Guild Ship Details (levels, capacity, cost, hp, build time, etc.)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arr, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I love the guild ship. However, why does it take troops from your guild ship when you donate to others? :mad: Is this a glitch? Or intentional? Actually, it doesn't even seem to do it every time.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
  2. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    Question: is the # the slots given, or troops (gunner-1 slot v brute - 4 slots)
  3. Arr

    Arr Captain

    The slots/capacity is by troop type. For example, the Guild Ship 4 can hold a total of 2 Heavy Gunners.
  4. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew that.. but when totals are listed in the Stats...are they # of troops given, or # of slots donated?
  5. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    I'm going to say that those numbers are most likely based on the amount of troops someone has donated :)
    Kelani likes this.
  6. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    I hope not or a mess is a'brewing.... If you have 10 slots on your boat and 2 brutes and 2 gunners are donated, your total troops are 4. If you donate 10 gunners..your total would be 10 troops. So the pirate donating the former would only get credit for 4 donations, the pirate donating all gunners would get credit for 10 donations. This will result in outright war when leaders attempt to impose donation requirements. Hopefuly, the stats reflect number of SLOTS donated.
  7. Then someone can just send brutes, which are cheap and useless
  8. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    *shrugs* I'm just assuming here since the number of slots used is depending on the type of pirate donated. However I would be pretty upset if I donated 100 Gunners and someone else decided to donate 25 Brutes and we have matching numbers since I just spent a whole lot more in Grog to donate a more useful troop.
  9. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    But if they donated a WD... Anyway, we are testing it by comparing donations to totals and tracking it. My concern as a leader is looking at people's stats and trying to determine how people are donating. Your example would say 100 (or 25) and since we don't know what kind of troops were donated, it obviously looks as if one member was much more active than the other. After all, the 25 could also be gunners. Additionally, we have yet to figure out how the % of perk stats work...they bounce all over the place.
    Rachael likes this.
  10. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    I was using Brutes and Gunners as an example since they seem to be two of the most popular. Cost is also going to depend on troop level as well. We do have a member that is the MVP of donating but hardly ever asks for troops, so you might run into that issue as well. You are correct about not knowing who is donating what, sometimes you can kind of tell by who is on, but everyone is so fast at donating (our guild anyway) you can hardly click the donate button itself. Maybe they will add which troops are being donated by whom into the stat mix? I'm just going by what we've been seeing/requesting as of right now. Perk numbers are super wonky! I quit trying to figure it out for now until it is fixed/explained. I'm sure a lot of it is still being worked on by Midoki so things are more stable and clear cut. :)
  11. Arr

    Arr Captain

    Ah, gotcha. The stats are based on the number of pirates donated. On the stats, 1 gunner = 1 wd = 1 jugg = 1 brute. Most people give gunners, bombers or raiders but sometimes give HGs or WDs. It isn't all about the stats, but just be aware of what you give versus what you receive (such as donated 2, received 500!) Thanks for the question, I'll update the first post with this info.
  12. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Yeh, would love to know if there is a straightforward way to view who donated troops to me for each of my troop request.

    So if my Guild Ship is full of Witch Doctors, does that mean I can only donate Witch Doctors to guild mates who request troops?
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I think it means that if you have a WD in your tavern and try to donate it, it's going to give the one from your guild ship instead.
  14. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    You mean that "if I have one WD in my tavern and another WD in my guild ship, the WD in my tavern will be the one donated to my guild mate"? Hmm, that's funny...
  15. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Nope. Reverse.
  16. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Oh I see...

    +1. Troops should always come from donator's taverns instead.

    Btw anyone mind tell me how donating works? Can you donate when your tavern and/or guild ship is already full? Does donating takes time to complete in the form of "recruitment times for the troops you choose to donate"?
  17. Sigrid

    Sigrid Crew

    Obviously, it would be helpful to have a clear explanation from Midoki of how the donations and perk % are suppose to work, then we can decide how to measure guild activitiy. And then we can determine if there are glitches or bugs.
  18. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    Morning @Daddy P, it is possible this has already been answered, so forgive me if it has. But here is my observation: The only time troops from your GS will get donated first, is if they are the same troop AND level as you have in your tavern. And yeah, that sucks. As an example, I request bombers and fill my GS. Someone else requests bombers and I then donate. If MY bombers are at the same level that was donated to me (my tavern and GS now have same level bombers), then my donation will start FROM my GS first then Tavern.

    At MM, we love to donate and trade troops, so seems rather pointless to request a certain set of troops, then say, "what can I give you", and he/she wants the same, so I donate back, and give them what they give me. Or same happens if I donate to someone wanting the same troop I have in my GS. If same level as in my tavern, then GS goes first. Hope this was helpful and not repetitive.
  19. Skull King

    Skull King Crew

    Hi @Smelly_Vile, Yes, you can donate when tavern and/or guild ship is full. You can donate all day long and never request. When you donate, it is the same as using troops in battle, they come out of your tavern (unless as described above and come out of GS), and then you cook more troops just like normal. If you donate 8 raiders, then you have to cook 8 more raiders if you wish to donate more of them. You can gem them like usual too if you like. Can get costly though. Also if you request, there is a 20 min cooldown (I think it is 20) before you can request again, but that can be gemmed as well. Hope this was helpful.
  20. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Very informative.

    I sure hope Midoki changes this back and fourth donation process. It's like our pirates can't make their minds up and keep switching ships... Hey! It's Pirate Ping Pong :D

    Sigrid, Smelly_Vile and Skull King like this.

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