Hacked again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barbed, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    "In order to help your friend, she would need to send us an email herself, preferable straight through the game. We cannot really investigate these tickets where people claim that their friends have been hacked as we have no way of confirming that something actually happened. Please ask your friend to send us a support inquiry through the Plunder Pirates (log book --> settings --> help --> support) and describe the problems in as much details as possible with screenshots.

    Best regards,
    Rovio Support Team"
  2. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    "Hi, Salla
    I see about my friend's issue, I'll pass her. What about kickin' from our guild? Screenshots were presented."
  3. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    "unfortunately we cannot do anything about the kicking that has occurred in your guild. My only advice is to be very careful who to promote in order to avoid these kind of situations. We have, however, passed a request to our developers that they would modify the guilds so that the players could see who has been kicking/promoting/demoting whom. This way it would be easier to track down the culprit although kicking people out from the guilds is not really against the rules. I can understand it is very frustrating though and a systematic kicking can be seen as a form of bullying. Hopefully your friend will contact us soon. I also saw the forum thread and we would really like to investigate this further.

    Best regards,
    Rovio Support Team"
  4. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Anrov wrote to Rovio (not the first time, hack attacks continues whole month), the answers was kinda "we are investigating the case".
    Still investigating... not so fast, Rovio, our ears are blocked from such a speed...
    She wrote hackers gave her 15000 gems and 3000000 of grog, she had HER OWN PLUS at that moment. They just nulled everything! With her part! Nice help.
    Answer "We are helpless to do anything" or "We dont really want to help" would be better.

    How many gem chests besides my 5 and Anrov's 7 we must buy to be taken seriously, dear Rovio?
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    1 more.

    But seriously, why doesn't your friend just open her own ticket? Also, if she was "hacked", wouldn't it be because she did something to deserve it. It's not like people are wanting to "Hack" PP for money. PP may be popular, but I doubt "hacking" PP is lucrative.
  6. .
    Lol say that now till your hacked . Careful what you wish for ;) tell us how that goes for you.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  7. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Chinese guys who hack her and changed her flag to Chinese do it not for money (they even buy (or hack) her one gem chest), they do it for some kind of perverted covard fun.
  8. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea these people don't do it for money, they do it for fun, anyone can be hacked at any time. She was most likely targeted because she was first mate and/or because of the attack in Clash.

    I think you'll just have to demote her for foreseeable future, that will stop this from happening, she'll still be first mate in everyone's eyes, just without the in-game title.
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  9. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    LMAO of course @Bear :D
    Bear likes this.
  10. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    If Anrov has a problem please get her to contact either me in a PM or use the support@rovio.com email. Some of the statements you are making on her behalf cannot be backed up and are inflammatory.
    Please refrain from any more postings on this subject and ask her to use the contact suggestions made above.
  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Well said! I'm proud to have 7 Lady pirates in my guild, and I like to think that's because one of my strictly-enforced guild rules is "Don't bug the Lady Pirates". Not that they need me to protect them. Many of their bases are just...ferocious, and they can crush other players' towns like you wouldn't believe.

    So yeah, give them a break. They're already forced to endure being called cabin boys. They don't need A/S/L bombardment from overly-hormonal teen boys :D
    SaK likes this.
  12. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    She applied to support@rovio.com not once. She and our guild got no any help. Some answers from Rovio support to her made us at loss - one of them: "Why are you making request if YOU not kicked?"
    Sorry for I don't keep comfortable silence.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  13. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    As I said, there's no point in continuing the discussion through you. If she has a problem, the problem needs to be resolved with her and not through a third party.
    Feel free to ask her to PM me here
  14. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    She said she already wrote directly to you Chris. The only reason I decide to rise this problem the way you don't like here on forum is absence of help with the problem not only her's but our guild's from all the sides - Apple, Rovio, Midoki and you personally. Some of the answers are just resentful - she even blamed in making noise about our guild! Our guild suffers from second massive kicking and no one has to do anything with it. I'm not the third party, I'm voice of our guild, ask Anrov if she want me to present her interests here. You know the problem with hacking game accounts and maybe even server is real.

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