Last Chance, Midoki

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lady blackbeard, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. 311Hokie

    311Hokie Powder Monkey

    I know most members of my guild have been playing PP for over two years so I think we've been quite patient thank you very much. I've been incredibly impressed by how quickly Midoki when from a max PH7 to PH11 in the first two years of the game, however if we're honest the only other thing added to gameplay has been rumbles. For those of us who've been playing for a long time have observed the drastic slowdown between updates from when the game started. What gives?

    Personally, the only reason I continue playing this game is due to my incredible guild and the potential this game has. There really isn't anything like it in terms of gameplay and graphics IMHO. It's why I've play this game for so long and will continue to try to for as long as I can stand it.

    I have gotten tired of PP though for the same reasons listed above. For those that think the status quo is ok, believe me a time will come when you are in the same position as many longtime players are. I realize that PP is pay to play - Midoki does have to pay salaries and make money (duh). However, using that as justification for never adding anything new to the game that could jeopardize the rumble "cash cow" is a bit short-sighted IMHO. Players will only continue to do the same thing over, and over, and over, and over (I could keep going) endlessly as we do in rumbles.

    If I were a game designer, I would try to add something to the game that a) Requires teamwork and guild participation (again, players in strong guilds tend to stay within a game longer and often peer pressure each other into buying more gems), b) Requires some type of skill, and c) Adds a new type of inter-clan competition. This could resemble something like CoC's Clan Wars. Now I know that people will argue that clan wars doesn't require extreme gemming and may reduce Midoki's income. Personally, I think that's stupid as there's always a way to monetize something other than creating another wall level! For example, perhaps players would be given 2 attacks at the start of each "war" but would have the option to "purchase" a single reattack for a nominal fee (I'd spend a buck for a big rumble) if they didn't 3 star a base? This would add a new level of competition, and allow players who prefer skill rather than brute force.

    Just an idea - it would certainly get me playing and (more importantly) spending more...
  2. Odog-ethan

    Odog-ethan Crew

    I'm like most bored and tired although still enjoy the game and love my guild. A few easy things could be done much along the lines as the guy who commented on Star Wars. I recently started a new game and they do several things that seem easy to apply and would help some. One they give rewards for a daily log in each concescutive day of the month. It wouldn't have to be much give some bp that would help the ones just starting and every 10 days maybe give like 10 gems. 2. They have a special event on weekends only. EVERY weekend maybe this could be as simple as replacing 3-4 strongholds on map. 3 they actually give you gems every 24 hrs yes the thing u pay for!! Not many but something! Maybe like 5 gems every 24 hrs. 4 offer ads as a way to reduce time it takes to get something you want. Personally I would like to see watch an ad reduce troop rehire by 50%. What they would lose in gemmers is most likely covered by what they would get by so many more ads being watched. But if not that maybe like watch an ad and lower cost of an lp level up by 50% money or building time cut in half by 25%. Now none of these seem to hard to implement or would cost modki much profit. Just my 2 cents
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  3. Calabiyau

    Calabiyau Crew

    And Midoki still silence...
    Lady McBeth likes this.
  4. Fil

    Fil Captain

    Please tell me this doesn't surprise you
    Calabiyau likes this.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    Which is why me and my wallet have moved on to another game involving war and a few dragons that does WEEKLY events with insane rewards. I still log into PP to send my ship out, why I dunno as I have over 600k EP and a silo so full I can't open any chests. But, I hold out in hopes of new content, something, anything. But, if the lack of snow for Christmas was any indication, I am not hopeful, not hopeful at all......
    lady blackbeard likes this.
  6. Calabiyau

    Calabiyau Crew

    Doesn't surprise me,

    We are Legion

    Summon the power of love, please Midoki, pray for us!
    Fil likes this.
  7. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    I know! Maybe we can send them a tweet! It seems to be how things are done now!
    Calabiyau and peg-brain bob like this.
  8. Calabiyau

    Calabiyau Crew

    Midoki are you there? Something new for us? :)
  9. Calabiyau

    Calabiyau Crew

    Please don't leave us ! :rolleyes:
  10. Giraffe

    Giraffe Powder Monkey

    There is an easy way to get midoki to finally speak but it is an unpopular one. If everyone didn't buy or spend a single gem over one week, they would come and speak to us. I stopped weeks ago but need all of the rumble guilds to agree dates. If we then posted on here what was happening, I'm sure midoki would finally get it.
    Like a few people, I have started playing clash again who have continual events and challenges. They have also reduced rearming costs.
    I'm afraid, midoki just don't care about this game any more. Hopefully, they may be working on a new game though and that's why they ignore us. This game was the best game out in the market but unfortunately, the game is dead.
    Come on midoki, either do something or launch a new game.
    Lady McBeth, Calabiyau and Odog-ethan like this.
  11. Odog-ethan

    Odog-ethan Crew

    I agree giraffe I won't spend another cent on this game until there is new content, and no I don't just mean another wall level. Great game but needs a huge overhaul a massive reduction in troop rehire,defense rearm costs so many great things yet so many things need improvement
    Calabiyau likes this.
  12. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    You'll never get the participation needed for a gem boycott for one simple reason, many people still enjoy the game.

    For someone to say nothing new has been added in two years beyond new PH levels and rumbles is extremely inaccurate and a statement I already addressed in another thread.

    Why is Midoki quiet? Because when they do try to provide some insight about future plans people tend to view their comments as absolute. Players never take into account the myriad of factors that can alter plans. Remember, when Chris says something is probably due in an update very soon, last minute unforeseen things happen. QA review and Apple policies can dictate last minute changes. A exploit that was overlooked by the designers might be caught by the QA department, stopping a planned feature from being included in an update. Then we expect Chris to get on and give us weekly updates about a delay...why....when...etc... Chris is very busy running the business, handling changes while wearing several different hats. He is probably quite overwhelmed, I can see why they decide it is just best to not post here. Just as the designers need to prioritize features/upgrades, Chris has to prioritize his overwhelmed management responsibilities.

    Think the people who are frustrated with the current pace of PP should step away from the game for 6 months or a year. I am sure if/when they return they will be quite pleased with the direction the game took in 2017 and the new features added.

    People seem to forget Midoki had always been responsive to our requests as players when those requests are reasonable. If you ask for no gem rumbles, it won't happen. If you ask for more cooperative guild events that are less gem dependent, it will probably happen. If you ask for lower gem costs for purchasing mats/chests it probably won't happen. If you ask for ways to get more free chests/mats, it will probably happen. You can't expect a company in business to make money for its investors to make a game free to play and expect it to grow and thrive. But would not be unreasonable to expect added features less gem dependent if those features are balanced out with more revenue producing features. I agree, during the Rovio error there seemed to be some stagnation when it came to the pace of change. But from a business and management standpoint, their current modus operandi seems rather reasonable for most software development companies, and in my opinion better than most when it comes to actually caring about player input. These games get boring after a while, and some people just need change. Very few developers have been successful in their attempts to hold players long term, it is basic human nature for people get bored and move on. PP is no different.
  13. Floki

    Floki Captain

    When it's same same everyday it gets boring it has ever been the people that kept me here but I drifted away mainly because my lack of play made me feel like I was letting them down.

    As for Midoki the lack of saying anything is the worst sin just be honest! Tell us what's really going on...we have empathy and we would support.....I would have
    Lady McBeth likes this.
  14. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    @Floki I think new features are in the works, not sure how soon they will arrive, but fingers crossed we will see something soon. I think there still is hope for this game.
  15. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Well I admire your positivity but like I said just a little communication would have been nice.
  16. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Whilst I agree with @Spongee 100% this is a business and whilst the freemium model exists in the end Midoki needs money to develop and grow. But I also agree with @Floki communication and sales is just as important as developing a product and feel a few updates here would go a long way.

    I for one will continue to support Midoki both here and financially with a few gems here and there. As games go PP is not bad at least we only have to buy gems and not yearly subscriptions (premium play) as some games are starting to introduce (along with gems).
  17. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I agree. Wish they would keep us small group of forum members a little more updated on plans and progress. If I was management, I certainly would. Not really disagreeing about the need to do so and related benefits, just saying I can understand why they don't.
    peg-brain bob, Dog Breath and Ian like this.
  18. Bjays92

    Bjays92 Captain

    I don't disagree with u. Transparency on these forums r needed, this is such a small group anyway, but will never happen if ppl complain every time they don't get something, or get upset every time a planned feature is delayed. @Chris [Midoki] could you mayb give us a hint as to when we might be seeing new features (like the global leaderboard)
  19. Giraffe

    Giraffe Powder Monkey

    As spongee states, midoki are a business trying to make money. What they have to remember is they are a service company. Without players, their business will fold as no money will come in.i work in a service company as well. If I ignored my clients as much as midoki, I would be sacked.
    All I say is communicate. I enjoy the game only when something to do. As we are all aware, we have lost so many people over the last 6 months and losing more every day. Without players, no matter how much people enjoy the game, the game won't be worth playing.
    I know there are people who do get feedback from midoki but for me, I would like midoki to send a 5 minute update once a month. Are we not worth 5 minutes a month? I think members on forum are mostly the most active so it's the minimum I would expect.
    Midoki could learn from clash who finally learned that communication is all that is required to keep players happy. At the moment, we feel ignored.
    Come on midoki, we are decent people, we don't need promises but need developers to keep in touch with your players. Let's get this game going again. The fact we are all on here waiting for news or at least a conversation from midoki, shows our loyalty to this once brilliant game.
    I appreciate it may take time to create new challenges but a simple one could be introducing small challenges every two weeks ie. Rewards for attacking with certain types of troops. That is very simple to introduce and will keep people interested until you complete the new challenges.
    MorganFlint, Bjays92 and McQ like this.
  20. Calabiyau

    Calabiyau Crew

    100% agree :):)

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