is a new ph the answer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Booty isle, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    Although I agree we need a new ph to give us something to use our resources on, I am sure more people than myself are looking for more. Now that we can only attack a base a few ph in difference from our own what is the point of making our troops stronger or the walls stronger? Attacking is still the same and their is no material change in game play. If I never get attacked by people with a lower ph why bother.

    This game needs a new direction altogether... Most people are burned out on rumbles. Most maxed players have been playing game for nearly two years now. If I can only quantify my position in the game by repeatedly attacking end over end with no particular skill base involved how do I continue without getting burned out on the repetitiveness. The game has got so narrow minded that if I don't care for a rumble I might as well not play. Many months ago now I could of atleast tried to position myself on the global leaderboard and take a break from rumbles. But midoki has made it clear that they will not only not bring back the leaderboard but they have made it clear they are doing it for their own very selfish reasons. Which is a slap in the face to players who enjoyed that part of the game...

    Please Midoki,

    bring a skill based aspect back to this game... We players like a competition.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
  2. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    As one of those 2 year people that is completely maxed out, I can't agree more. There needs to be a change to gameplay... not new levels or a new troop to max out.... and sadly enough nothing is going to change. There just isn't anything exciting... the events were a glimpse at what could have been... even something as small as making the islands have random Thunderstruck like weather would be something to change gameplay. Even more upsetting is this isn't the first post about this. People have posted suggestions that would make this game something new again. In the end maybe we all decided to play the wrong game ... maybe if we were all flinging birds and lincoln logs we'd all be happy.
    Nat, Pink Taco and Keena-CBD like this.
  3. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    A new PH is not the answer for the players, but it will increase profits for Midoki. So, I can't hate them for that. But adding a new level to everything and a new defense or two are going to fix what is broken. I don't play nearly as much, but this game was a GREAT game for a long time, I'm happy I played it and I got my $'s worth.

    However, there were a few missteps that the creators did that took some of the fun out of the game:
    -The whole legendary debacle, where some people got the coveted ones early and others had to wait a long time to get it.
    -----Then giving us small silos where we had to destroy the materials in order to make room, followed by more randomness of acquiring said materials.
    -I haven't been over 600 PR lately, but for a long time, if you were high up, it was hard to find bases that could fund your raid.
    -Making us fund guild perks instead of just having them be active after they have been built and upgraded. (I get why, but the price of a max stonemason -----is absurd).
    -Pink walls. This is a pirate themed game and now we have to look at a green, gold, and pink base.
    -The randomness of some of the pirates, looking at you Saddie, Bombers and WD's. If I release a group of bombers in one spot, they should all go to the -----same wall and blow that up. Not pick three different walls.
    -Getting rid of the halloween layout.
    -Rumbles, lets be real here, they are gem to win.
    -Streaks, let us be able to donate and fund in between battles.
    There are more that I am forgetting, but I think you get the point.

    Can they fix it, who knows. Unfortunately for me, it is probably too late as the I only collect pumps and raid occasionally. I'll probably never raid as much as I have in the past 667 days, which is kind of sad. Wow, I didn't realize that is how many days I have played.

    There are a few things they could do though:
    -Create things for the guild to work on together, think Boom Beach task orders or w/e it is called.
    -Make it worthwhile to get hire up in PR, like bonuses for 1,2, and 3 stars.
    -Fix some of the issues above
    -Maybe add some pirate theme mini games when you select certain building

    Thats all I got for now and I know this sounds like a long complaint, but please don't take it that way, this was/is a great game for new players. I'm sure the excitement is still there.
  4. Deadwood

    Deadwood Powder Monkey

    I agree with all that Burnz.

    + if you want to farm grog or gold, you need to be online until you reach the goal.. Cause the minute you log off you will loose absurd amount of your savings.
    Mobotts likes this.
  5. Xxx Capt. Jack xxX

    Xxx Capt. Jack xxX Powder Monkey

    Mobotts likes this.
  6. Mobotts

    Mobotts Captain

    I have to agree with the points above. A new ph will get people excited for a couple of weeks until all of the currently maxed players become maxed again, then it will be right back where we are now. Not only is it the older players who are burnt out because they've been playing for two years and rumbling for one, but the way that marching and scoring have gone it makes it nearly impossible for new players to find homes. If new players can't find active guilds to join and help them grow they will quit the game and you are left with maxed out, burnt out players. The idea of throwing in bonuses for higher rank and randomizimg weather on attacks would add in a new layer of skill for sure, but I still think there needs to be more.
    Smelly_Vile and awbo like this.
  7. Lorent.113

    Lorent.113 First Mate

    Il pourrait être bien de trouver une façon de dépenser notre or, comme pouvoir acheter des bonnus d'attaques ou bien alors booster les usines de grog pour qu'elles produisent plus et plus vite

    It might be nice to find a way to spend our gold, like to buy Bonnus attacks or else boost toddy factories for them to produce more and faster]
    Clemsrec, Christy and Mobotts like this.
  8. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    I feel this next major update is make or break for PP. the devs can either give us more of the same, or they can show us some imagination, flair and creativity that takes this game to a new level. If this is all about profit, then you need to provide a reason for people to spend.

    My guild mates are the only reason I still play, and Midoki should be thanking them for that. If this game shows no sign of evolution, then I, and many,many others will be gone.

    Midoki, you are on your final chance.
  9. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    I still play, but sadly not as passionately.

    Battle Point requirements alone kill the joy for many. I mean really, has anyone actually counted the BP's to max train even 1 LP, let alone the major requirements for Academy upgrades, etc?

    My own personal drive at playing has been to achive the next coolest upgrades, etc. I was never concerned about being a top ranking player because of the cost to achive it. When the pinkish upgrades started appearing my drive to play started to decline. I upgraded the GP's and Bunkers, but wasn't happy about it. I didn't even complain until the walls arrived and both levels were pink.

    Walls; if anything, are the most time consuming and unenjoyable of all upgrades. Making them look ultra cool can help keep folks from throwing in the towel.

    For many it's too late. You either keep your L13's and give away your collected Gold or you hit the upgrade button and live with the results for at least 6-12 months. That's about how long it would take me to surpass them for the next offering and by then I question the games own longevity.

    Already forudm activity has dropped at an alarming rate. Why? One can only guess without the facts, but for me it's a sign of people losing intreast.

    At some point the doors will close and all will be lost. I learned this lesson the hard way via Sony's PlayStation Home. So much time spent designing the coolest personal spaces and purchasing the coolest stuff. All gone forever. Not a huge loss if one didn't spend a fortune, but sadly I did. I miss it, but it changed the way I look at digital purchases in general and what a game is really worth. I never felt this loss with over the counter games costing $60 dollars, but then they don't always offer replay value unless they offer an enjoyable online aspect of the game.

    PP has been an enjoyable game, but when the doors close I won't miss it as much as I do PS Home and the community I interacted with. In some respects it's the PP community that has kept many of us playing. Without it PP would probably have already died.

    All any of us can hope for is changes that keep us striving forward.

    Nat, Burnz and Lorent.113 like this.
  10. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    What about other similar games coc etc. Are they still thriving? (Don't play them so don't know).

    If so what makes them work and bring back players time and time again?
  11. Lorent.113

    Lorent.113 First Mate

    Les autres jeux sont aussi basé sur la deffense donc même quand tu joues pas en ligne tu joues quand même. Mais PP pour la deffense c'est à revoir, ce jeu et basé que sur l'attaque !

    [Other games are also based on the defense so even when you're not playing online you play anyway. But PP for the defense is to review, and this game based on the attack!]
  12. Lorent.113

    Lorent.113 First Mate

    Dans beaucoup de jeu il y a même un bouton, quand on appui dessus, on peut tester d'attaquer sa propre base, très efficace pour tester ses deffenses, ainsi tu peux faire plusieurs layout, pour protéger tes ressources ou pour protéger ton Ph...

    [In many game there is even a button, when you support it, you can test to attack its own base, very efficient to test its deffenses, so you can do several layout to protect your resources or to protect your Ph. ..]
    Pink Taco likes this.
  13. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    To me i just need new challenges and goals to reach. So new wall Levels, new skill levels for pirates and legendaries and maybe new legendaries at all, is everything needed to keep me happy and spending.:)

    I can t even remember when i bought the last gem pack for 100 bucks, cause there is no point to do so. No point to rumble(nothing to spend the raided gold for)no point to streak(don t need any materials), no point to buy chests. :( But i understand this is just me.

    Anyway, i m looking forward to the upcoming PH11 update and i hope it will prob keep me busy and spending for the nxt couple months. Thats all i want. ;)
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
    Lorent.113 likes this.
  14. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    I'm sure there will be lots to keep you busy for a few months.

    It's the people that gem upgrades soon as the new update comes out which I don't get, why not wait for things to finish etc, makes it last longer as it's always about 6 months before another big update so why be bored before then with nothing to do.
  15. Lorent.113

    Lorent.113 First Mate

    I am agree with you @Hawkbeard. But many spend gems only for buy troops and not for upgrades anything !
  16. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    That is true. I can see why people gem troops , especially in events of rumbles. Just not on buildings soon as new stuff comes out. Some spend a fortune of real money (that's up to them I know, lol) just to be the first to have everything done etc.
    Lorent.113 likes this.
  17. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Think we gem the Pirate Hall because we can't wait a week to see all the new toys and upgrades (plus we hate tossing gold).

    Think we gem the Academy (and Voodoo Hut) because we can't wait to get all our troops training (and we hate dumping grog).

    Think we gem the lighthouse and ship because we can't wait to start exploring the new map (don't think there will be any new maps this update).

    The rest of the stuff, we can usually wait to gem. Think during updates with new PH and Academy levels, many people that would never normally gem rush a building become gemmers.

    Remember, they will start to advertise 2-3 weeks before the new update with PH11 drops. If we get an update before then, don't get overly excited as It might be nothing.
    Pink Taco and HornyQuokka like this.
  18. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    +1 to what @Spongee said. Thats exactly how i do it. Most of my gems are for troops and streaking, only.
  19. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    Really hope they start with the update news soon, looking like it will be more end of August now.

    Wondering what the new ph11 will be like, plus what the new wall colour will be Lol.
  20. Lorent.113

    Lorent.113 First Mate

    Transparent for more difficulties

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