Anyone found the recent update unhelpful?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wss5112, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Just for players who might be new to this issue, besides Sky Raiders and revenges, other issues appear to be with Witch Doctors. Given the volume of low PR players playing without these pirates, this drives the average error rate lower than for some of the formidable attackers posting on Forum (thus difference in play style). I don't consider myself one of those formidables, but believe more than 50% of my replays are off.
    Defensive replays are certainly off too. Woke up to an 81% loss and replay showed 32%.
    Look forward to the day when replay issues go the way of stacking! :)

    Would anyone at Midoki care to comment on randomness built into AI?
    Obviously could be related to replays, but I've only seen conjecture from fellow lay-pirates on randomness. I'm of the opinion there's not much randomness and it's things I do wrong when I lose, but a 81% vs 32% replay might be an argument against that thought.
    roguecylon, Raptelan and Tex like this.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    @Becker Redbeard you made some excellent points there. To get a statistically valid sample they would need to segment the replays by level, completed battle vs surrender, etc. I'd bet my last dollar the higher level players are getting more than 17% erroneous replays.
    roguecylon and Raptelan like this.
  3. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Good point. I can say with certainty that more than 50% of my replays are off, probably well over 50%. Pretty much every attack replay I watch does not match the attack I just had, and when I watch replays that others in my guild share, the outcome almost never matches what is shown in the chat message. It is so rare to see a correct replay that we exclaim surprise on the occasion that a replay does look accurate.
  4. Jij

    Jij Crew

    Well said @Raptelan.

    We all enjoy the game and I have supported the company financially in the past but I will not spend another cent on the game until I see the replay and other major bug fixes addressed they way the should have been months ago.

    This Forum is like most other game forums. You have your site administrators who try to project the image of caring concerned individuals who are listening to there customers in the hopes of improving the game. In reality the sole purpose of these admins is to spew corporate propaganda about the game and try to keep complaints in check while the corporation behind the game milks as much money out of the game as they can.

    There is no interest in fixing bugs unless it makes them money by doing so or if it cost them money if they don't fix it. This is not my opinion it is simply the way the most of software industry do business.

    Believe me, if they ever do fix the replays or gunner bugs it will be because enough people complained and it was costing them money or reputation, not because it's the right thing to do, if that were the case they would have already fixed it by now.

    Talk is cheap, action cost money that's why all we are hearing for months in this forum regarding these major bugs is talk.
  5. Jij

    Jij Crew

    Well, if they said that then it must be true. Not!
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

  7. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Interesting thread,
    When I starting playing the game the replays were very good then as I progressed they got bad. I think it would have been around the time I got the WD Rez skill.

    My feedback @Lynsey [Midoki] is that:
    Defence - I don't bother looking at the replays as so few are accurate. I have totally lost faith in Defence replays
    Attack - these have a lot better ratio for being accurate. FYI I use sky raiders a lot.
    Revenge: I rarely revenge so can't comment here.

    Standard attack set ups used against me are: bombers, gunners, WD, jugs (or brutes). I would guess as commented above the WD Rez skill could be a main contributor. other forum members which charcs or skills do you think cause the probelm?
  8. thomssi

    thomssi First Mate

    They did a few weeks ago, @Lynsey [Midoki] I think. It isn't random apparently. This therefore implies (unless people have other ideas) at least one of the following:

    • They are telling porkies.
    • The AI is fundamentally stuffed or a different routine is accidentally used for replays.
    • They don't record sufficient/accurate data about base or deployment.
    I'm guessing 3 though may also be 2 by accident (e.g. replays reference old code or something).
  9. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    I would guess the same although if it's fixed I suppose nobody will care anymore. ;)
  10. Hard Rooster

    Hard Rooster Powder Monkey

    I'm going to jump in again. I have spent a small sum of money on this game, but at this stage, and with the current problems, I will spend no more. once I'm out of Gems, I'll probably quit. To retain me, and others as customers, I believe the following need to be addressed;

    Gunner AI: They need to fix the issue with gunners walking around the walls instead of shooting over them.
    Bomber AI: The purpose of these troops is to break walls, they should do this more reliably.
    HG AI: Fix the range issue
    Grog Starvation: I'm NEVER going to buy grog, figure this out.
    Replays: Seriously...FIGURE IT OUT!

    These are my primary grievances. I won't spend another penny until they're resolved. Quote and +1 if you're a paying customer and agree.
    yeti likes this.
  11. I'm a paying customer, guessing not as much as @Hard Rooster but I spend around €200,-
    And I might be considered a fan-boy or things like that, but this is my two cents.

    Gunner AI, has gotten worse, but I can still successfully raid with them
    Bomber AI, I have learned how to work with them, and they have never failed me since
    HG AI, never use them, but there are lots of complaints about their AI. So I figure they need more work
    Grog starvation: My max rank is 785, and at that point I had no issue's with grog starvation
    Replays, I don't consider them a necessity, I think when they are 100% correct I would just see them as a "new" function.
  12. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Here's my two cents...

    Replays should work 100% of the time. I'm fairly certain most of the "whales" in this game are rank pushers and take the game very serious. They are not what you would call casual players. So I can fully understand and appreciate how important those replays are, especially when it is so hard to build and maintain rank.

    I would like to see AI bugs and replays given a higher priority than new content. What good is guild wars, for example, if you cannot count on the AI or replays?

    And grog is definitely broken at the highest level. This is well documented. Sometimes I wonder if Midoki prefers it that way because they earn money on those who are willing to purchase grog at insane price levels. But I can tell you the majority will never do that and that's why so few players at the top. In the long run if they solve the grog issue I think they will earn more money as players gem troops to keep playing.

    Finally, if CoC can create a replay system that works and has done so for years, why not expect the same from Plunder Pirates? Maybe they need to hire one of the CoC programmers away to help solve the issue or hire a consultant. But it really is not acceptable to be broken for so long.
    yeti and Raptelan like this.
  13. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Agreement on above mostly.
    Bombers must be manually triggered. It takes practice on timing and involvement of other troops.
    Range of HG may be off on the diagonal? Range in a straight line seems to be: Range of 6 fires OVER 6 squares, firing to hit the 7th. Seems to be by design?
    Grog: Booo, very poor up high (700+) so people constantly dropping, pushing, dropping pushing. Many ways to solve this. I'd be happy with any solution.
    Replays: Lynsey says a fix is nearly perfect on developmental version.
    Bugs are frustrating: e.g. why did permanent cloak appear when it didn't seem to be a problem with prior release.
    I guess the correction of troop bugs would create an all new rebalancing of offensive/defensive bias. Could be Frustrating or Fun depending on your view.
  14. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] , another month goes by and I look at my most recent defence. Replay shows 20% hit on me, great my defence has worked or has it? Nope log shows 100% defeat.

    How can I change my base for the better if I don't get accurate replays. I dont want to copy others bases, I want to tweak mine so it is different to the rest and poses a different challenge. Without being able to see what went wrong then I can't.

    As we are basically being treated as game testers for replays, why not make it more effective and include a button for the attacker - was this reply accurate yes / no. At least I would feel like I'm doing something to improve the game rather than moan on a forum! - also if 83% of replays are accurate I may find I'm saying yes a lot which will make me feel better! -

    On a related topic game testers get paid don't they, 5 gems for yes, 1 gem for no should get rid of replays issue o_O
    Raptelan likes this.
  15. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Why if I had a nickel (5 gems) for every bad replay...I'd be a wealthy man!

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