Bombers: the exclamation mark

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jun, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Can Midoki explain what causes the bomber to get the exclamation mark and run off on a suicide run? It seems so random for them to do so when they had not been stunned or damaged but are just approaching an enemy base. I don't mind that it happens, but that it shouldn't be such a pivotal unit, the primary wall breaker, that is so unpredictable. My attacks in the top 50 hinge on how well these guys do what I want, and I have been using them for months. I would say 25% of the time they do exactly what I want, 50% a variation that is acceptable, and 25% madness. Sometimes it occurs when they are struck, other times when other units are struck, and other times they just run off.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
    Daddy P and Edward Kenway like this.
  2. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    2nd that request.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's been discussed before.

    Bombers will run for defenses like gun towers that are behind a wall. Even if it's across base. There are other things too.

    The best way to take advantage of this is with the kaboom ability. Normally the range is too short of do any real damage, but if activated while the bomber is sprinting between buildings then it is deadly.
    Kelani likes this.
  4. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Yes, but still no clear description of how they target a defense and activate. Even a general vague description would help.
  5. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Useless description. They don't activate every time a defense is behind a wall.
    Mick Lilley and Salty Snack like this.
  6. I was thinking about this very thing this morning after watching a replay. I don't understand what the exclamation mark indicates never mind how they target defences.

    After watching a dozen replays, I've come to the conclusion that they just seem to do it every now and then. I can't see any pattern in the replays I've got.
  7. They are meant to be creative minds who can be predicted, and that's what they have become.
    I don't think there is a real explanation that covers their ways for 100% that's useable in combat. Sorry man.
    Just got to work with them the way they are. (unless people want them to change very badly, but I love the way they are unpredictable even if it sometimes boil my blood)
  8. Captain Monkey

    Captain Monkey First Mate

    You guys are discussing the exclamation mark on the pirate that's the most drunk. Make your bombers lay off the grog and the problems will go away. (But so will the crazy unpredictable fun).
  9. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    The unpredictableness is fun, but since it is such a vital unit I'm thinking that it should be more predictable. Breaking a maxed base is bad news if all your bombers don't do what you want them to. It'd be nice if it wasn't a group AI, like if only a few of them acted crazy, but when groupS (plural) of them do so, there is a trigger setting them off. I'd like to know what.
    Salty Snack likes this.
  10. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    It's a suicide run. Normally, they do it once their hit points drop to a certain point. They are close to dying, and are just trying to get near something to blow it up. I think they also do it after a certain period of time attacking a structure, even if they're not damaged. It's weird, but is a very good thing. As long as they're standing still, chucking bombs at something, Kabooom is pretty much useless. So, when they do that suicide run, they (usually) run toward something high-value (storage/defense) you probably want destroyed.

    This is where Dead Man's Trigger, and especially Kaboom can make a huge difference.
  11. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    That's not it either. They can do it when full health and never been hit. They can do it when deployed only 3 seconds prior without attacking anything.
    Salty Snack and Kelani like this.
  12. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I think it's probably exactly what you say, a random first, but the things I mentioned also trigger it. I'm 99.9% positive of this.

    Ex: in all my battles, I deploy 8 bombers, and frequently, they will all be hit by mortar splash. When that happens, most or all that survive will immediately start the suicide run. If it was just random chance, I find it unlikely all 8 bombers would suddenly start the run after a mortar strike.

    btw, It's also possible that another troop breaching a wall may be a trigger.
  13. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I refer to my bombers as my crack heads :cool:
    Salty Snack likes this.
  14. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    Noo! They're like my wife during the holiday at the mall shopping!! :eek:
  15. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Ohhhhh yes. I like that. Especially if there is a great sale that day :cool: I'm with her on that one
  16. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Midoki, change your trigger reasons for this bomber. It is getting crazy for even full health unaffected ones to run off when your attack strategy hinges on it attacking the way you want. I even send in waves, and still each wave will run off and do the same.
  17. Jun

    Jun First Mate

  18. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    Midoki sees, Midoki reads, Midoki will take your feedback into consideration, Midoki is very busy to actually work on the game and to make it even more awesome! :)

    That's what Midoki does.
    Black-ish Beard, Bear and Kelani like this.
  19. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    I know it doesn't really answer your question, but you can be sure that this is a known behavior. Not saying issue here, because I don't really see it as an issue. Which also doesn't mean that it is not up to a rework/adjustment.


    Kijore57, Burnz and Christy like this.
  20. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I understand it may be working as you want, but I think there are problems with its current triggers. Whatever the trigger is, I feel like it should be a limited effect. If I'm deploying 12 bombers in delayed groups of 4, I don't think every wave should be affected while trying to just take down one wall. This is a key unit for breaking down walls. And the way they are affected is strange. I understand if they're HIT by a mortar or knocked back, but if they just got on shore, not even hit yet, it is ridiculous for them to start running off already.

    My suggestion is for only the ones hit by the knock back to start running crazy.


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