Loot system Broken/inaccurate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sommiez, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Sommiez

    Sommiez Crew

    I am a pirate hall lvl 4 and was recently attacked by a pirate hall 5
    I had about 420k gold in my storage and lost 125k gold ????? HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?
    You are suppose to lose 20% of the loot of your storage and 125k gold isn't 20% percent of 420k....
    Please check up on this as it's very frustrating, because it took a long time to farm that if you're a low level

  2. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    Ye that doesn't seem right....roughly 25%...maybe was the attacker a lower PH ?
  3. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Can you post a screenshot?
  4. Sommiez

    Sommiez Crew

    The attacker was a higher pirate hall as I mentioned above

    Attached Files:

    Gol D Roger likes this.
  5. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Can you also show the amount of loot you had available in the raid?
  6. Sommiez

    Sommiez Crew

    i had about 421k gold
  7. Sommiez

    Sommiez Crew

    And lost 120k on the raid, they got it all
  8. Razor

    Razor Crew

  9. Havel

    Havel Powder Monkey

    Maybe I'm mistaken and in don't mean to be rude

    But in that pic it says you lost 124,244 gold. And under your battle history it say you still have 375,872 gold.

    + 375,871
    = 500,084

    124,244k is actually Less than 20% of that total 500,084k haul.

    Given the atk was 2 hours prior and your GPH at the time, you most likely had exactly 496,976k gold at the moment of attack, making the 124,244k loss, exactly 20%. And the 20% loss calculation correct..

    Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss or dispute. The math and works out though.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  10. Razor

    Razor Crew

    Wow nice math, i'm impressed
  11. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I didn't know you could be attacked by a higher TH player. At least I haven't for now.
  12. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    @Havel Nice Math Bro Totally Correct but missed 1 number it's actually 496.978 k not 496.976 k
  13. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Explanation : You See Its 2 hours but don't know how many minutes if it was about 2:20 Ago it's 496.978 but if it's exactly 2 hours then it's 496.976
  14. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Just to clarify as I think some people may be getting confused.

    For the storage buildings (gold and grog) you can steal up to 50% from each structure
    For the gold mines and grog distilleries you can also steal up to 50% from each structure

    This amount however is capped to 20% of the total capacity for that structure. Hope that helps :)
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  15. Razor

    Razor Crew

    I'm not sure if I get it, you can steal up to half of the resources in a collector but you can only steal 20% of it if it was full?
  16. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    So It's Like This If Your Collectors full They Can steal up to 50% say you have max of 7.500 in your collectors they can steal 50% of all collectors combined
    And Say You Have 100.000 Gold In Your Storage They Can steal 50% from That
    Then All Of Them Is Total To 20% Of All Of Your Collectors And Storages Combined Turns Into 20%
  17. Mister Owl

    Mister Owl Powder Monkey

    Chris' answer makes perfect sense. An example might help.

    Let's say your collector has a maximum capacity of 100 units. When you get raided, it happens to have 10 units of "stuff". The attacker will get 50% of what's there, i.e., 5 units. In another example, lets say you have 50 units of stuff. Note that 50% of 50 is 25. The attacker will not get 25 units of stuff, and that is because the cap is 20% of the maximum, and in this example, 20% of 100 is 20. So instead of 25, the attacker gets 20.

    In other words, up to 50% but no more than 20% of the maximum storage capacity.

    These types of rules are in place so that someone doesn't get their entire cache of resources pilfered when they sleep due to death from a thousand cuts (assuming none of the attack triggers a substantial shield). It's a good rule.
  18. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    whaaaa? I don't get it either. I can steal 50% out of a gold bank building, but at the same time it's capped in total at 20%??
  19. Havel

    Havel Powder Monkey

    If your said structure has a capacity of 10000k, but only yields 1000k resources in it at the time of raid, they can only get 500 from it. With a maximum of 2000k being lootable (assuming it was full to the brim)
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  20. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    aaah ok, now I see. Thx for explaining:D was a little bit confused there atm ;)

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