Max base design...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barbed, Feb 25, 2015.


Do you like max base design and colors?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I'd change some

  1. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    Fully trained army is way too strong VS. Maxed PH8 base, and with an active training ground, which gives an extra + 50 thoughtless to the troops, especially for gunners, is too powerful. Additionally, Within the protection of the which doctors, gunners now are literally indestructible! ! :(
    I wish we can have a stronger base!
  2. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    We should plunder about 400 000 000 of gold to upgrade 9 to 11 walls for what? - to get one brick +500 (one second of one bomber attack) easily taken out and whole army passes through...
  3. CyborgGR

    CyborgGR First Mate

    Totally unfair society here.... Golden walls, canons, and hall, but pirates still go to a wooden 1x1 toilet.... I OBJECT!
  4. That is where the depth of the game comes in, we only have 30 seconds to assess and 3 minutes to fight, we have a large build area we can/should use, the impact of water on troop movement, the size of the beach, the use of air troop and the wind direction, the use of walls to direct troop, the positioning of mines, and each troop have their own idiosyncrasy we can use to our advantage/benefit. A stronger base may now mean something different then just a compact rectangle, a lot more to explore!
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    I've looked at the win/loss stats, comparing figures for attackers with each of the Pirate Hall levels versus defenders with each of the Pirate Hall levels, and so far there's no indication that the defences have suddenly become comparatively weaker compared to previous PH levels. However it's early days for PH8, so we'll be keeping an eye on the figures to see if there's any unexpected changes, as well as listening to community feedback (as after all, raw figures never tell the full story, including 'the tale of the pirate who deliberately left her base exposed to protect her resources' and 'the legend of the pirate who deliberately lost because he wanted to drop rank').
  6. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    PLEASE leave it the way it is. i like the boost in offense. these type of games should always favor the offense, if only by a little. i hated attempting to tackle a maxed PH7 and losing 14+ PR because my troops couldn't take down even half the base. using the same strategy on the same style base would result in many different outcomes. there was never a sure thing. i feel more confident now in attacking most any base that i can at least 1 star it. it was quite boring attacking the exact same layout base once you hit 600+. having a little stronger offense will force people to be more creative in their designs to ensure a victory or minimize the damage on defense.
  7. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    The best balance for me was just before PH8 release, when almost half of attacks failed. You needed to try hard planning attack and keep an eye on the battle.
    Now we just "fire and forget", not only me. Its just my humble opinion, Lynsey, but the stats you see now doesn't show what gonna happen, most people are farming now, I guess what will be when we come up back with max base and army in 1-1,5 months and I got reasons for it. Max bases won't stand at all, take my bet.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  8. Kakashi

    Kakashi Crew

    I totally agree with @J0ck0, this game is about plundering. The boost in offence will make people more creative and it is GOOD FOR THE GAME.!!!!
    Captain Didwell likes this.
  9. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Yep, we're definitely keeping an eye on the stats, but bear in mind that we are comparing like for like - so far the win/loss stats for PH 8 players attacking PH 8 bases are very similar to that of PH 7 players attacking PH 7 bases (and PH 4 vs PH 4, PH5 vs PH5, PH 6 vs PH 6 ...). We also do a lot of internal testing using max level troops against max level bases (as well as testing troops of one level against bases of one level lower and one level higher, etc).
    Smelly_Vile likes this.
  10. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    I understand that balance must be set by overall stats, not for the minority of top players. But I already see army that need 2-3 ups for max taking maxed base with 3 stars easily doing nothing outstanding. Also, farming at low levels, I attack bases with the same level as mine and I just vipe em out in 2 minutes with total. Any of them, thats not brag, thats fear of what gonna happen on regular basis at the top. Lets see
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
    小绿(Green) likes this.
  11. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    i think the thing that needs to be fixed is requiring high PR level players to three star a base in order to get any PR (and only ONE PR, at that). i think the PR scoring/ranking needs an overhaul. you should award PR on PH and upgrade levels and not PR level. PR level is for show. nothing more. but a high PR player shouldn't be punished for one or two-starring a maxed base that is equivalent to theirs just because their PR is higher.
  12. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    We're already test running a new matchmaking system that takes PH level into account, along with rejigging rewards. It should also stop high PH players dropping rank and smashing lower level players to bits/lower level players being presented with bases that their troops have no hope of plundering.
    Smelly_Vile, Barbed, JimmyM32 and 2 others like this.
  13. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    YAY! i never quite understood the logic behind game designers matchmaking based on rank, honor, or whatever. it always made more sense to me to match on castle level, upgrades, and troop upgrades versus anything else. i think the idea might have been not punishing early or premature upgraders, but it ends up having the opposite effect. it drives high level bases down to low ranks for easier loot, etc. it will only get worse when guild wars begin.
  14. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @Lynsey [Midoki] That post just made my year. This is desperately needed, however, I really hope that this system is based on providing incentives for ranking up, rather than penalizing people who don't. The two main reasons people bully the baby bases are to get BP, because they can't get enough from the map, and because there is a severe Cost/Benefit problem attacking above PR 300. (All bases require a full army, but there's barely enough loot to break even, much less pay for upgrades... unless you Next 50-75x). I just hope that the goal of this new system is not to penalize the bottom-feeding high ranks; rather, give them a compelling reason to pull a George Jefferson and Move on up. ;)
  15. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    Nope, friend, you just need more practice. Before the update, getting 100% in the high ranking basically i'snt that hard, everyone in my guild is able to do it and we barely lose. They probably lose 1/5, and some 1/10 rounds against the ennemies.

    Now it's even easier (with a very very powerful Ching Shih, who can lead the bommbers to go to the right direction). Even though I've dropped my rank to farm PH8 walls, I still only attack Maxed PH7+ bases and i've attacked more than 200 maxed bases since the update (I play on my gf's account too) with no single lose, and 90% of the time I can destroy 100%.

    Some of the people I've attacked already have all the defenses upgraded to the highest PH8 level except the walls, and with my level 6 ONLY academy, I still can easily destroy thier bases at 100%. Not only me. Everyone in my guild is capable to do so. If only people in my guild could write in english, It will result hundreds of people complaining about the troops being too powerful!

    We have discussed this a lot in our little chat room. So, I'm not only expressing my thought, but also theirs.

    What @Barbed said is totally true! Trust us, we are the most experienced players
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  16. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    I like the term "Smashing" !!! :D:D
  17. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    well then you and your guild members must have never attacked my base when i was at PH7 because i don't think that i was ever three-starred, and i was up as high as 780 PR. maybe you can share with us the secret to your success since you can write in English. i'm down in the 150s now farming for upgrades, but i haven't been three-starred yet down here, either (and i've had full gold and grog vaults up for grabs). some have tried, but none have gotten over 49% (even with the classic bomber, jug, and wd with Ching combo)...i'm sure that will change when i push PR, but only time will tell. come down and visit me. i'll fill my vaults for you.
  18. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    Sure thing if I only can find you ;)! And it's suprising to hear that you have never been three-stareed in that PR range. And I think i recall your name, in the game you have two emojis at each side of your name.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  19. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Funny, I smell the burning axle grease that usually precedes a major thread derailment. ;)
  20. Bathplug

    Bathplug Powder Monkey

    My only gripe would be the ground pounder lvl2 colors of light gold and baby blue/silver as they don't quite match with everything else. And the fact lvl 11 walls, mortors and gun towers are made from wood.

    Also I have maxed academy 6 troops and rarely managed to 100% a th7 base. Specially that common base with the ground pounder at the back and two corridors down the sides. So what are the go to combination of troops for attacking maxed th7 bases?

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015

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