Guild Ship Details (levels, capacity, cost, hp, build time, etc.)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arr, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Have some happy-go-lucky people in Meyham, so here are details for the Guild Ship.

    Guild Ship 1
    Capacity: 4
    Cost (Grog): 20,000
    Cost (EP): 100
    HP: 750
    Build Time: 24h

    Guild Ship 2
    Capacity: 6
    Cost (Grog): 450,000
    Cost (EP): 5000
    HP: 850
    Build Time: 1d 12h

    Guild Ship 3
    Capacity: 8
    Cost (Grog): 1,600,000
    Cost (EP): 25,000
    HP: 1,000
    Build Time: 2d

    Guild Ship 4
    Capacity: 10
    Cost (Grog): 3,400,000
    Cost (EP): 75,000
    HP: 1,200
    Build Time: 3d

    Cooldown time is 20 minutes, by which you can gem through with the usual calculation.

    Capacity is by tavern capacity, meaning a gunner will take up 1 slot, WD 2 slots, jugg 3 slots, brute 4 slots, etc. Tavern limits do not apply to the Guild Ship. For example, you can recruit up to 8 Sky Raiders in the Tavern and request (up to) an additional 10 raiders in your Guild Ship (thanks Skye for reminding me about this).

    The received/donated stats are by total number of pirates. Whether you receive/donate a gunner or a jugg, each pirates counts as 1. (Thanks Sigrid for the question)

    When you receive troops, it will tell you the troop type and level of said troop.

    When requesting troops, you should state which ones you want so that your guild members know what to give you.

    When battling, you can cycle through which troops to drop via icon on the bottom right.

    So far, Guild Ship 2 3 is confirmed to be unlocked for PH6 and above. Guild ship 4 is unlocked for PH8. More reports as we get them (thanks Danny Liu)

    More as I have it. Enjoy!

    Edit: @Lynsey [Midoki] - I'll post this in requests, but it would be nice to see who donated the troops to us so we can thank them properly! Right now chat is insane!

    Edit 2: There is a bug in the Guild Ship donations. Sometimes someone will donate troops but you will not see it in your Guild Ship. Even if you see the capacity go up, the ship might not show up for battle!

    Kill the app and relaunch, then you should see your donated troops.

    You can't exploit the tavern capacity by continuing to request troops - your donors will just lose their troops and you won't gain any more.

    Again, as a habit, kill/relaunch the app before requesting, and again before attacking!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    Ian, Scheherazade, Tikigirl and 11 others like this.
  2. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Awsome update and details regarding the new Guild Ship. Must have taken a pretty gemming to obtain the info. Thanks a million though i will pass the details trought to My guild. Not everyone has found their way to the fountain of knowledge @ MiDoKi.
  3. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    10 more troops. Sheesh. I'm gonna assume they don't defend. Better yet, hope they don't. :eek:
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  4. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    You did not associate each guild ship level with Pirate Hall or Guild Hall level (whichever one it uses). Please do so.
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  5. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Thank you Arr for sharing those info! Can anyone confirm if maxed-out Guild Ship is still unable to fire at incoming raiders like the Exploration Ship can?

    URGH 3.4 m grog... :eek:
  6. Arr

    Arr Captain

    We're all PH8s so I have no information on this... yet. I'll ask the folks in Meyham Plunder when I get a chance. You should ask your guild for this information as well and report back.

    The guild ship has no defensive capabilities! It's like a ferry. :)
    Smelly_Vile and Tiger Claw like this.
  7. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    As a PH 6 so far Level 2 is available, once it's level 2 i will report back if lvl 3 ship is accessible for ph 6

    Other then that, the ratio to Guild Ship Capacity to # of troops is better then the Clan Castle capacity to # of troops in clash
    Plunder Pirates: 10:65 = ~0.15:1
    Clash of Clans: 35:240 = ~0.145:1
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2015
  8. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Thanks for the info! I'd liken the guild ship to a Merchant Ship/Barge :D
  9. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Great, thanks for the information!
  10. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Oh one thing I forgot that's worth to note.
    You can't donate Ching Shih (sadly).
  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Other information: Tavern limits don't apply to donated troops, so in addition to your 8 sky raiders, you can get another set on the ship (our feeder guild captain brought 16 in to a battle, I'm assuming 18 is possible).

    Hoping Midoki sees this: Please consider a more centralized troop pool that we can donate/withdraw from, the UX of having to beg for 10 troops every attack is disheartening. When you're attacking every 30-60 minutes, 50 people asking for 10 troops is going to feel like a spam fest, but if we don't ask, the perk isn't being utilized. Don't reduce us to beggars Midoki.
    Arr likes this.
  12. Moostache

    Moostache Crew

    Interesting to see that the normal tavern limits don't apply to the Guild Ship. Must be entertaining to see someone using 9 WDs in one attack :rolleyes:

    Other than that I'm kinda disappointed by the extremely low HP of the ship itself. For such a large 8*4 structure I would have expected a ship with at least thousands of HP (I don't mind if it isn't equipped with cannons). And that would be way better than the impenetrable maxed walls we are now offered with :(
  13. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Amongst our guild members the General consensus for "not begging" would be Some form of "auto donating pirates". Standard set to a pirate up for adoption and possibly vice versa - request not Just any pirate but your favourite flavour :mad::p:D:eek:o_O
  14. Moostache

    Moostache Crew

    I just realized that you can actually donate troops to others without first building your Guild Ship. Realized this because my guildmates built theirs while I decided to continue working on my defenses.
  15. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    *does the facial expression shown in your Forum avatar*

    So the Guild Ship is actually just for receiving troop donations from your fellow guild mates?
    Moostache likes this.
  16. Moostache

    Moostache Crew

    I suppose so. Not sure if it was intended by Midoki or just another bug allowed by the interface though :rolleyes:
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  17. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Right now, Guild Ship is Tavern annex.
  18. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Level 3 ship is accessible for ph6
    Arr and Smelly_Vile like this.
  19. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Thanks Danny, updated post!
  20. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Level 4 guild ship for ph8

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