Delete the Ground Pounder...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CyborgGR, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    Unfortunately the ground pounder has made all players follow the same defence strategy. The ground pounder is the best defensive weapon and it seems like it ruins the defensive strategy. I believe it should be OFF the game as i am sick and tired of battling the same defences.
  2. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    The ground pounder should be off.all defences are based to a ship behind the pounder with massive walls around. Delete the pounder in order to have more defensive choices and the game will boost.
    I own a pounder of course but the same defence is too boring,,,
  3. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Why such a GP hater? :p

    I like the GP. It's an interesting weapon and takes strategic placement. What I think would shake up the base designs (at least short term) is the addition of defensive troop donations to be held in the guild hall. Trying to incorporate that big building within the walls would cause other portions of the base to become exposed. But anyone who has played games in this genre knows, everyone's bases at the higher levels start taking on the same basic design structure eventually. Even removing the GP, people's bases would gravitate toward the next "great" design.
    Kawika, Salty Snack and 小绿(Green) like this.
  4. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    The GP is (was) a great addition. As you see, the gp is actually the main defensive weapon of all. Aren't you sick and tired of facing the same defence?. The ship behind the gp and π like defensive walls. Its the same to everybody. It ruins the defensive strategy of all. All people have the same defence. This sucks my friend,
  5. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    What about Adding a second GP :)
  6. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    Heh GP is also the reason why we use the same attack strat. It shouldn't be deleted, instead modified.
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  7. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I agree that the top bases are stale. I have one of those myself. I'm just suggesting that there are other features that could be introduced to shake up base designs, like the guild hall, a new weapon, etc. I don't see a need in eliminating a unique feature, as bases would just coalesce around the next popular design. You see the same thing in Clash of Clans.
    Super-Nor and 小绿(Green) like this.
  8. Walls so op too all use them why we shouldnt take them off walls too ? :p
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  9. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Never happen
  10. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I love the idea of the ground pounder, but you're right, it's tiresome seeing a version of the same layout all the time.
    Super-Nor and CyborgGR like this.
  11. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    What about a 360 degree range gp
    CyborgGR likes this.
  12. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Or option to put it in sweep mode. :eek:
  13. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    The gp is a great weapon. But... All the defences are the same. π like walls based on a gp in the back. Am i wrong? It is booooring people to see the same defence everywhere. DELETE the gp and replace it with another gun or..... Or... (My idea)... Turrets!
  14. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Deleting an already in use weapon will never my opinoin..
    What can happen is that there can be another gp or the range or degree could be organised and fixed
  15. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    Make another ultra expensive (lol) wall level with turrets. This would make people design their own defence. The gp ruins the game. My opinion. Thank you.
  16. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Whatever happens...a maxed base will eventually have an optimum layout. And then that will become THE layout.
    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    The only way to make things really differnt would be to have either random individualized resources or so many different resources no one could possibly utilize all the various options
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  17. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    I still believe that the gp is a great d weapon. But... All defences layouts are the same BASED on the gp...delete the gp and make people create their own defences. The Π defence around a strong gp in front of the ship is tiring...
  18. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    Turret walls... Delete the gp and make turrets on walls. 4-8 turrets. Make the people create their own defences.
  19. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I wouldn't like this idea, it would then be too OP. Put it in the center of you base and you have a huge range where it will just annihilate troops. Say goodbye too all archers and low health point troops.
  20. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Then need two gp...otherwise the base defence is same and boring

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