Ching Shih has Arrived!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daddy P, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Got her this morning on my two accounts. But I still don't have Blackbeard. From what I've heard, most people did not get Ching this morning. So, who got her?
    Cptpoker likes this.
  2. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    What's her defensive boost?
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    At level 3: Damage 80; Toughness 400; Speed 16; Recovery 1d
    Commands and buffs nearby pirates
    Increases damage done by all defenses across island by 1%
    Increase hit points of defenses near the Legendary Fort by 1%
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    You shit!! Same two Pirates in my Ship again, it's just so stupid, you'd think they would have made Ching the fixed pirate this week since she's the one everyone wants. The way they roll these out is just laughable, it should know which pirates you have & give you the one you're missing. Or do it like any normal person would do it & give everyone the same 2 pirates each week.
    850arrr and Bear like this.
  5. Captain WF

    Captain WF Powder Monkey

    Daddy P, what is the max damage, toughness & speed for Ching Shih?
  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Cptpoker likes this.
  7. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Wow, she's actually valuable on offense and defense. Most are one or the other.
    Souki likes this.
  8. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    Correction: Ching Shih has arrived for those players fortunate enough to have been randomly chosen to recruit her.

    Ching Shih did NOT arrive for me today.
  9. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    Man, we get it. Really. She didn't arrive for many. Just like other pirates, every week...
  10. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Did anyone get Ching Shih who already had Blackbeard?
  11. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Not that I know of in my guild. I had not received blackbeard was lucky to get ching shih this morning. My guild captain already had Blackbeard and did not get Ching Shih. This is the first different pirate that I have gotten in three weeks. I now have McKraken, Cornellius, Boomer, Annabelle, and Ching Shih. Not to change the subject but have you noticed the price of the outfits for Ching Shih. 10,000 gems for the legendary dragon outfit. Thats almost $70.00 dollars worth of gems. Ouch! :eek:
  12. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

  13. Fontlaroy

    Fontlaroy Crew

    Congrats to all that get the BIG bump in attacking and defending capabilities. Bad luck to the rest of us. Maybe next week, or the weeks after. Maybe :)
  14. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    It's not like she's the only really effective offensive LP. Annabelle + WD is devastating. Just from the earlier videos I've seen of Ching, I actually think I'll prefer Annabelle when I just want 100% destruction. Stunning their defenses while healing your pirates is incredibly effective. But... I haven't personally used Ching, so...

    I'll have zero complaints going back and forth between them while one is recovering. ;)
  15. Pirate Christian

    Pirate Christian First Mate

    I'd like to be able to choose between Ching and Annabelle. But, won't be able to do that until....well....I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to make that all depends random chance. Maybe, I'll be lucky enough next week...or I might have to wait for the week after that...or the maybe the week after that. That's the thing about random chance, there's always a chance you'll never be lucky enough.
  16. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    10k gems for 1 outfit?

    Cptpoker and Souki like this.
  17. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    You lucky punks, I got Mack and Romeo yet again. Same two I've had many times now.

    Others in my guild got her, good for us for rumble sakes.
  18. awbo

    awbo Captain

    I got Ching! I don't have Blackbeard and have had the same pirates for the last two weeks, so very excited to get her. Training to level 5 as we speak...
  19. SaK

    SaK First Mate


    Either they are the greediest company in the world or they just simply don't know the math...just put an amount according to their wish.

    Just getting to know they want to ruin people's wallet by some crappy things. Midoki u just suck.
    850arrr likes this.
  20. Souki

    Souki Powder Monkey

    Arghhh. I want her.
    Her boost def quite good.
    Beck [Midoki] likes this.

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