After Active Skulls avoided a rumble with LS, it looks like Spongee went looking for them These guilds are seriously in different post codes when it comes to rumbles. From what I'm seeing Laughing Skulls is on full coast mode already.
A wee update. If you know Laughing Skulls and what they can do in a rumble, then you'd know they are cruising this one. Just a shame that Active Hope didn't push harder. One unbeaten record gone, another quite healthy. This is one I really wanted to play in.
Oh the irony. The rumble is frozen and has been for the last hour, with 1 minute left. Stealing the reward from LS...
At least Active Hope will be able to take the family out for dinner tonight. Laughing Skulls will be eating pbj sandwiches tonight with the amount of money they spent on that rumble. Haha
I'm quite sure Laughing Skulls will be dining on Lobster and Steak tonight. Maybe popping a few bottles of celebratory champagne in the process. The few gems spent is negligible to them I am sure.
A "few gems" LOL. Try a few thousand Gems!! Just like in everything, if you have the money you can buy your Championship. Isn't that right LS?
Obviously you account seems to have been setup to rag on Laughing Skulls. Just shows the poor attitude of some players on certain teams. Not a single post congratulating LS from the Active Hope guild.
Speaking of buying a winning record... How many of Active Hope wins over other teams were result of outspending the other team? Oh wait, forgot AH doesn't buy gems. They live in a magical world where the rules of raiding does not apply to them. Their players manage to raid dozens of times and score over 800 BP without spending a single gem. I've heard of this place. It has unicorns, elves and flying horses (which drop s*** on innocent passer-byers, sort of like the s*** AH is trying to pass off on everyone around here). Someone finally beats them, and they whine because the other team devoted more time and spent more gems. smh
Hey Shark bait, get your facts straight dude! First I never said buying a winning record. I said buying a Championship in which LS did. Second AH never said they don't use gems. They said they only use them when other guilds starts using them. I'm sure everyone in the top 100 use's gem's, They just don't have a boatload of money to spend like LS. So stop twisting around what everyone say's.
They have a boatload of gems How else would pirates transport precious cargo And for the record, think anyone who spends that much is crazy. Our little guild can't compete against you big guns, but we have fun in the rumbles anyways. For us, rumbles are more exciting never knowing the outcome. I Imagine they get boring if there is no challenge. Glad we don't have to worry about that, as almost every rumble is a challenge for us. Unlike some here, we don't care if we win or lose, we are in it for the fun of it.
Good job LS! And it doesn't take that many gems to put up a decent score. Many players are already spending plenty of gems farming walls; do that during a rumble and you can easily put 500-1k bp just with your typical farming. Across 50 members, I'd expect an undefeated* guild like AH to manage more than an average of 240 points per member. When I'm not riding out shields I can easily pass that without spending a single gem! *formerly
Thanks for the kind words, those who added the kind words. Those who voiced frustrations or added less than positive comments, this is a public forum and all opinions are welcomed. To Shark Bait, you are just a weird dude! I am glad Laughing Skulls had the opportunity to rumble against Active Hope, only seemed appropriate. I am sure there are many great and competitive players in their guild who hate the thought of losing, just like ours. I realize comments of a few do not always represent the guild as a whole. Some players in Active Hope kept raiding hard until the finish. Respect to those Active Hope players who were up to the challenge and never quit the fight until it was over. Glad both teams were able to provide entertainment to some in the PP community and answer the question as to which guild was stronger for those who may have been curious. It was a fun rumble for our team. Many were excited when AH showed up in our rumble match. Must admit, we were looking to be matched up against them for the past week, changing our rumble start time to earlier in the day in hopes of finding them.
There is a lot said in that rumble I will give Congrats to LS on their win very nice BP u guys bought that I mean EARNED win I would also like to say that Midoki u r the real winners here for couple in my crew were hardheaded aswell and bought gems Active hope still In the open seas rumbling 24/7 we give our best effort & work as a team walk with our head held high with an 85/1 record