know something about clubbing babies seals wasn't fun but with no real good loot in site i say club away ☠ leave em open for more hits.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  13. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Never did I mention quiting.

    I will log in once everyday to spend the grog my distilleries collected in the last 24 hours and run anraid or 2 withit and log out.

    Doing what you mention is just vindictive. And no one really cares anyway.

    75% or more of the bases ph 5 and under are abandoned bases now anyways. There are new players but not like it was at launch.

    Bottom line what bugs me is the game was fun. I spent cash on it for gems cause I liked it. Now is an exercise on how to deal with frustration. I have enough of that in my life already.
  14. If no one really cares then why is loot handicap such a need ? And way less then 75% are abandoned as evidenced by upgrades going on to many of them. Anyone can toss out a stat to support facts. Hitting a base and leaving it open if its a big base full of loot laying low with ph5 is just helpful to rest of active looters ☠. Ones raiding care if they didn't loot handicap be no big issue. I never drop money fresh out the app gate get more then a few updates in. And 100% of the players now use gems more now ,kinda the point of the game to make money , see a stat to back a fact :D And I'm 100% right 70% of the time
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  15. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    For me the money doesnt matter so much. Spent 50$, played pretty much everyday for 2 months and had a great time. Totally worth it. What bothers me is that I would like to continue but sadly the game is not nearly as fun. I don't play games that aren't fun regardless of how much time and money I've put in. Hopefully the December update makes it fun again cuz I'm not ready to play another game yet.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  16. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    I see lots of Pirates, not much Plunder. Loosing interest fast. Wasn't ready to move along. The fun has gone. PC Pirating at its finest...
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  17. I'm sure the team at midoki can and will change things if not working or not making money off it, I'm hold on a bit.
    Clash pirate and swiftpirate like this.
  18. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    I hear ya Megatron. I'll sit tight and wait this update out. supposedly there's a December update coming? see what that brings. personally I don't think the formula was broken. a simple bug fix would have sufficed with maybe, maybe a tweak to the formula but this has not "balanced" anything. I recall a time a few months ago when I was getting looted hard, losing my ass out there. I learnt a strategy to deal with it and got on building my base and troops. the ass losing passed, my base got better and my attacking got better. I worked through it...
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  19. Midleton

    Midleton Crew

    lack of loot does kinda take the fun out a little. having the same problem in another game....But spinning the island is still loads of fun. Given that I just started, I'll hang on for a while yet....
  20. z1ggur4t

    z1ggur4t Crew

    I'm hanging...

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