Ching Shih has Arrived!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daddy P, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Don't even go there TBag. I'm getting tired of delusional BS that supports this. Your not scoring Gems with HQ on this unless your a paid advocate.

    Nuff said...

  2. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    They have outfits for 1K gems. They have outfits for 250 gems. Just as in real life, there are a range of outfits for sale. Just as in real life, not everyone can afford the top of the line designer duds. Don't try telling me this game is not real life :p

    I can understand viewing spending 10K in gems for an outfit as absurd. But the rarity of the outfit increases the online value. Think we can get a second hand thrift store for the island, to trade or by clothes second-hand? :D
    bucket likes this.
  3. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    All outfits should be priced for the majority. HQ is dropping the chum and seeing how many fish they can catch.


    This isn't some prestigious and elite line of real world clothing. It's virtual.

    Personal Log:

    I was a major supporter of PlayStation Home during its term. It was great fun and existed on selling skins, etc,.

    I myself probably spent over 1.5 K alone during my term there. Why? Because I enjoyed it and the price of skins and accessories was usually below $5 each.


    I'm on a venting role :D... at least with those you could enjoy them visually with far greater control. It's quite limited here.

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
  4. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain


    And let's not forget that at some time PP will pull the plug. This happened inside Playstation Home. It was heart breaking.

    I will continue to support future PP purchases, but only those that most can also enjoy. I'm not rich, far from it at this point in time, but I really do enjoy what the developers created. They did an awesome job. It's the other side I'm worried about. :confused:.

    bucket, Bl00dBaTh, awbo and 2 others like this.
  5. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Very good point Spongee. With me it was just the shock and awe factor with the price not necessarily the price itself. When the trade ship came last week offering Romeo Boomer outfits for either 2k or 2.5k gems, I thought that would be the high end. Didn't think about the rarity of some of lps or their outfits. As you say not everybody can afford all the top of the line stuff, just a fact of life.
  6. Cptpoker

    Cptpoker Powder Monkey

    Hi Daddy P,

    Could you please show the screen of last level "boost damage done by all defenses across the island by ???%"

    Thank you in advance :)
  7. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Cptpoker likes this.
  8. Cptpoker

    Cptpoker Powder Monkey

    Really thank you...very powerful legendary. I got Blackbeard last week. worth for waiting
  9. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Wow 12% to all defences, that's brilliant. What I don't get is why some LP are so useless compared to others, like the ones that only offer a boost near the Fort itself, you would think this boost should be greater but is actually worse than others that offer island wide boosts.

    What is her top damage & hitpoints? And is her ability to group crew together like other abilities? In that it only lasts for a time?
  10. Cptpoker

    Cptpoker Powder Monkey

    why you think the boost nearby fort is better ? Actually I'm comparing with the Heston (Increase damage nearby mortar) his max level is 12% like Chin Shih but she also boost other defenses (cannon, guntower, Bunker, Ground Prounder) in each..
  11. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I don't think it's better, I said the opposite, it's worse. I said you would think it SHOULD be better since it only offers a limited range boost. So the % boost should be much higher for Fort ranged boosts. But the way it is now, they are treating island wide boosts & Fort range boosts the very same, which is strange since the Fort range boosts are far less useful than island wide.
    Cptpoker likes this.
  12. Cptpoker

    Cptpoker Powder Monkey

    Yeah ! conclusion for defensive "Ching Shih" is the best LP. ;)
  13. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yep haha
  14. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Ching Shih (郑氏) is OP... let's hope she's coming this time...
  15. You are marketing your iPod Touch wrong. It's not the scratch that makes it valuable. It's valuable because it was owned by the Raptelan.
    awbo likes this.

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