midoki finally ruined the game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oak Doak, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Well spoken @Tex, I think your feelings are shared by many longtime players, even if not aired publicly
  2. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I think when maxers realize LPs are a walk to the moon they will find somewhere else to go. I assume the idea was "nobody will be maxing LPs soon (in their lifetime) so nobody will complain" or something like that.

    I still have some hope for something we can do other than send a ship out for 24 hours, hope for LP materials, drop to get grog, train a pirate. It is pure tedium.
  3. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    I like to have some flair when I share attack vids with my LP.
    Fil likes this.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    But seriously. Several people still only have 4. You are ahead of the game.
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I honestly don't like the random system and LP rarity issue. I just know the continual threads and posts don't help the issue. Midoki has acknowledged that they are aware of everyone's complaints and that they don't plan on changing there policy. It sucks, but life isn't fair.
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    We have a right to air our grievances as loud and often as we wish.
    If Midoki doesn't want to listen it's their problem.
    It sucks we have to resort to that, but life isn't fair.
    Bl00dBaTh and cmooneey like this.
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    But what people are doing is being selfish. And it's turned what used to be a helpful place to learn and get help (this forum) into a complaint department. Thread after thread addressing the same issues. Going to threads not about their problems and high jacking them to complain. It just kills it. That's why several of the people who used to contribute here no longer post. Or post rarely.
    I genuinely feel sorry for any new players or new forum members who came here hoping to find a community. Instead they've found the angry mob..
  8. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Yes. We are an angry mob with pitchforks in hand screaming for Midoki to listen.
    If you are a new player save yourself a lotta heartache and find another game.
    Or don't.
    850arrr likes this.
  9. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    If they cared about their image to new and upcoming players they wouldn't respond with "thats the way it is and we don't plan on changing it". There has never been a discussion, just one side airing everything they feel is unjust and the other side quoting a FAQ section.

    No one made this the complain center... they gave us a place to talk about how we feel about the game... they just gave us fuel for the fire. What would ever make them think its a GOOD idea to ignore these posts and just post that they continue to serve injustice to the players that care enough to speak out?

    Is there a reason the refuse to change the LP system? People do tend to accept ideas better when they know the reasoning behind it. To those who are unhappy it only seems to be a stubborn way of ignoring the issue.
    850arrr and Tex like this.
  10. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I personally don't understand the blow up about LPs. I rarely even use mine, and I have Ching. I guess Ching and Annabelle are good additions, but most times I don't even think to use them or they are upgrading and I cant use them. They aren't necessary to win. I see them more as a novelty (perhaps that will change a year down the road when I have them modestly upgraded). I do understand frustrations with boats coming week after week with the same pirates--that does let the wind out of the sails of the LP launch (might have been better to spread the pirates out over a period of time with one non-repeat pirate on board, or no repeats until all have arrived once). But I don't see LPs as being the big deal making people leave the game or turn this forum into a bitch fest. For me, the frustration is that there is just nothing to do. Sailing for materials or building those last few walls certainly isn't what will keep people in the game. With ranking up being dead, rumbles being a gem fest, and war no where on horizon--that is why people are leaving. My perception is that LPs are just a scapegoat for complaints about deeper unrest with the game. So, Midoki needs to wake up and prioritize certain fixes/additions that need to be done sooner rather than later--such as fixing rank up issues and adding recruitment tools--and before more updates that don't fix existing big problems and gaps (or add more bugs). It was really disheartening to many that war is not closer.
  11. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    War!!!!!! -side note. War that isn't highly incentivized by using gems. ;)
    cmooneey likes this.
  12. LYM

    LYM Captain

    ive notice a lot of people quiting since the legendarys
  13. This is probably not what Midoki wants to hear but, imo, if you are upset take some time off. I left for almost a year, came back a few weeks ago and am having fun again. And I actually spent a decent amount of money (for me) on gems to attack more/buy chests. I'm sure eventually I'll get bored/annoyed enough to take another break but then I'm sure I'll come back and play with the new updates.
  14. Does not discriminate against me for my language. seek the truth or content behind. Simple. Fair.
  15. Floki

    Floki Captain

    You know I never bother to read these threads these days its moan this and blawdy blawwww that!...This is a game so bring back your child like sense of wonder with it all and let your imagination take you to that place. Seriously..And if you take all this so seriously why bother?
    And if you need to complain about this games short comings how do you cope with REAL problems?
    Love the game of go away!
  16. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I agree with you to an extent--this is a game and should be treated as such. Some seem to take it too seriously, and this forum has definitely soured and is not much fun to read. However, if you love a game and devote daily time to it for over a year and sink money into it and build relationships in it, it becomes part of your life, and if you feel the game is going astray, your investment should compel you to speak up with goal of saving or making it better. So voicing criticism simply reflects that people actually do love this game otherwise they wouldn't be so passionate in their criticism-cause if they didn't care then why bother? But what I would like to see is criticism becoming more constructive and less dead horse beating and vicious. Personally, I've cut way back in the game and am taking a breather, just waiting to see if better content is released for the maxed players. So those who are so upset, I'd recommend the same thing @WhiteHotBeard said above--take a short term break from the game. This is still a great game but does not have much to offer for the end-gamers. Hopefully Midoki wakes up to that, but until then, give your constructive criticism, and if you are still unsatisfied, take a break. I still enjoy logging in from time to time, but I have ceased checking it every hour.
  17. Fil

    Fil Captain

    So you played for like 2 weeks, then took that year off and have been back for like a week?

    And i gotta say im glad to see some of the people who have left (or simply claim to have left even though they log on and play daily at least they dont talk much anymore) leave, its made things better. Addition by subtraction
  18. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I spent my money I made my relationships I play my game and enjoy a few within the game. But I have no attachment if it no longer is fun I will put it aside and keep the few people there after and have no regrets or morne the time or the money I spent as I have simply gotten more than I have given so the ledger is in my favour.
    Oh there are issues and it ain't perfect but it's level as in we all have the same game! all be it played in very individual ways.

    On Midoki if he has a failing it would be lack of communication not his game play because THAT can be accepted when updated and we are made to feel loved...It would quiet the rumbling.
    Or the actuary has done the numbers and as one falls off another will take his place...Comforting thoughts.:p
  19. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    But what does that tell you? If there's thread after thread after thread about the same issue, does that not show there is something terribly wrong? If a forum goes from a nice place to a terrible one because of changes made or introduction of new content, if all you find is anger it's a very good indication that there's problems. And Midoki's response is "We're not changing anything"

    I don't care about getting LP's, but I care about others not getting them because of a system that makes no sense. It bothers me to see so many angry people here, losing interest in the game because of it.
    The only thing that bothers me is map payouts, I think if you hit a 5 star Monster it should pay better than a 1 star, but lucky for me they are addressing that, they've fixed it in the next update thank god.
    cmooneey likes this.
  20. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It doesn't say much at all about the game. It says a great deal more about the quality of people here.

    The forums went to pot before the LP situation.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015

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